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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. The murder mystery is probably my favorite, but this was a lot of fun too. The black and white was sharp. The voice changes were fantastic. I owed 50 cents on my car. I liked the driving footage. I absolutely love Bird is the Word. Anytime they work it in, I die. And the Chicken talked! I like when Peter actually is played straight.
  2. I'd pay at least $50 for the doorbell to sing at me.
  3. I also liked Louise getting a pass to go outside to see what Tina was doing. Tammy is just awful.
  4. I still think they need to do the Foretelling. There needs to be something soon to suggest Rand wasn't born in the Two Rivers either. I feel like we're running out of show. They've done a really good job, but the reveal of the Dragon needs to be earned or the non bookers are going to call bs.
  5. Is Susmina voiced by the actor who does Moon on Great North? I always like when you learn what places used to be. When I was in grad school in MA, we all rented really old houses in a particular area. One time, my friend down the street just had some old guy show up and knock on the door who used to rent the house when he was there for college a long time ago. So they let him in and hung out for a while. I'm not buying Zeke skipping class. I liked later on Linda poured Teddy's coffee.
  6. "Dogs in cars while comedians get coffee" was brilliant, but Fox News slayed me. tbh, I can't follow any continuity on the show anymore anyway, so retconning doesn't bother me. It's like Doctor Who at this point.
  7. Show-wise though, I could see Moraine watching Rand channel and wipe out the army, and be like, 'oh he's def the Dragon', but viewers might not actually believe it. Logain could channel. Now Rand does. And? She thinks Ny is too old. So what? That wouldn't convince me. How do they know how actually old she really is? People have already said they thought she was the dragon. In the books, since they know the dragon is supposed to be a guy, and then Rand channels and kills the Foresaken at the Eye, then it's like, yeah, it's probably him. We can say that with some reasonable confidence. Are they going to show the Foretelling? Because that would help. Moiraine on the show hasn't really dropped any of the more specified Dragon prophecies.
  8. To be fair without giving anything away, and this can be answered in the book thread easier, but I think the Knight meant Moiraine is basically the resident expert in Dragon Things. She's been dispensing information to the Two Rivers' people, and we've seen her talking to Lan. We started the show with her and him talking about all the searching they've been doing. She knew Logain wasn't the Dragon, for example, even when he was like, 'no really, the other dragons are talking to me'. No dude. Sorry. You need one character who knows something about what's actually going on. I mean, anyone can have an opinion on the dragon, but she's not an unreliable narrator in that sense.
  9. Not necessarily; your average Wisdom per se isn't using magic. Ny made a poultice for Moiraine's wound using plants and such she was picking in the forest there. Are there some that do, like how she 'listens to the wind?' Probably. Not every Wisdom is a channeler though. This Two Rivers area is way way way in the sticks. Moraine and Lan were talking about it when he was saying in the first episode how much they were traveling. Fain is the probably the most cosmopolitan person they've seen in their lives. Of course, with the big reveal here with Ny and the total mess they made with Logain, there's enough eggs to go on faces plenty.
  10. As much as I like what the show is doing, in the books, Moraine was, "Lan, 'we're going to the Two RIvers because I think the Dragon is there; whoa there's also tarvaren, like more. wtf?' I don't think the show put across that the wheel bends to them. In the show, she only had one line about that. I'm not sure for television that they end the season with the Dragon down to Ny and Rand. Rand channels *and* beats a Foresaken at the Eye. It doesn't seem in the threads the who is the Dragon is that big a deal yet.
  11. I assume they're ending this season at the Eye. Rand channels there, and Moiraine is convinced he's the Dragon. Is the show going to do that? Just because he can channel doesn't necessarily means he's the Dragon within the show context, since they're laying it on thick that it could be Ny as of E4. And even just because he can channel. Rand didn't think so in the books either. Unless they pull GOT and have the next to last episode be the big one. Will they drag it out until Callendor just between him and Ny? I mean, you can only dance this dance for so long until viewers get tired of it. I'm also not sure if the viewers understand Ish is clomping around their dreams looking for the Dragon too. No one has commented on it in the episode threads. tbh, no one really seems to care about it much at this point.
  12. I liked Lan - 'oh, I shouldn't have had a drink, you get so emotional' to Moiraine. When her whole emoting consisted of her squeezing his hand. It was squicky when they revealed the warder bond was a form of compulsion, and it just wasn't a good look for anyone when the Aes thought that bonding Asha'man would control them and it backfired. I'm hoping the show is going for more consent here. So far, Moiraine has been frank with Lan, and I feel there's a healthy relationship there. It seemed so with Alanna as well.
  13. Oh wow nice catch! I caught the shot of her before when Moraine was saying 'drew too much of the power and burnt out' when talking about Menetheren. I guess this what GOT bookers were like when the show came out. We don't really have a Red Wedding scene to see how the non bookers react. I guess when Rand draws ExcaliburCallendor and beats down Ish. Of course, they need to establish that Ish is Seriously A Big Deal. Which means Falme has to come into play at some point. That's a lot of show to get to those scenes. I guess TPTBs could play it that either Ny or Rand could be the Dragon. They're clearly the strongest by a ton. It's just hard for me to believe she'd seriously consider she would be though. Then again, Rand didn't either, I suppose. I guess I'm looking too much for Rand channeling. I'll have to pay closer attention. It's probably way too soon for any Mat-eye easter eggs. I really like Ny's channeling scene, and I agree that this was a great way to introduce her talent. It seems overall this reeled in the non bookers.
  14. I only knew to look for it because Danny posted a you tube video in the media. There's a thread just for the animation.
  15. When you move the mouse over the screen the 'X Ray' menu will pop up - it has the actors/character names (which I wish HBO did with GOT), but there's also an 'Extras'. Click on that and the animations will pop up.
  16. In the animation episode 4, when they're talking about the one power being a river, and when there were men and lady channelers in the age of legends, there's a reflection in the river of a modern city scape with skyscrapers.
  17. It's going to beg the question if I wasn't a book reader - why the hell would the likes of Rand or Ny listen to basically the equivalent to making a sand castle when they're figuratively building the Empire State building?
  18. That's what I was thinking. All the main channelers, Elayne coming up too, have to be just ridiculous.
  19. The pool of saidin at the Eye was pure iirc. So that should be even better.
  20. This was a really important scene in shedding some light on what or how people view the concept of the 'wheel'.
  21. The show wouldn't go so far as to change that, would they?
  22. The only way this show was going to be successful was if they made changes like this imo. I'm glad they're basically throwing out any effort to please so-called 'purists'. While I think my point is apt about the Dragon being a guy, which won't matter anyway, I think this is the right way to adapt the books. To that end, I'm going to say this now on the off chance I'm right - When Rand et al. unbored the Bore at the end, one of the consequences I was hoping for was that there wouldn't have been any more channeling - the wheel would be turning closer to our age. It would still be a Breaking, but not physically. I mean keep the rest. Just that. I would love it if the show were to be that bold.
  23. I thought he was just really freaked out, but I can't call bs on that. I would think they maybe have a few more scenes like that. Maybe he heals Mat for a time without knowing or something. I'm with you there. I know the show needs to be playing it close to the vest. Showing the swirls around Rand would be too much of a giveaway. He doesn't properly channel until the Eye. I don't think they're doing necessarily a bad job of it. I have slight concern that when they get to the Eye, it's going to be 'Rand channels all of a sudden.' He did actually have the sickness prior to that and healed Bela, so it was set up fairly. I don't want viewers to call bs and be turned off. To be fair, they could pull what they did with Ny and make the Eye really more extreme; I mean, there is a Foresaken there. Ny was under tremendous stress, so they could do something similar. They're playing it with Mat and Perrin, as you correctly point out, but I don't see why that's enough. I still think they made a slight error in including the ladies as potential dragons though especially showing diesel Ny. If *she* is basically eclipsing professional channelers without thinking, then what the hell strong is the Dragon going to be *and* it's a dude?! That seems like it ups the stakes way way more to me. Sure, a Dragon Ny isn't going to be listening much to the Aes anyway, but no one has to worry about her going nuts. They showed Logain listening to voices already and being strong enough to turn kings. That seems sufficiently suspenseful. Ny being a super strong wilder throws another wild card into everything, and that also seems sufficiently dramatic. That's a long walk for me saying that I take the point. Given that he said he could 'hear' channeling, what he's seeing with Ny would have to be different. I don't mind that. Given how important they all are, the Wheel spinning them all out now still makes sense. I do think, with all we're saying about trying to play it close on the show, Logain needs to see Rand at some point. Although if he's cut off now, I don't know how that will work. tbh, I was interested in watching the show, but the books left a bad taste in my mouth. I'm thoroughly shocked at how much I'm genuinely enjoying this series. I mean, I'm not a hate watcher in general, because I have better things to do, but I figured I'd be happy with seeing some of my favorite scenes from the books and that would be it.
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