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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. Just ban FGs and PATs in overtime. You'd have more 4th down attempts.
  2. It's tv. 'Deserve ' can be broadly interpreted.
  3. Not having read the book, it sounds like it was actually kind of thin. Having a tragic love lost for Fogg doesn't really put me out. Making the choice that the adventure is actually more than just a bet gives it some heft. Not that Fogg is going to confide in Passpartout. I do hope at least Fix finds out about Bellamy's attempted sabotage because she's going to be more determined than ever before. I'd rather Fogg find out directly from him. Otherwise, I think he's going to be so adamant to win that all these important events along the way might lose meaning to him. Looks like we're getting Fix/Passpartout too. The young servant who gifted the dress to Fix made a sideye about her and him, and Fix was sufficiently vehement in her denial that they're basically spelling it out with skywriting.
  4. I might give that a handwave in that the Ozarks are completely new territory so they screwed it up the first time. However, Darlene lingering around makes Navarro look like an idiot, and he's clearly not. I guess you could fanwank that she's kind of under the cartel radar and really never was much of competition. At this point, Navarro is over it. Marty and Wendy have shown to very valuable, so I can buy Navarro actually telling them to handle it as a sign of respect. Taking that all out; it's patently absurd Frank hasn't bothered to retaliate.
  5. I could see Helen wanting to reveal it to them all together to shove it in their face. She really underestimated Marty's value as a washer, and Wendy's growing usefulness in making legitimate businesses. I said before, it is easier to find another crooked lawyer or washer? Marty literally wrote the software that cleans the cash and basically turned the Ozarks into their ATM overnight.
  6. I'm just surprised with Archie constantly harping on Mike for not paying rent that he'd insist on some kind of job at some point. I guess if he's still a sophomore, then he's still taking a full load of required classes, but once you get into electives, you have more time.
  7. I can appreciate Passpartout's being mad about having to kill someone. Fogg's wasn't particularly sympathetic. But you did sign up to be the valet. Make the tea. I also can understand that they're intruding on people's lives for the sake of a bet. Passpartout has a point, but Fogg isn't going to listen to a servant at this point. Wow all the costumes from wedding were just stunning. I liked the mother who was basically running the wedding giving a ton of sass to Fogg. Can they wire money back then? I would think Fogg's wealth wasn't just stacks of cash in safe. Bellamy had dealings with the bank; surely, Foog has savings he could have the bank front. They're in India. There's probably British banks there. Who knew we needed a high af Tennant talking to a cow? And the he tells the cow he loves him. Great job by Fix, when Fogg said, 'I knew I was never good enough. You should have left.' Her reaction shot was just such sorrow.
  8. I liked that Maya held her own with Navarro. There's no way Navarro is going to agree to go to prison though. I think she played her hand too early. She should had asked, why now? Jonah better be glad Wendy only cut off the electricity. I do like that Marty kind of backed off. At this point Jonah is going to learn about this life on his own. There's not much either of them can do at this point. I don't understand why Ruth wouldn't install all that in the office.
  9. I like Wendy, but she needs to check her mouth. She's driving Jonah out of the house. I still say Nix made his own bed. That came home to roost. Javier isn't wrong though. With Nix gone, we saw Darlene try with the new sheriff, and she wasn't playing. Sure, it could have been cleaner, but you have a crematorium in your pocket. He probably should have hatched a plan with Wendy, but he doesn't like them in the first place. The opportunity presented itself. I don't know why Marty and Wendy haven't grasped how serious Javier is about Darlene. When they had him in the house for pastries and coffee, they really should have either asked how he thought it would play out or lay out a plan. There's no excuse for being sloppy though. I like Wendy's move to get into politics. I think it's smart; she's getting over ambitious, but I can take the point she's under pressure. So to continue from last episode, Ruth mentioned the motel was 'shithole', so major renovations seems plausible. I really liked Marty's resigned nod when Jonah said he was washing for Ruth. Honestly, hipster heroin seems like a brilliant idea. You need high end customers, but it doesn't seem impossible. Darlene may not like it, but she's not really got options on the table.
  10. This motel didn't look *that* seedy. It looked like a Motel 6 or something on those lines. I take the point about the volume being smaller. I think the show may be showing that Ruth isn't at the level she thinks she is. She's throwing $450,000 around. She might have been able to make a better choice.
  11. I don't know if that's sustainable even with the Blue Cat. And at least the Blue Cat was a bar though. I think you still want something that people are going to use cash on the regular. I'm only thinking of Breaking Bad. Car wash, laundromat, etc. You can still do the remodeling strategy, but you still have the cash business. That's why they bought the casinos. I don't think Ruth is nearly the expert she thinks she is and is going to slip up. I don't want to her to, but she's not at Marty's level by any means. I like the new Navarro. Potentially fracturing the cartel gives the Byrdes a chance to wriggle away. tbh, the sheriff made his own bed. I don't feel bad.
  12. Rolling the minivan seemed a little much. It swerved off the road and back. I don't see how it would go on two wheels. In the context of the discussion here, I sure hope the show is not 'spoiling' that the Byrdes don't get away with it. I'm rooting for them to get away. They're correct in Darlene being a problem. I mean, they sent someone for the brother last season. They could do it now. This is the only problem I've had with the show. There's no reason for her to not have been whacked by now except plot. Now, Navarro may be tasking Marty as a show of respect in that it's the Byrde's domain and they can handle it as they want. Myself, I'm not a micromanager; so if I'm with someone who I know is competent, I'm just going to ask them to complete the task. That too. I'm 100% Ruth all day. I want to see her actually be her own person. Being with Darlene is no good. I like her in partnership with Marty, but I like her taking on expertise in laundering. I'm wondering if the motel is the best choice though. I've never paid cash for a hotel. I don't know if it's an acting choice, but Charlotte's mannerisms are totally Wendy. Good job if so. I don't know why Marty wouldn't have a rifle at the door or be carrying by now. I loved the PI when he was on Ripper Street. Great to see him here. Speculating - I certainly agree that Jonah's feelings are valid, but he doesn't have the luxury of being a teenager anymore. He doesn't dial down; there's going to be trouble. I would submit Vehicle as well. I played the cover off of that song in band. I actually like Wendy. It's a fresh change of pace with the woman essentially being the Michael Corleone. It really works with Marty's calm delivery; you can see him carefully choosing his words. I'm glad Ruth was legitimately concerned when she learned about Helen.
  13. Not for nothing, good for Mike for going to college, but Archie's working as the dock foreman and a cabbie. I taught community college not that long ago. Students were working and holding down jobs. I would think a hard ass like Archie would be expect Mike to contribute to the household budget. You don't have 'college' every day. He could be working. Gloria seems totally like daddy's girl so I can get Archie wouldn't expect her working and would probably object if she wanted to. So even 22, 23; how is he not drafted? Because he's married? They nailed the set and props. I've seen so much stuff in the house that my parents and aunts had. Right down to the green flowered glasses, plates, and the candle lamp thing near the front door. Sammy Davis, Jr., is visiting the Bunkers. They're just letting it fly and not even bothering with plot. "God put yous all in Africa and put us all in the white countries." "You must of told us where we were because somebody came and got us." That's just savage writing. I actually didn't know that Sammy was going to kiss Archie. Was that scripted or ad libbed? Mike, Lionel, and Gloria totally lost it and broke on the reaction shot. Evans just basically ate his hand, and Struthers wasn't even trying. Sticking the landing - it was in his contract.
  14. Well. I don't see you with a fungineering degree.
  15. The back half of season 2 is strong. There's more for everyone to do, and a ton more jokes. Not just Archie doing his deal; good jokes. But A LOT OF YELLING. How old are Mike and Gloria supposed to be? They look the same age to me, but it seems like she's way younger.
  16. He kind of snarked-asked if he needed one, and I think Dexter thought he was slick enough to get out of it. He even said to Harrison that he's been in tighter spots. tbh, he was getting out of it with throwing Angela on the Kurt track, and really just needed to shut up. They made him unnecessarily panic when she mentioned Angel. At that point, I'd say it correct - "This again? No. That's why I left and changed my name. Lawyer." They had nothing but the screw which plausibly could have been planted. He didn't even have to kill Logan. He had him in the sleeper hold.
  17. People also think 'Born in the USA' is a patriotic song. I don't think you really know the Boss.
  18. I never thought the Veran was all knowing.
  19. They're going to have to mostly take the train to get across America, but there's got to be a stagecoach and attempted robbery at some point. The 1870s are about as wild as the Wild West gets.
  20. To be fair, the Sopranos was the first show that laid the foundation for this landscape we're currently in. At the time, there wasn't anything like it, surely nothing on the tv on a Sunday. There should be better shows since then.
  21. I'm saying simply from someone who watches tv that when Cait left the tent, the Veran was gurgling in his own blood. No way am I believing he's dead unless we see him burning on a funeral pyre, and even then. They'll probably just make him unable to speak anymore, and somehow Divis is the only person who can understand him, and he'll complain about it all the time.
  22. I suppose it depends where they are. They're supposed to be going to Hong Kong now. I am completely speculating, but I assume take a ship from Hong Kong to America; presumably they'll port in San Francisco and then train all the way to the east coast. I would guess land in New York and then sail again to London. In the American West, I'm sure they'll meet some colorful pioneers.
  23. I tend to think he partly put himself in that position though. I didn't have much of a problem with the end because the suspense was jacked up to 11. What I took from it was that this is how Tony lives every single minute. He was only going out to eat at a local joint with his family, but everytime someone came in or some guy walking to the bathroom happened to recognize him, it's always ratcheted up like that. There's a you tube out of people watching the finale and reacting to it. It's great. There's a book about the show from the local journalists that covered the show. The newspaper was shown on the show. They interview Chase about the last scene. One thing about that -
  24. I spit my food out when they showed Divis again - He was going to kill you right? Does anyone know the theme song? I really enjoy how the show is keeping up with all the absurdity - Phelan is less than thrilled of being renamed Quant, and Divis is not pleased about teaching him even less. Every scene with Divis is gold. Veran's Arrow. iirc from last season, ancient druids or the last Veran came and chose the two new ones and took them away as kids. So I would assume they're chosen. Cait was seen by Aulus and Divis, and I think Divis knew Aulus was there, in the vision when they traveled through the underworld. She was standing next to the sigil of Rome on a pole or something like that. It was the druid underworld; I don't think it was a Christian prophecy, but the new religion could be the vehicle of it. If the Veran was thinking the prophecy means that Cait leads the druids to beat the romans, that's not going to be it either. It looks like he might not be thinking anything at all anymore. I'm not sure he's really dead though. He wasn't when she ran from the room, but I think we all know how tv works. I'm still confused at the sacrifice. Last season I thought Aulus thought he was actually Lokka. Didn't he say something like "I am rising" or some such? Is he being possessed? I did like Quant ruminating about the gods. That was a good monologue on religion and basically it is what you say it is. This show is bonkers enough then to have Sophie Okonedo roll on in as some character that literally ate your son. I mean. Looks like she's going to be gnawing at the scenery down to the bone. Is she supposed to be high? Everytime she talks Aulus is like 'oh no, now what?' Sophie sure knows what show she is on. We're not going for subtle ancient Briton politics. Not for anything though, Aulus is correct in the problem regarding the Druids. You think you can do better? Last season was 'the season of the witch?!' All they did was smoke a lot!
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