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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. I saw the parm crisps in Albertsons today that Larry was pushing to Freddy for the mini bar.
  2. Same. I was hoping for more of an unwilling accomplice. 'Mini Dexter' is kind of flat for me.
  3. Kanye was on the ballot in my state for real. I don't know if anyone watched on Hulu but they didn't bleep out Mac calling Dee the c word twice and then Artemis saying it and making me love her even more. And her side look to Mac about the butter.
  4. I have cable and two steaming platforms. That's my price point. If your show is that great, it will come around.
  5. Charlie Day had a bit part in it! Rhoda did have a crack at the dinner parties though. Other than that, you couldn't tell it was about the show. The head of the news channel saw awful.
  6. If it pleases the mod, do continue to report here on reddit shenanigans. I'm assuming that this reddit cabal are book readers. What would 5 hours of show actually do here for them? The show has done a ton of heavy lifting for only 5 episodes. There's nothing wrong with watching any tv show with a critical lens; not hate watching, but calling out inconsistencies is fair. I'm always critical watching a show. No one is going to accuse me of being a fanboy of anything. Even Farscape, which I'm probably as close to fanboy as could be, I still could concede where they made some missteps. Given the way this series is, there's no way a faithful literary adaptation could have been made. We've all very clearly pointed out here where they're foreshadowing and laying the groundwork for the Big Moments, and I think the consensus is that it's going quite well. I mean, come on. tbh, an anime could be cool though. They did a Highlander anime, and I quite liked it. I'm assuming they were thinking of Fullmetal Alchemist for the channeling.
  7. I don't know how you people picked out the Foresaken. They didn't look like anything to me. I don't care if they keep them all, or cut them down from 13. We went over this a little while ago. I forgot there's one in the Tower. There are some that are essential. I don't think the show should resurrect any except Ish though. I thought that was kind of lame. They didn't spend much time on them so I don't know if non bookers got that they're Really Bad. I suppose they don't really need to know yet. I'm surprised they haven't commented on Ish at all. I don't think it makes sense to have Valda be hidden. A Foresaken would rather turn the Aes to the Dark. They're all scheming to be Naeblis, so they need their own personal channelers. Plus, as much as it annoyed me, you do need just regular people making a complete mess of everything after Rand is revealed. Getting the crown of Illian really needs to be earned. That's for nothing to do really with Rand being able to channel.
  8. There's a Mary and Rhoda tv movie set in 2000. Anyone watch it?
  9. I got nothing there. Again, goes to show any investment I had in the Whitecloaks. I mean, they're basically the Spanish Inquisition, and when I read the books, I wasn't expecting that. However, being not affiliated with a sovereign entity; Andor, Illian, etc., they're just a bunch of incels. Someone like the Prophet, I can buy. People joined up with Logain, and there was a false Dragon iirc even in Hawkwing's times.
  10. Kudos to the actor playing Logain. He just looks totally blank. I'll give Moiraine some credit that she was genuinely sincere in warning her. However, I don't think Moiraine understood how worried Ny was for the others. I think they were better off not using CGI. The prosthetics allow the actor to emote more. I like the rumbly voice. Who?! I watched it three times. (Tell me in the book thread).
  11. I like this theory floating around with the non-bookers about them all being the Dragon. At least I pronounced Tar Valon right. Ogier, no. I also agree with you all about setting up the effects of the warder bond here, for later on with Lan. I think it's incredibly important and nearly impossible to show visually. I'm enjoying them showing the warders being actual friends. I think the strongest part of the adaptation is this part. I think it's interesting that they're showing Ny getting along with the warders. I don't remember that either. There's going to be lots of paradigm shifts for the status quo coming down. Similarly, they're doing way better with Liandrin. She has a point about men controlling the world. I can't wait till they reveal she's Black. There's so much more weight to the scenes now. They actually looked like I thought. Mat is my favorite, but dagger-Mat wasn't ever my favorite plot. They're doing it well though. I think it's interesting that they're leading on that Rand thinks he's the one who channeled. The non bookers caught on that Rand channeled to break the door though. I wouldn't have caught that. Again, the Whitecloaks are just useless. The actor is killing it, but I have zero interest in Valda. Either Ny or Rand could level them at this point, and it's halfway into book 1. And Farstrider! It doesn't look like the non bookers picked up on that detail about Aiel, so I hope they remember. The show is certainly laying down plenty of cards for way down the line. They got the scene in with Logain seeing Rand, but layed it heavy on Mat. I do think that was important especially since no one copped Rand yet. I wish they showed the glow around them though. Was Egwene and Perrin with the Whitecloaks in the books? I have zero memory of this. I did like them covering the details about the hands and channeling. I appreciated the groundwork in the scene if they're going with her being collared or the Seat. Also, it's a good scene for the yellow eyes for Perrin. I didn't recognize any of the Foresaken, but it was great way to exposit. I'm going to be interested in how long the non bookers are going to have the patience for all this Aes nonsense once it's established who the Dragon is. It's not just the Tower, but there was a LOT of squabbling over 1000s of pages. They're going to go bonkers over Lan if this show goes all the way to the end.
  12. I just rammed through this on the plane this week. There was certainly a lot going on. I actually thought the Isaac plot did the least for me since we all knew he deleted the voicemail, and you all took care of that discussion already. I almost think Maeve needs some time to herself with being pulled in so many directions. I don't have an issue with Otis and Maeve being apart again, but if there is a next season, it needs to be resolved. I thought their last conversation was the most adult they've ever been. Even if they don't end up together, I think they'll be in each other's lives in some way. And that's fine too. I didn't know what to make of Adam and Eric, though I don't think it's upon Eric to be Adam's coming out spirit guide or whatever. They can be in different places with the relationship just not going to work, but it made Eric look bad, and now Adam isn't going to want to talk to him, and he needs someone to talk to. I also think TPTBs erred on making Adam *too* much a bully at the first. I was disappointed he didn't have a chance to reconcile with the dad, but I liked he got some purpose with the dog shows. There were some side plots thrown in that I think took away from that opportunity. I don't think they needed an entire episode going to France. It was interesting to see the increasing draconian measures at the school, and I'm sure everyone knew that was going to backfire. It was quite the twist that the students shot themselves in the foot. I don't think Hope really got the consequences she should have for her recorded diatribe. That was just cruel things to say to teenagers/young adults. Otis seemed more the adult in their conversation. Aimes just stole every scene she was in. I love her. We'd totally be pals irl. I'm not sure we needed a paternity cliffhanger for the new baby Joy either. I didn't think Jean and Jakob needed to 'be a family' so soon. Just him going to therapy was good development. I would like a final season to generally resolve everything. I don't think everyone needs a pat ending. Otis/Maeve should be resolved in some way, and I would like to see everyone graduate.
  13. That was the best. Every page, was like, 'could you just stop for a minute and look around?!!' I don't know if it would hold viewers though because it might be hard to buy that an Aes of that stature would fail up so hard.
  14. I burned through this on the plane. This was an incredible case in terms of the all the voice actors. I enjoyed it. It's really all about Rand and Reagan. I especially enjoyed all the Moon commune idea. I liked all the throwaway gags about conspiracies.
  15. Jeff always wisely stays out of it when they get going.
  16. No, I think Thom was with Rand and Mat. He taught them how to juggle and sing.
  17. Oh, Larry and Susie are the best of friends. Don't let them fool you.
  18. When Bob had the flashback episode with his father, they might have said it then.
  19. No, I think in the books later on, someone said that you're getting really big shot channelers because the last battle is coming.
  20. I didn't buy it either. Just way too soon. Otis didn't handle it that well, but it was over the phone and I don't know what else he could have done except, 'we should really talk,' not that wouldn't have bombed as well. This whole Jean and Jakob moving the families in is going to implode.
  21. I don't know what is coming up. I'm only spoiled because I read the books. I don't know what's included or not beyond what you're telling me here. I figured the Foretelling was an essential scene. I'm not sure it's clear that finding the dragon is literally Moirane's life work.
  22. No, I meant the Foretelling that the dragon was reborn, and then she died. Where only Moiraine and Siuan were there. I would think that scene would be worked into this season. The non bookers don't Moiraine and Lan have been tromping around for like two decades at this point, and knowing that, and dropping Rand wasn't actually born in the Two Rivers seems crucial.
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