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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. fwiw I was in Tokyo for the 18-1 season, and they had bars open before 6 am for the game. I paid $50 for all you can drink beers and a buffet breakfast at halftime. Apparently, this bar put on English Premier league games so they were used to opening early. Fun fact - you don't get the commercials on the international feed, so on the breaks they just had the players milling around on the field. tbh, I don't think I'd like too early of a kickoff. No one around here has parties or anything so I usually make nachos or pizza and chat here and watch the game. It's not putting me out in that sense, but I like to get up and get ready. I hung out with a sports journalist from one of the local papers.
  2. I actually watched for the first time in a while. I liked the pacing, and both teams were aggressive getting the ball in play. The Rangers OF besides the big catch made a few other good running down the ball catches too. There was a good throw into the cut off that looked like it saved a run too. Terrible baserunning error, but he knew he blew it. I'm not really rooting for Houston, but I can't say Verlander pitched bad.
  3. I'm on E3, and I'm enjoying the show. I do wish there was more time on the Chinese ship though. I liked the atmosphere. Please tell me I'm not the only one who caught Ed quoting Whitesnake in E4.
  4. Did they say why they cancelled it?
  5. I must have missed the UN hearings on spy agencies. I don't know why Archer was so squeamish about Pam peeing. They used to do it all the time. I'm glad we're ending the show with Pam in the field on a getaway. Yeesh. I didn't think Archer would cut off his hand, but foreshadowing. Cyril got a good speech too!
  6. I'm pleased to take my fair share of the credit for calling Ben leaping into himself then into the accelerator again was the cause for losing him. Though I don't think it's that hard of a guess. I was hoping Ian was working with Janice though. I like that Ian never gave up. Although Ian could have just said 'the code is xxxxx'. Not, 'ok it's 5 digits, here it is.' Episodes that are self-contained like this are always cool. I don't get in bank robberies on tv why the bank people are all defending the money. "Give me the code." "Ok. Let me go over and help you open the door too." Ian dropping off in the middle was cool too. Although, I kind of wanted to see Ben do one more leap solo. Oooh, the new guy is friends with everyone! I understand Ben wants to talk to Addison, but he's being a bit much to not consider three years have passed. I'd like to see how Magic dealt with the shuttering of the project too. I don't know if I like the sort of-reset button so soon. I don't mind per se, but I would have liked Addison to wrestle with it more. She's all about service, and these leaps are really the highest form of service in a way. I could see that bringing her back. In 1986? Sadly, yes. I still have to go to the bank, and it's awful. The branch I go to has only one entrance/exit.
  7. He's probably worse than the slop at his restaurant.
  8. Sheer force of will. She was in tremendous pain. There's definitely intent. Moiraine thought she was still. Writing "I've been stilled" is the truth as she sees it, even if she actually wasn't. Notice when Rand broke the shield she said to Lanfear, "Ishamael took the Power away from me" or something like that. 100% true. Also, pretty sneaky, sis. I'm not so sure. Suiane said "You swore to obey me" and she was forced to close the gate. She didn't have any control. Yes. To be fair, there was a Darkfriend on the ship - Suroth. Moiraine is allowed to use the power against Darkfriends. There's no oaths against collateral damage.
  9. I'm only on episode 2, but I'm enjoying the Chinese pirate ship.
  10. Wow Butters. Ok. I like that the premise isn't explained at all.
  11. Paramilitary organization at that. It's not like they were training to be diplomats or strictly used for peacekeeping missions. They're not supposed to be Generals. Anakin was a security guard at one point. Kenobi was the hermit type largely because he was tasked with watching over Luke, but you have ronin like Ahsoka who just travel to spread their philosophy or train someone like Sabine who was very depressed and needed some focus.
  12. That's why I wish the whole jedi concept just was left as ronin and not all this huge thing. That could be his intent. Maybe he didn't want to call them up because he doesn't have the right radio codes anymore. Ahsoka could have decided to train Sabine as a way for Sabine to deal with losing Ezra too.
  13. By the time Anakin killed him that was nearly their 4th or 5th rematch if you're counting the Clone Wars. Dooku handled both of them 2 on 1 a couple of times. You get better and more skilled. Dooku maybe got arrogant.
  14. That's the whole point of Ahsoka walking away from the order. I would say becoming adept at the sabre would require training from someone who knows what they're doing. My guess is that you're naturally better at it if you're strong in the force simply because you can anticipate the opponent more. Which makes the total beat down Kenobi gives Vader even more impactful. This is more of a ronin point of view, which was quite pleasing for me to see Baylan use that word. In the Clone Wars, I'd say a lot of those who escaped Order 66 did precisely because of their 'war training' for lack of a better term. Especially Ahsoka. This is really the question of the whole post ROTJ galaxy.
  15. I think that was my quote. But, yes, I thought it was manufactured drama to drive a wedge between the two because plot. They could have achieved the same endpoint without trashing Otis, and I don't buy Eric would allow them to talk about Otis like that. To be fair, I think Abbi said something, but the scene ending like 'eh'.
  16. From the pictures, it looks like Leland isn't a police chief anymore. So on top of the pandemic, you take the regular routine of Monk working with him, and I can buy it.
  17. I get that banter and cross talk are part of those morning shows, but don't just fabricate either. Neither Swift or the NFL are hurting financially.
  18. Wow is John right about the airports, and wow is that Hanson lady a piece of work. I couldn't identify a Taylor Swift song if you bonked me over the head with it, and even I feel bad for this lady. Incidentally, the % of NFL female fans is almost half, so that guy was full of it. The thing that gets me is that your stock (very) right-wing talking points (not run of the mill 'small government' 'fiscal responsibility' conservatives) have been the same since the 80s, and none of what they're clutching their pearls about ever were true. You'd think someone would point that out. I'm also surprised a state hasn't sued that homeschooling is unconstitutional. "Fancy name change" for Vader is a deep cut.
  19. At the least, I think he was freaked out at everything happening so fast and was just trying to buy time.
  20. It had meat and noodles in it too. It's just overload. Making more like a pot pie with a crust and potatoes, etc., inside wouldn't be too bad. Though I guess that's a casserole? Maybe just the lasagne pasta and potatoes instead of a crust. Sort of a super-gnocchi.
  21. I didn't even know he didn't see Perrin killing the father. This is way better then. Also, you can't really give Perrin a pass here.
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