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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. I'm not calling bs, but I thought her reaction was a little much. I guess maybe because she perpetuated the ruse that led to his death and he plopped down literally on top of her. She did try to kill Clooney though.
  2. I was totally blown away. I didn't expect Henderson to die, but I figured it was going to end after Stan said that Dick wiped Henderson from the grid. I'm a little surprised Franny was so traumatized given all the shit they have done. Jeff blowing glass somehow makes sense. The dragon bowl looked great though.
  3. I absolutely love that Tiff and the jeans are a drag thing. The running gag of not inventing current phrases is brilliant. I don't quite see how Mo fucked up here. He booked a recording gig for her birthday and wanted it to be a surprise. She took it the wrong way. She's not that good an artist either. Small Wonder was creepy. Great Fly and UHF drops. I don't know if Dawn is necessarily a better producer. They showed that Nomi and her exchanged mix tapes, so Dawn knew what she liked. I mean, it was basically Earth, Wind, and Fire. It was good, but not what Mo wants. To be fair, Mo doesn't know Nomi doesn't like that style, and she hadn't told him yet.
  4. She's a long time friend of Bill's and has been on several times. He had her on when he was broadcasting from his house and she had moved in with her parents. Standup as a craft, is fascinating to me, and you can see here Bill and her easily can get into the weeds. She's a "comics' comic", and it's no surprise Bill invited her to the NYE show. That's why I liked her take on the college circuit - it's a bad gig, not because of the 'woke factor' but because the crowd just isn't savvy enough for her comedy. I'm kind of surprised she's doing this reality show, unless she's also head writer. It doesn't seem like her fit.
  5. As he opened the monologue, the wildfires are nearly constant now too. And he was trying to point out that the farmers are being subsidized and don't really need it. This is something he should continually be hammering much more over twitter, and I generally agree with him on that too. Bill is a show biz guy and always will be. He does 100+ days on the road. I like comics like that because they have to develop new material nearly on the fly. I still like the show, but it has dragged. I'm wondering if getting back on the circuit might energize him and subsequently freshen up the show.
  6. Here's an example with the messenger (Bill) muddying the message because he talks about it too much. The casting issue was all over the place, and I don't listen to typical 'left' news. While LMM is his own person, and should apologize if he feels like it, the salient question Bill brought up, though not explain well imo, do you need to always apologize to address an issue? I also abhor the argument 'you could have done more' which is inherent in the bolded text up there. Because of LMM just defaults to apology, it gives more credibility to not being able to do good enough. I do think Bill was right in that LMM probably just apologized to get it out of the way. Sometimes it's ok to tell people to stfu for 5 minutes too (I literally just typed that as Bill said it). You don't like the casting of the movie? Do you know how hard it is to make a movie? Make your own. It's not that easy. Yes, you should be asking 'how can I do better?' That's laudable. However, to tie in with Bill's recent monologue, you can say, 'hey, we've done some good stuff here. What's next'? Maybe this movie opens the door for more movies that have majority-minority casts. Maybe it lets LMM produce more of these movies. That's good. I love everything about Glazer. She's been a top comedian since she broke out. She is right in that it's ok to apologize. I don't have a problem doing it either, but she's also right that you don't have to always do it just to do it. (Seriously the joke about Griffin was brilliant.) I loved Glazer's take on the college crowds for comedians - 'it's a bad crowd.' And her shot at Seinfeld saying he's not going to do colleges. Why would he? Coaston was a great guest. Bill talked about a full audience after the break. I hope in terms of changes they keep the 2 person guest, but add a mid show guest again. I don't know the water use for almonds v golf courses, but they both have to be way up there. It's not that hard to not buy almonds/milk. I stopped. You can make a good argument as to who benefits from the golf courses v who really needs water though in that the golf course might be the more salient issue.
  7. Lucifer said everyone deserves a second chance when he refused to kill Michael. I'd say you have a rich parallel between Dan and Michael in terms of redemption over the final season.
  8. My colleague and friend, who comes over all the time at my invitation, for dominoes, snacks, etc., even does zoom on my porch, was ASTOUNDED I had friends outside of work.
  9. No email before 9 or after 9. That's all you're getting out of me. I schedule them for 8, so they're there when you're ready. You can send me email whenever you want. But 9 to 9. That's it. I enjoy going to bed early because the mornings are cool and I want to get up and take advantage before it gets too hot. Then I can finish at 5 and sit outside for the rest of the evening.
  10. If they're going to take the Good Place route, and re write the rules, which I'm on favor, she could play a good role there. Season 6 seems to be house money for the show, so go big.
  11. I give one 8 am meeting per month. That's it. I get up early enough, but I will take my time and do my things.
  12. Is anyone watching this 'Make Do and Mend' show or is there another thread?
  13. They're trash, but they are rich, so they probably buy what they see in magazines.
  14. Late 80s had a lot of fabric to the outfits. I don't see it as out of time.
  15. I'm fascinated by Blair being nearly killed every episode. How old is Mo supposed to be on the show (not Cheadle's age), and Nomi? It looks like he's 40s and she 20s?
  16. I have to agree with Bill on that. He asked how can all this voter suppression can be stopped. But no one is saying how. Pass HR/S 1. That's not going to happen. He keeps asking every week and getting the same circular answers from each guest. At least Rob's Joe-to-Joe was new, but I don't think it will amount to much. I don't agree with the fight fire with fire that she was proposing either. That's where you'll get the 'both sides are terrible' and people won't turn out to vote.
  17. I spit out my coffee when Tyson said he was an educator. Nah. Try again. I did feel bad for Bill. He likes having on his friends is they have a book or something to plug. That's cool. He just wanted to shoot the shit about extraterrestrial life and some physics stuff and Tyson just harumphed the whole time. I don't think what the pilots saw were aliens either, but it's fun to talk about.
  18. It what people say 'non normal food' tastes like. You had rattlesnake? What's it like? Tastes like chicken.
  19. This was an inspired character combo. Steve's manic screams always crack me up. I don't think I've seen a sitcom about CRISPR. Bold. I did like they were more Stan than Stan. Even Steve's voice changed. Using Tuttle for the reset read brilliant.
  20. Better Off Ted was criminally underrated and arguably Portia de Rossi's best role. I mean, I can't not crack up at the water fountains.
  21. I'm surprised to see Blair was a top. I'm also surprised Dawn wouldn't want an actual job. Even working at the label, I would think she'd want to do something. The whole drop on the NRA was hilarious. Shooting baby ducks. Miracle Max Headroom Motherfucker was brilliant. How did the pastor die?
  22. I'm kind of a hostile witness when it comes to the Wheel of Time. I did not like the last book at all. Not a knock on Sanderson. I thought his writing was seemless from Jordan. There's a lot of problems with these books. After all that, I think this will blow Game of Thrones out of the water. I never read the GoT books. I don't care to until the series is done. Streamlining is the key here.
  23. I noticed on the board Lucifer made that his time line for Dan was basically how they opened the episode.
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