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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. I liked the whole nonsense of the 'board meeting'. Worth it for 'you been divorced three times George!' Oh man, "Girls, girls, girls," Johnny. No, no, no no no. To a point. She didn't need to pull the 'so you're knocking now?' She's an adult. I think Sam was correct in calling them all out. They should have put her in therapy when Tory cut her up and she might not be this hostile. Telling her to just cool out isn't fair either. Although, "I'm coming for you, bitch" is a fair bookend. That was a great quip. I liked the scenes with just him and Hawk. It's like they haven't been those friends for a while. This isn't really a show that takes place in our reality though. Johnny would have never been able to get on school grounds either.
  2. Not every villain needs a sympathetic backstory. People are sometimes just jerks.
  3. "Our enemies humiliate us." Give me a break Tory. You all got played because you have huge chips on your shoulders and can't calm down for one minute. Was Johnny not around for KK3? Amanda is at her best when she's calling out all of Daniel's and Johnny's nonsense. Good scene with Daniel and Sam though, with her calling Daniel out on being over the top. Same with Miguel and Johnny. I feel like that is running in both their mind a lot. I mean, they're in their 50s. I thought the last three seasons put that away. The fight was kind of dumb. Wow, was that montage incredible. Who hasn't wanted to knock one of those poser morons off the scooter. The mailbox is a federal offense though. Very 80s of Silver with the rolled up jacket. This whole 'win the tournament and you quit' is ridiculous. There's no legally binding agreement. This was kind of a clunker for me. Conflict was going to be inevitable, but I don't think this helps much with the overall narrative at this point in the show.
  4. jilf. No. Just no. I can buy Silver feels he owes Kreese for the fighting cage match in Vietnam, but it doesn't mean they still weren't just always going to be bullies. Great deconstruction of Top Gun too. Totally Johnny. How is he so good at karate eating so awful? What's with the LaRusso women condescending to Tory at her job all the time? That's really not a good look. Yes, the world isn't out to get you, Tory, but Amanda isn't really the person to deliver that message. Again, I have to hand it to Robby (the actor). I wouldn't say he was right, but he was calm if a little ticked. And he was right to call out the bullying of the kid. Peter Cetera is most definitely the opposite of badass. It's treacly garbage. I mean, come on. I'll give you Christopher Cross, but ugh. I don't care much about the 'old men', but Silver was right that revenge isn't useful. Like Kreese doesn't take the wind blowing the wrong way as a slight. It was a good prank. You got got. Take the L and move on. Of course it's akin to murder for Cobra Kai. tbh, I hope none of the kids actually die.
  5. Johnny, I can buy the redemption because his teacher tried to strangle him. These guys got shoved in Vietnam, and it screwed them up. Doesn't mean they can work through their bs by taking it out on kids. They would have been bullies if they weren't in the war anyway. It's an excuse. We don't need the time to understand that.
  6. Nice touch in the opening with Johnny snapping the bottle cap at Daniel and him catching it. He could have just got trout. It's the same concept. He's shown the most maturity out of the 'kids' this season so far. It's still a little much that's he is at Cobra Kai to get them to win the tournament, but we wouldn't have a show, so I'll roll with it. Now that they're finally giving him something to work with, the actor is doing really well. That was a weirdly convoluted insightful discussion with Johnny and Same. I certainly don't fault anyone who has struggled from Vietnam; it's just weird that it's an issue in a 2021 tv show, which of course, is about the 80s, but still. I'm not super interested in the younger kid's plot, but the actor is doing a really good job playing broken. I certainly hope Miguel doesn't think community college is 'lesser'. It's not. At all. All right, Sam jumping was dumb and super cool. Oookaaay, Silver putting the pony tail on.
  7. Probably. The manager acted like that was the last straw. I think Amanda was out of line going to her work, and she did look like she stepped in it when Tory got fired. She could have waited until Tory went out on a break. That's not how an adult should be acting. I liked the callback to the restraining order. I can't say Kreese was wrong calling her out in the market. Daniel was also condescending to Johnny a little about his karate. I mean, I know Miyagi-do is defensive, but Daniel still won tournaments by beating opponents. I'm really hoping the combined styles is super cool. That looked more peer pressure to me than him leading the charge there. When they were catfishing him on the game, LaRusso looked conflicted about making the kid meet up irl, and clearly didn't want to hit him when they were in the park. Not that he wasn't bullying, but there's levels.
  8. I'm not going to gun the whole show down, but I'll watch some tonight, and probably during the week. I forgot how ridiculous the ending fight was. Also how Tory is insufferable. I'm hoping this is a redemption season for her. I also appreciate Daniel and his wife actually talked about going to the police here. I do appreciate that Johnny and Daniel looked at each other like they have no idea what they're doing. That's fair. The strength of the show is Johnny and Daniel in scenes together, and they need to maximize that if this is the last season (I'm speculating). I like that the kids are trying. 'Why do you have a rock in the middle of your dojo?!' Robbie's hair looks so so much better, and Miguel looked like he bulked up. I'm enjoying the actor (Robbie). He's not as snippy and whiny. "You're not getting what you want" could have leaned that way, and he played it much more grown up. Good ending monologue too. I wonder who is the Outlander fan (with the password). I don't remember anything about KK3 so I have no recollection of how Silver impacted the plot. I'm glad they're showing the flashbacks. He's nuts. Brilliant. As soon as Miguel said "Rocky III", Johnny turned around "I'm listening". The melee with Robbie was really cool.
  9. Murray plopping her on the cake is arguably the best sight gag in tv history.
  10. I just can't imagine having to write 5 hours of content to air *every day*.
  11. After the first season, observations - I think Edith being 'dim' is a put on to deal with Archie. He's always barking about something. It's her way of putting him in his place without him knowing. The show is filmed a lot like a play. It's only been two rooms, but there's a lot of getting up and walking around. The phone is placed strategically that they have to get up and walk over to it. There aren't really any camera cuts. Each scene is just filmed straight on.
  12. Yes, it was. That's what I meant. The real George didn't want to go eat with the Bunkers either, so Weezy brought her brother-in-law, but him and Archie still got into it. The real George went to Mets game. Archie was supposed to go to the Mets game, but stayed home for the dinner instead.
  13. I tend to agree with Mike for the most part. I don't know if it's the longer view of watching a 1971 show in 2021, but is Reiner playing him boorish on person? I suppose maybe the characters are playing younger than the actors so it can be off. I was surprised that the original George Jefferson wasn't Sherman Hemsley, but he wasn't! And he was at the Mets game! Normally on tv they fake eating. Edith was chewing with food in her mouth.
  14. re: Betty White, there's a Netflix documentary I watched last year that was really comprehensive if anyone is interested. Largely, yes. One could argue she and maybe 3 - 5 other people literally made television. On her radio variety show, she was doing 5-6 hours live per day. That's the writing, getting the ads, etc. She didn't invent comedy, or reinvent it, but in terms of 'show biz', she was a progenitor of modern entertainment. This isn't a thing anymore, so a lot of people don't realize what tv was back then.
  15. To a point, and it depends what show. I don't think it's entirely fair that I'm going to bed on a Sunday night, and I want to check FB and see what my friends are up to, and you've got several media outlets posting spoilers to the big shows in the headlines literally the second the credits roll on the east coast.
  16. I tend to think there's a lot of tv that's overwritten, and the actors aren't really given the chance to actually act in the spaces in between dialogue. I watched the episode where Archie was worried he'd lose his job. He finally stopped acting hysterical for a minute and told Edith about growing up during the depression and his father lost his job. It was a real good monologue, but not a lot of lines, and Archie's face kind of just fell as he was talking about it. The gist was 'What is a man if he can't provide for his family?' Well done.
  17. In the books though, Moirane was fairly certain that Rand was the dragon, so all the training made sense. That can be moved to the second season now. They've made a point to mention the heron on the sword, and Rand being a blade master is important to the story. I think playing coy with who the dragon was, didn't really pay off. I'm hoping they get more technical with the channeling next season as well.
  18. How did they have so many tie games back then?
  19. I don't like Mike always putting his feet on the coffee table when he knows Archie doesn't like it either. Edith is on jury duty, and it's the first time she's not in any scenes with the family. It's nice to see the character actually breathe. Edith is much more just plain spoken than as dim as Archie always gets on her. I totally love the elephant and the gigantic remote control.
  20. To be fair to Archie, when Edith suggested all the guys sleep upstairs and all the girls downstairs, he was totally fine with it. The hippie gf protested, and even Mike and Gloria at that point were like, 'come on.' So Archie had enough, and made the kids take them to the airport, like 6 hours ahead of time. I think they were just trying to do too many things in this one.
  21. Kate on Lost had mismatched bra and panties on and everyone went bonkers about it.
  22. There used to be a you tube video way back with actors from BSG, the Wire, and Dexter doing a bit about spoilers.
  23. I understand the point of the show, and I think it's really interesting and important. But that doesn't mean Archie isn't necessarily right. I'm on S1E7, and the kids hippie friends come over to crash before a trip to Europe. They're making a huge deal about the visiting couple being unmarried, but the gf had filthy bare feet, and they're lighting stinky incense. No one asked Archie ahead of time if the couple could crash there. They just showed up. I mean, I take the point about married/unmarried and that Archie is going to have a problem with it, but it's kind of disrespectful. I'm not sure it's the place of Mike and Gloria not having a discussion first. And they had to have known he'd take issue. They're kind of bratty here. Archie v hippies is funny, but it put me off.
  24. I think Madden's success as a broadcaster really had to do with Summerall (and he's said so) - NPR broadcast a clip of Madden ripping on Aikman's terrible beard, and Summerall levels in with - "It's a passive attempt." You couldn't stick a better landing.
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