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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. While I think it's reasonable that LaGuerta would be skeptical of Doakes being the Bay Harbor Butcher, Angel leaping right to Dexter is a bit of a stretch too. They just dropped that right at the end. I would have liked a scene with him up there.
  2. For someone haunted by the disappearance of her friend 25 years ago, Dexter did more work to crack the case in less than a week.
  3. I would have watched another season of Dexter on the run.
  4. I have to laugh at Molly calling Matt overprivileged (he was of course) while she walked around with the biggest self entitlement in the whole town. I was kind of rolling my eyes at the return of snippy Harrison - 3000 miles away from my friends and Audrey. Because Los Angeles wouldn't have 40 million Audreys and no friends. Angela is a crack detective now because Dexter scratches his chin and she listened to a podcast. The evidence against Dexter is massively circumstantial. tbh, Dexter framing Kurt was way more logical. Especially in light of Kurt looking like he fled. Wouldn't Dexter be given a chance to pay bail to get out than be stuck in the cell? I'm just having a hard time after nine episodes that Angela is actually effective at this point. I could see if she was actually investigating the case of the missing girls and we ended up here, but it's like, 'oh a screw. You're the bay harbor butcher.' She's not good at crying either. tbh, Logan is a better detective figuring out Dexter offed Logan. The actor did a great job with the 'your passenger is driving' monologue. I wish they didn't write him so whiny for so long because the last two episodes he's been very good. Not that being angry isn't believable. That's the only reason I could think of. He might have even agreed to do the season with that stipulation. I can't fault the actor for wanting to hang the character up, but I'm surprised too. Killing Logan was the final straw, but it's also kind of garbage too because Dexter could have just put him in the sleeper and got the keys. Or even thrown Logan in the cell to buy time. Or lied to Harrison flat out. That's actually a better ending. Even though Dexter gets away with it, he's still figuratively imprisoned and can't kill again. With dying, he actually does kind of get away with it. I'm not sure they will have enough without his own testimony to convincingly pin the bay harbor butcher on him or without the resources of an exhaustive trial. It's not like Angel is going to pick up the 100s of cold cases.
  5. When people were lining up for Titanic, I yelled out 'I can't believe the ship sank!' on my way out the theatre. I didn't actually see the movie. We saw something else. It was just the line for Titanic was loooooong.
  6. That's not about wandering in, either. You're looking at FB to see what you're friends are up to, you get a headline - 'zomg Ned got his head cut off!' Come on. You can say 'WOW comment in the thread, but spoilers!' I'm not coming to this site until I watch a show first. That's on me if I do.
  7. I actually think that was a good idea. It was just a karate fight. Sometimes that's all it needs to be. Not every match has to be laden with drama.
  8. That's my problem. It seemed the natural evolution of the story would be to join forced. Not that there's going to be conflict there, but halfway through the season they split. They barely even tried.
  9. I thought that was milk in the locker.
  10. I bet not negligible. London and England were still economic powers then, and with the strife in France, it's not hard to think some would migrate looking for better opportunities. They showed the kitchen had a lot of black people, and Fogg wasn't surprised that his new valet was black. It stands to reason that these lower class type jobs would be filled by migrants. Fix, it seems from this discussion thread, is based on Nelly Bly, who was a real person who did travel around the world in less than 80 days. Tv-wise, it makes sense to have a reporter there in order to have scenes in the club of all the harumphing around as they read about Fogg in the paper.
  11. They're public enemy number one as far as I'm concerned.
  12. They have too much time on their hands. There's nothing else to do.
  13. I don't know where or if they're continuing it, but I'd like Larry to get a win on the Hulu show.
  14. They don't look the same to me except being in all capitals. The Ms, Ys, and Ds aren't the same.
  15. I do too, but I do it like an adult. I don't object to her actually using language, but like I said, she's inserting it seemingly random and without emphasis. It's a podcast, so all you have is audio. Do it right.
  16. There was discussion upthread about how surgical metal has to have an identifier, so I made a note to check it out at the end to confirm there was a serial number.
  17. Johnny is no where in this century ready to grasp that concept.
  18. Or at least expose that he was lying about Matt. Well, first rule is don't get caught, right? Would those bodies be preserved that long? That was a great reveal though. She might! I mean, the book. I don't live in NY, but I live in a snowy area, and those ATVs are ubiquitous. Blend in. It would be hard to call bs on Dexter finally being brought to justice or someone finally getting him, but I can't see the show going on without him killing about wherever he decides to go (I'm speculating he will flee Iron Lake; no spoilers). I have no illusions that he's nothing but a monster, but I don't do bad things so he wouldn't come after me anyway. I kind of hope he doesn't kill Angela; they disappear, and she's the only one that knows. I mean, knows, but not enough to actually be able to do anything about it legally. Re: the titanium screws - When Angela looked at the screw at the end, there clearly was a serial number.
  19. Did you all see that clown?! I think I would have killed him. yeesh. I am enjoying the unfolding of the "code" to Harrison. Of course, it's total nonsense since the only rule is don't get caught, but I root for Dexter to get away with it anyway. I'm enjoying all the savage burns here at Angela's expense. Not for nothing, I'm not going to be upset if anyone wants to give me a book. I was surprised that Dexter was doing gifts with her since they're broken up. When they don't write Harrison whiny and attitude all the time, the actor is doing just fine. He did great in the whole 'code' scene. The anger is certainly justified, but I don't know if they wanted him to play it so petulant or what. And 1% listening to podcasts. Maybe she needs that book. I think what annoys me about Molly's podcast narration is that she's saying 'fuck' like she's a kid who just learned the word. The placement is off.
  20. He did have Miguel with him. If he was by himself, forget it. Johnny even learned feminism!
  21. I think this one was a little too much tbh. I could swallow the bird holding office to a point - it's hard to believe that an all around salt of the earth guy like Beef would lose to the bird, and it made the residents look stupid. I don't have a problem with Wolf having issues with the parents splitting up; being the oldest, he probably remembers the most. He was way way way off the chain about it though. I'm hoping with Honeybee make the new rule about minors holding office that means Ham will run. Who wouldn't vote for the cake lady?
  22. I'm digging deep here, but wasn't the crane kick only used because Johnny sprained Daniel's ankle; thus he couldn't plant to make a kick any way? It's almost like a forward scissor kick in soccer where you're kicking with the plant foot, and the off foot (Daniel's injured one) only provides the momentum. You're not really floating in the air; you're launching yourself. Certainly, there's limitations, but it was meant to be a last ditch effort. I mean, pick one other iconic scene that is literally the 80s. (The volleyball scene in Top Gun comes so close, but no). I can roll that no one really has curfew for the prom too. Most of the kids wouldn't know whose house it is anyway. "Oh, it's so and so's friend that used to be in karate with him." They're not going to care.
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