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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. I thought it was just all in his head. I couldn't follow because the bunny was cracking me up.
  2. That's what I meant. Or recruit more girls.
  3. I had no idea the balloon isn't in the book. If you asked me to think of something about 'Around the world in 80 days' it would be the balloon.
  4. At the time, it was the end of S3 and it seemed to me that they were all talking in terms of Cobra Kai v Miygi-do-Fang. With the split, it doesn't make sense because both separately are just too small and wouldn't really be able to get enough points. Also it's a stupid bet that literally no parties have to honor because there's no legally binding contract and if anyone sues, they'll be laughed out of court.
  5. Fogg looked bored and hemmed in to me. The other guy ordered his lunch because he knew what he'd get. It looked like he's even kept the old butler out of habit. He looked dreadful at the club. He didn't really come to life until his empassioned speech to the balloon inventor.
  6. When Dan said to the Doctor, 'yes, you do', the Doctor looked totally blank. There is nothing there. And there shouldn't be, but the Doctor should know how to handle a crush. I didn't like Rose/Nine/Ten though I liked them overall. I don't have too much issues with people falling for the Doctor. I liked Yaz and Dan's conversation because I didn't know if Yaz meant "I've never told anyone" that she was a lesbian/queer/bi/not straight. Some more layers there at least. This, I'm definitely sick of. I'll take all the Companions macking, TARDIS style before one of them meeting a bad end. I'm so relieved Ryan and Graham walked away. That's the way the Doctor should be - Ryan learned a lot, and he wanted to go back to Earth to do his part, even if it was just helping out his mates. I think Dan will get "I'm over this and walk". I'm worried Yaz is going to be RYDEORDIE for the Doctor. I really like the Doctor's big monologue about being a team, learning, and defeating the Daleks. That's what the show is about for me. They were all scared and tired, and they stepped up in the end. She also had some good derision for the Daleks too. I'm all for time loops and body switching episodes.
  7. I don't know that I was bored, but they really were moving the deck chairs around. I feel like they pulled the rug on Johnny and Daniel.
  8. There's no way in either universe that a Moiraine who spent literally her professional life finding the Dragon Reborn is going to let him traipse off wherever on his own. If she goes back to Fal Dara, Ny is going to rip her head off for leaving him, and she could jeopardize her development with Egwene; she's not going to want to be a big shot Aes Sedai in light of someone she looks up to is leaving friends behind. Who is going to believe she let the Dragon die after just finding him? tbh, Moiraine can't lie, but she can say, 'He was being all broody and stormed off on his own. I seem to be shielded and need your help right now. I sent Lan after him.' That's the only way Ny doesn't kill her on the spot. They're all going to roll their eyes and be like 'okaaay Rand.'
  9. I completely lost it with the scene where Divis is just snipping at the bunny.
  10. She escaped with her guard girlfriend in the finale and was picked up by Naird in the chopper.
  11. This actually sounds better than the book then.
  12. My tivo recorded the 90 minute special and a 150 minute 'extended edition'. Is the extended adding anything or not worth it?
  13. I actually think it does have to be him. He's literally the best in the world. Rand is the strongest channeler, but he's the only guy currently. Lan is the king without the country. It's the whole only person concept that just lines up. I'm not sure anyone else really understands what's happened to Rand but Lan.
  14. I didn't have too much of a problem with the Eye. I would have liked to be more Rand and Moiraine inadvertently release the Foresaken. She needed to be knocked down a peg, and she was anyway. Ish needs to be a convincing villain. He and Rand are going to be just as strong, but Ish has 3000 years of thinking about the Wheel and all that. He also wants to be Naeblis. Getting Rand out of the way without firing a shot would be a huge philosophical victory. Given how much they zoomed in on the heron, it's got to be a major development. Moiraine can't go to the Tower, so she could send Lan after Rand and go to Fal Dara to regroup. With no actual guy around to train Rand to channel, the whole flame and void of training with Rand seems like a natural development. I mean, they have to get all the way to Falme somehow.
  15. Daniel needs to remember that then.
  16. I think they were kind of distilling it down a little too much. Cobra Kai is 'strike first' and go at your opponent, but if you watch, they throw block too. Miyagi-do is 'defense first,' but like I said in another thread, they still have to land hits to win, so there's still offense. Sam went at Tori for her point after the elbow because Tory wasn't expecting it and the flurry caught her off.
  17. That's what I got out of it. Just because you read about something in the dry newspaper doesn't mean you really have a grasp on what's really going on. Given their disdain for the French in the club, I'm doubtful the editor is dispatching a correspondent to Paris to report on the situation, and if they're buying articles from French outlets, they may not be as willing to be realistic. You're in that club; you think you're better than everyone and London is the center of the world. Any of those guys would have been in over their head. Credit Fogg for being a stand up guy and still going after his friend's daughter (Fix) when he could have turned tail and left.
  18. I never read the book. I think I will when this wraps. It was a lot for one episode, but I enjoyed it. I get a kick out of Ten flying through space in a wild contraption. They actually did a lot of exposition with the backstories so we can just get to the adventuring.
  19. I don't see that the one justifies the other. Amanda is an adult and a parent; she should be telling Sam to knock it off. Sam has a right to be pissed, but at this point, her parents should be getting her some help.
  20. It would have landed better if Amanda did press charges, but part of that was counseling, etc., instead of going to jail. Let's hope he helps everyone move on. A lot of this season didn't really stick the landing for me. I think the show is ending its shelf life here. It was sold hard that Johnny and Daniel would finally be working together. It's kind of ridiculous at this point. The kids seem to be learning how to meld styles, and I thought that would have brought Johnny and Daniel around in the end. Why even bother bringing in Silver if we're just running in place here. Combined, they beat Cobra Kai hands down.
  21. Yes, but they're psychologically torturing kids.
  22. That. With karate training. And decent parenting. I'm extremely disappointed that Johnny and Daniel didn't reconcile before the tournament. I thought that this would have been what this season would have been about. I think they were sending up the 80s montage with her song. That was during all the qualifying rounds. I was super psyched Eli got his mojo back and beat down that bitch. And Johnny cheering Sam on was super cool. I don't think I understood what happened. Miguel looked like he was doing the flying watermelon, but pulled his back out? It didn't look like Eli did any dirty move. That's part of the ridiculousness of the show. There's no way Kenny should be in the tournament, and it looked like Robby broke his nose any way. Plus he'd have to have a parent sign off.
  23. Brilliant. I would have totally worn that. And for sure. Robby looked great at the prom. The dance was a little much, but the actors looked like they were having fun. I like that Kreese knows he's losing some control to Silver. I'm hoping this comes to a head. I'm surprised he lost so easy to Silver though. That was really well done, but again, Sam isn't really Miyagi-do; she's got to walk away there. The humping in the car at the end was totally 80s.
  24. Again, have to hand it to Robby - "I got kicked out of school and ended in juvie like your brother". Very calm about it, but clearly serious about trying to make a point. They laid that out from the start. It's coming home to roost this season. It's fair development at this point for me. I did like Johnny's retort about the pronouns though. I thought that was fair scene. He feels left out. I thought it was a decent effort to 'want to start over', but he blew up fast. It didn't look like they were going to make excuses for him either.
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