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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. The names doesn't sound like it does in my head! I never read it - Eyez-sed-i. That's just funny to me because I typically butcher names. I always said TA-ver-an. That's going to crack me up. I'm averse to the episode threads proper because I don't want to spoil. This is my E1 discussion. I think I'm going to clear out the rest by next week. Was Fain introduced so early? I don't care, but I thought they met him after they left. It's kind of silly that 'we don't know if the Dragon is a boy or a girl', even since the animated short made it clear that the Dark One tainted the men. But, whatever. I am in no way a purist, and it bothers me ziltch. I liked that the initial gentling was painful though. I get Perrin being married because they aged everyone up. I always liked Lan, but after 20 minutes, they've done about 1000% better with him on the show. Also Ny. I always liked her being mad. I get mad. It's ok. Slight nit, Moiraine was supposed to be really short, no? I mean, it's not a deal. The actor playing Tam is perfect wow.
  2. Did anyone see the big verdict today?
  3. I think after all that Bob wouldn't let her near the bedroom.
  4. I speculated before that the Angels aren't necessarily the 'bad guys' in this story, and I'm still on board. This one popped up and started driving the TARDIS. It could have easily gotten to the three of them. Also, I have to question the Doctor in getting them all together. I think you'd want to surround the Angel someone is always staring at it. That way if someone blinks and they move to them, the others can hold it in place and that person can move. I'm guessing the Angel is taking them to the tunnels in the 1820s. We've seen the old guy a few times now, and it seems like we're due for him to be involved. I was spoiled about the Proto/Zero Doctor, or however we're naming her, because of course there's no courtesy anymore and she popped up all over social media the second the credits rolled, and I can't watch until now. I wasn't spoiled on how she was in the episode though, and I liked how it was worked in. And how they revealed our favorite canine friend was part of the team. Given how long ago that was, and I assume that's the same Lupari, did he have another human back then? And they're just reassigned when the human dies? I did kind of like Thirteen being all snippy at the end too. She just got a wallop of an information dump, and I'm sure she needed a couple of minutes to process. I'm wondering if the old lady is a future Doctor too. It was a good discussion about how the Cybermen, Sontorans, and Daleks are just going on with doing their thing until the universe ends.
  5. Oh, I totally want to see whole swaths cut out. It's hard to cut out a lot of Foresaken though because they're so pivotal. The only one you really need reincarnated is Ish. You need Aginor?, whomever Rand kills at the Eye. Does he need to be reincarnated? Probably not. You need Sammael because of Lord Brend. I think you need Demandred because he's supposed to be the second to Lews Therin, and you probably need one of them in the Black Tower. I think it's better if it's him because I always thought for such a prideful person, him being off doing whatever and not basically mocking Rand to his face everyday seemed weak. He's got to be there at the end for Lan. You can't cut that out. You need Lanfear for the door. It's important for Rand for Moiraine to be out of the picture. You need the one that they shield that ends up training Rand. And the one that burns Rand's hand off. You need the Spider because that's huge development for Ny. There's one that starts with B that I'm forgetting, so he probably doesn't need to be there. I think the whole Morgase compulsion plot could be cut, but you need a really big scene where Rand is totally terrorized that he figures out how to balefire. So if you cut that you can cut Rahvin. I can't remember any of the rest. Oh, wasn't there one that was always horny? Did she do anything? I'd rather they cut out tons of stuff and leave the Foresaken in because it's like, everywhere these people go, it's crawling with Foresaken. They're always a couple of steps ahead. Beating them is really earned and good growth for the heros. I always thought the reincarnation was kind of a cheat anyway, and I don't know if it flies for a tv audience. If they're continually coming back, then why bother fighting? Then that makes bringing back Ish so much more impactful.
  6. I thought Demandred/Taim was the original treatment, but Jordan changed it because everyone figured it out. I actually like to keep the Foresaken because they kind of cracked me up, but it is precisely because it's a boss fight. Rand isn't going to level up enough to unBore the Bore or whatever you want to call what he did at the end, without real sadain fights. Same with the ladies. It's important to show that these 'kids' are going toe to toe with Foresaken, so the end of the age is actually real and the dark side has to take that seriously.
  7. Susie and Larry looked like they were going to break in the first scene where she was waving the tapestry. The gist I got was they were sending up celebrity activism too. Although I thought Harrleson was a huge weed guy and was sending himself up too. He wearing the weed hat. I didn't realize that Harrelson's speech was a send up of a real one, so even better. tbh, people totally kill coffee with all the junk that gets thrown in it anyway, so I enjoyed Harrelson going on about it in general. I thought Harrelson did great. Jeff's 'Why did you tell him you had a cow?!' was brilliant reading. I liked the whole hushed snack conversation the best. Susie got all riled up and then was complaining about the cheesy snacks. I thought the klansman plot was funny, but I like the other stuff like the cream shaming and the snacks better. It was worth it for Larry and Susie in the kitchen. I know the show is absurd, but I bought into this one more than Larry ending up in a hot dog contest.
  8. It's not like Foresaken wouldn't work at cross purposes though. They're all vying for Naeblis. Overall, though, iirc, whatever Demandred was doing was in some completely separate land and in some short story that doesn't seem to exist. I mean, they could put that in the show. Aginor ain't much of nothing anyway. They could off him.
  9. This is apropos of absolutely ziltch. I'm just riffing, but I thought originally Taim was supposed to be Demandred, but Jordan changed it. I thought it was kind of a waste of someone who was supposed to be so top level in the last war. He was always 'doing something' until he appeared at the end with some sort of private army. It would be a nice narrative change if they went back to that for the show because otherwise, Taim was just some pissy bitch who went dark. I always thought both were a waste.
  10. There's got to be a huge Broadway style number called All The Chrises in here.
  11. It has to be Lois saying it for the joke to land.
  12. This is way way less important than the union topic (which I support) - but, yes, subs over dubs.
  13. When they pulled out for a wide shot from above over the manor, the music kicked in.
  14. I think they actually played the theme to Hotel when Stewie was doing the v/o for the guests arriving. Was that a thing on the actual show? All I remember is Connie Sellecca. It's a total out there 80s reference this show likes. I can't believe they got the 'in between periods' in there.
  15. No, because I've had tons of excuses thrown at me over the years, 99.999999% of which are bogus. Someone legitimately running into a snafu would be absolutely panicked and send a million or so pictures and several videos documenting the incident.
  16. Oh, Duncan was a willing mark. He knew all about Amanda. The doctor was Anne. He eventually told her, but she broke up with him because she couldn't deal with the violence. She ended up hooking up with an ex fwb and got pregnant. There was some train accident where they were trapped and Duncan delivered the baby. She named it after his mom. The flashback was to the blitz in England, where they also got trapped, but his reporter gf died because they ran out of air.
  17. I don't get how it wouldn't eventually just fall apart after all the rinsing because the pasta would be absorbing all that water. Do they re-cook it? Ugh. This show and Bob's aren't afraid to be gross, but this has got to be the most disgusting plot they've ever done. Honeybee's line readings for her derisive snaps at the guys are perfectly crisp and well-timed - even if it's 'Babe - no!' Because it's only a reaction shot basically, so she needs to put on all the brakes on whatever the guys are saying. Tonight it was 'No one wants to swab the deck!'
  18. I don't think the entire story works unless it's centered around Ned. This was just a fantastic concept. It's like they said, he went through all the sins except sloth. I think the biggest beat was him being prideful for wanting recognition for the donation. Because if it was truly anonymous, the debt collector would have never known.
  19. madTV funny. Great joke. I love the librarian.
  20. I was hoping that they would be able to make the loft. I liked the game plot better. I always like new ideas for the restaurant. Teddy yelling at the trucker was hilarious. I did like Louise helping Teddy at the end. They sometimes forget that those two get along.
  21. Both are fairly widespread foods though, so it's not too much of a surprise. Bethany is a great character. Kind of harmless weird. I can't imagine how the pasta didn't just disintegrate.
  22. That ended great. The money just kept killing people. And Ned really went dark.
  23. I forgot the reason, but I think it was explained in one of the early prequels why you can just make spice. It wasn't meant to be a handwave. I think it was the book about how they discovered using spice for ftl travel, so after the House books.
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