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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. I'm glad they showed Fogg in the bank with the money order as to how he's getting money for the trip. They're half way through at 41 and only in Hong Kong. America is going to take a long time. They better get some fast horses! It was quite a treat that Fogg has a fangirl and Fix's article is being syndicated. The map with the yarn and pin in the club is a great touch. I have to laugh - of course Passpartout can crack a safe! That bedroom scene was super tense. Kind of a jerk move to take a piece of jewelry from a grave though. I mean, put it in a museum if anything. I was guessing that Fogg's 'note' or whatever from his bank in England came in or the governor told the bank to put it through.
  2. I took spanish in high school and we learned a lot of slang. Our teacher didn't care what we were saying as long as it was in spanish.
  3. I wouldn't either if I were them. They're not lacking for anything; if there's an emergency (car just dies; fire) they can buy a new house, car, clothes. I assume the kids have college paid for. They can buy good food; wine, liquor if they want. That all seems enough to me. It reminds me of the scene in Goodfellas when they steal from the airport, and there's a big dinner party that night to celebrate. Jimmy is blowing a gasket because everyone is showing up in new cars; wives in mink coats.
  4. I had to laugh when Javier just walked in a shot Darlene on the couch. Literally anyone could have done that at any time and there were 100 different reasons. I can't remember the exact scene, but something pinged me last night watching that Omar has got something up his sleeve. Not that he was expected to be arrested, but I have a feeling he's playing a longer game with Javier.
  5. I mentioned that above. It seems quite much that Frank doesn't know about Darlene at this point. She shot his son's dick off. LIterally. So you go down to her place to chew her out? You don't send your capos. That's a bit much.
  6. yeesh, with the Doctor thinking Wyatt was Darlene's son. At that this point though, Wyatt, there's being naive, and being dumb. I really like this season, and this was said in the other threads, Wendy and Marty are just going putting out fires *constantly*; whether it's Navarro snipping at them on the phone, Javier doing his deal, Darlene darlene-ingl, Jonah, politics - they're everywhere all the time. Oh, and juggling the FBI. What I like about Darlene and Ruth is that Darlene still thinks it's 1977 or whatever, and she's dealing drugs around the Ozarks, but Ruth sees what the larger picture is, partly because of Marty's influence, but she's able to deal with a wider range of criminals and hold her own. The problem is, Darlene will just shoot someone for sneezing in the wrong direction. Marty and Ruth are 'rational actors'. Darlene is not. (As I'm sure we knew was coming up with Frank). Javier certainly isn't, and Marty dancing around Javier is masterful. My spanish is rudimentary, but I always crack up when I hear 'pendejo'. I catch a 'chingate' in there once and while. I'm always surprised though how Marty, Wendy and Navarro speak so openly on the phone. The Sopranos were way more cagey. I suppose it's easier when you can talk in person. Still though. I like how Javier is super-duper the boss now, but being set up like a million miles away. Really great scene with Marty and Jonah; I liked how they shot Jonah out of focus because Marty is the master. There isn't any way Wyatt lives this out.
  7. It only looked like he needed stitches. The problem was the loss of blood, and they had transfusions back then, no?
  8. Was the season 2 ender a back door pilot for Maude? It even looked shot different. I am impressed because (I obviously know Bea Arthur is a brilliant actor) the writing is completely different for Maude than for the All in the Family episode. The entire first act is just Maude and her family. Of course Archie wouldn't cough up 10 bucks to go out with the groom party. I mean, come on. Giving the box of No-Doz for the honeymoon is a *fantastic* gag. Even better Archie causing the wedding to crash. The second season is closed out! I think the back half of second season was the strongest so far. A lot of that is because the characters all had more to do. For an iconic character, Archie is a huge boor. I'm sure week to week it was different back then, and it was certainly unprecedented, so the viewers probably didn't know what to make of the show at times. With that, this last batch of episodes is good television. Edith had more focused plots. They all did more, even if all the events took place in the living room. Obviously, Sammy Davis, but the episode about the 'investigator' was really good for sowing paranoia. Archie not wanting to talk to the police and then getting into hot water with the mafia. There was a plot involving Archie having to fire someone. There were some more characters coming in. There wasn't as much the family playing off Archie, even though Archie was being Archie. There were more genuinely funny lines too.
  9. At least they have an explanation of why Mel was tracking down Ben. I still think he's going to get himself killed. I guess it's nice of Jonah to be cleaning for Ruth, but he still comes home for dinner. I'm sure Marty would put his foot down if Wendy tried to kick out Jonah, but I'm surprised he's just not at the motel. I'd still argue that Charlotte should go to college. Criminals need to be smart too. Ironically, I think Javier would try to talk her into it. I'm surprised Ruth was so cool with Darlene shipping out the product. I had a good laugh and her Wyatt having a nice morning at the farmers market while everything was going down. I'm starting to feel bad for Marty getting screaming at by literally everyone. I don't want to give short shrift to Wendy's plot because she did a good job on getting the senator on the board. What I like about the show is that everyone is grifting; some more value than others. Wendy is up on a whole other level with voting machines now. I'm surprised Ruth didn't give up Wendy to Mel. I guess maybe hanging out with Marty got her some nostalgia. Again with the Darlene plot armor. Wendy lets her die, then they burn her up. Done and done. I was surprised though that Darlene was a little skittish when Wendy stepped to her. I think that's totally fair given how the show has gone for these kids. That FBI agent thinks she's honest at her job. Marty could turn himself in, and she'd be doing time. At least, it's her badge. She just gave Wendy a case file, like nbd; Omar Navarro calls me. Come on y'all, all the Walter White references and no one says that Darlene best tread lightly?!
  10. I don't think Cait wants to kill off the druids. Their way of life however is on the way out.
  11. I don't think he's trying to save her. When she was working at the casino, Marty treated her as an apprentice. Her family situation I think he probably was trying to get her away from by helping her become independent. I don't think he would hand cared of she just took her money and just left the Ozarks.
  12. Very impressed with take-charge Ruth pulling a Pulp Fiction! (I don't think anyone didn't think Darlene weren't going to take charge though!) That might have been the first time I actually agreed with Darlene. I'm not really feeling bad for Wyatt though. I know it's despicable that Wendy is using Ben, but I'm eating it up. Mr. PI better tread lightly. No one hired him to look for Ben. I'm not knocking Marty for pointing out it's very risky to talk about him. I know we've been discussing Javier being a hot head, but it was smart to ask for the body camera footage. You've got to have some spine to tell Omar kill his own nephew, but if you already killed your own brother. I mean. I really liked the scene with just Marty and Ruth. I think he's the only person in her life that genuinely likes her. I don't know if Wyatt even does or is just scared of her. It sounded to me like grad school - MBA or something like that. He could have gone in this 30s or late 20s. It's kind of Omar's fault for tipping off so many of the shipments. I mean, what does he think Javier is going to do? One here and there is 'the cost of doing business'; not this many. If Omar is smart, he's got to frame someone and take him out. If Marty told Javier, 'oh, I found out it's so and so,' Javier is going to think it's Marty or someone Marty knows, which is only Wendy and Ruth. He might not believe Omar, but he can't do anything about it either.
  13. I did like how Lucius said back then they were 'all messiahs popping up all over the place.' Very Life of Brian. If he thinks Cait is going to convert, he's going to be waiting awhile.
  14. The Olympics are on the 4th - 18th I think too. All the usual lineup are reruns.
  15. I liked Franny all tarted up for the realtor interview. But who are the 3 richest men in Langley! I totally want the mid century bachelor pad! I don't mind they went heavy on the Franny plot because it was hilarious. There could have been more to the coffee plot if they gave it the time. I feel like they could have just saved that for another episode.
  16. I was leaning to that 'leaving' Fogg meant some tragic death. Back then dainty ladies died from 'exposure' and 'consumption'. Women back then didn't just leave; it would be scandalous unless she was independently wealthy or royalty. Fogg probably laments that he didn't spend enough time with her and that's why she withered away. Or they were always making plans to travel but Fogg was always too busy, and he regrets it. He was the most empassioned when talking to the balloon maker about honoring his wife's memory by 'flying like angels' that it couldn't have been accidental he perked up so much just then. Everyone is always reading the newspapers in the Reform Club. There's a shot of a rack with a whole bunch of them. I bet the club gets papers from all over. In Fogg's social class, I could see it something they would talk about. They were actually getting into Fix's article with Fogg talking about new trains, etc., before Bellamy started harummphing. Would working classes like Passpartout and the others in the kitchen in the basement? Probably not. If you're not having two shillings to rub together, you're not spending any to buy a paper.
  17. Well, I knew he had it on him. It has to be the only thing he'd want to give to Cait. I can't figure if he knows she's the 'girl' everyone is looking for.
  18. They did dump Firefly on a Friday night too. It was also opposite Farscape, and I wasn't giving up my Aeryn for Inara. I watched it in the correct order later, and I enjoyed the show. It could have been something for 3,4 seasons. Being cut off after only a handful of episodes gives the show a mythology. Also, in this content landscape, I'm sure it could have been more successful.
  19. I'm just surprised she had that much mercy in her. The show kind of hedged because the guy from the middle east that was a convert to christianity brought Lucius the spear, and I don't think they showed that in the previews. That's the only thing he would have to give. And if the druids are going on about the dead gods and no more prophecy, it would seem that the new religion would be why.
  20. He killed Helen in front of Marty and Wendy. He knows they're indispensable. I think he's just venting. Marty isn't out unless Omar is out, and they both know that. He's a drug lord; he's using to issuing orders and things happen. This is far more complicated and nuanced, and Omar knows that and doesn't like it. He conceded that he knows he has to make concessions, but won't say what they are. I think he's giving Marty some latitude to see what they can get first. Making Maya make a concession.
  21. If last season was the Season of the Witch, and we had Veran v Veran; then I'm hoping the Children of the Revolution is going to be BAMF!Cait. Who hypnotized a guy to kiss a chicken. I do hate it when I wake up and a raven attacks me in my bedroom though. So annoying. I thought the old queen was killed after she was captured last season? I don't remember what actually happened. I also don't remember when Cait got runes on her face. Did Divis do that? And we all knew the Veran wasn't dead. I like how Qwan was like, 'whelp, I guess let's not bother with the prophecies anymore.' And I don't think anyone here thought 'moon flowers' were going to make weasel stew taste like swan. I'm surprised she spared the younger one. I guess since since Sophie O has the coveted 'and' position in the credits she's going to gnaw the scenery to shreds. I mean, you have to make a rule about not eating people without permission. I forgot Lucius allegedly killed Jesus. It can't be no accident that Cait had the vision of the flaming spear prior to meeting him. I don't feel that bad for Aulus, but to be fair, it's been less than 2 years. It's not like he can just go stomping around to find Cait whenever. None of the Romans had any idea all the factions and politics going on. It's fairly impressive he's been able to keep them divided and weakened. I'm guessing it's the spear. I don't know if Aulus told him who Cait was when he saw her in the underworld vision.
  22. That doesn't sound like you're getting much in the way of plot if he's just loafing around. British Archie has even less excuse for booting him out.
  23. She can't do that if they're peeking through the window of one of the rooms and they get a warrant.
  24. He's still using the same internet connection, so the location isn't really important for cyber surveillance. Ruth can't really deny anything if there's a record of internet activity using the motel IP. Jonah better be using a VPN. However, an FBI or PI peeking into the window of the motel seeing all the fancy computer equipment may be able to argue probable cause, whereas an office inside the motel, they can go in and try to poke around, but Ruth could tell them to leave in her own colorful way.
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