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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. The trope has been done so much now, it's hard to see past it sometimes. Paul wasn't actually supposed to be the KH even. Jessica basically blew the Bene Gesserit's plans. You can count me first in line if someone has the spine to take on a God Emperor movie.
  2. Holy shit, if that was Dragonmount, it looks exactly like I pictured it.
  3. JB Smoove was doing the narration for the eggs though, and I love that guy on Curb. Wow forethought on the supply chain issue. Good on Eliot to call out on the problem with shutting the entire grid. I was saying the same thing. When Parker was doing her weird squirrel voice the first time, Eliot pinched his nose and covered his mouth; it looked like Kane was losing it. I have a hard time believing that servers of that magnitude, in terms of data, wouldn't have uninterrupted I liked how Harry got locked in and decided to just have a drink. Please tell me someone else noticed Breanna's anime landing when she popped down from the vent. I don't know if anyone heard about this, but last year, I remember reading how bitcoin was unhackable, and a bunch of thieves just handtrucked the servers away. It might have been in Denmark. I was kind of hoping they'd just steal them outright. Well, the actors all seemed to have plenty in the tank to jump into these characters again. I do hope there's more show to come. I think Harry being a lawyer again actually expands the plot opportunities. Great job all around.
  4. I liked that Eliot knew right of the bat that the 'Ms. River Song' et al. aliases were Hardisons. I also had a huge laugh over the baby shower too. One thing I really liked was Sophie totally conning the head lawyer with just the clipboard and an eyebrow raise. I don't recall them showing Harry in the courtroom before. I was actually thinking they would pull a twist and the oil company would actually not be at fault. Although, I was saying the same thing - the evidence couldn't count because they actually stole the information. I guess saying verifying it covered it. Kane really killed it with the shock, sorrow, and rage, when they were showing the explosion. For a second, I thought Harry might have blew up the rig. I don't quite get the motive though - they already showed that the pipes were leaking. I didn't think she was going to leave Ethan either. I think he kind of didn't know what marriage he was in.
  5. You can't beat a good train ride. I love trains. I liked the timing with Breanna gearing up the web page while Sophie was getting her intro. Dude is all swinging the bat around, and I'm like 'ok, *mustache*.'
  6. To be fair, when the book came out, it was kind of the first take on the trope. I'm not surprised with Dune that having to read the book would help with the movie though. Ah, beat me to it. I haven't watched yet, but knowing the books that seems about right. Once the Atreides land on Dune, they're not even really unpacked what you know what happens to the Duke and all hell breaks loose.
  7. What's funny is that the voice actor from Clones is really 'Anakin' for me now. They did such a fantastic job with his characterization. If Christensen thinks he's going to just take Anakin from the movies as his approach, it's going to fall totally flat. Although, if they're going to do flashbacks, I would love love love to see some of the seminal moments from Clones as live action.
  8. I take Bill's point in the ending new rule, and it was well done. However, I think most people are just full of hot air. They'll spew whatever online, but at the end of the day, there are bills to pay. No one is going to shooting at their neighbor in the street. It's analogous to people bloviating about how they're going to quit their job if they're required to get vaccinated. Overwhelmingly, the figures prove otherwise. Did anyone actually watch the Chapelle special? I did a while ago, and I don't know anyone else who has. I'm actually glad Bill said to stfu at the end because we've said the same here plenty of times.
  9. How? I assumed the tv show was the same time as the Mandalorian, so he's a Force Ghost. Flashbacks?
  10. That's what I meant. It's a dumb thing to do. I would just say no, that's not a valid excuse and give them a 0.
  11. Jan speculated that the cat licked up the poisoned blood from Tim. It is the simplest explanation since the cat went into everyone's apartments. I don't know why she'd poison the dog though unless she thought the group would back off the case, but in the end she decided to get in there firsthand since they already uncovered Dimas' crimes.
  12. What happens if they thought out which tire before though?
  13. That's fair, but Jan did point out that she wants to be needed, so just getting away with it wasn't enough.
  14. I didn't know if the real Alanis had other things going on.
  15. I'm sure Momoa would like many many many more Dune movies.
  16. I thought they could have been way more scathing with the commentary on the 80s.
  17. I was hoping the resolution would be more convoluted, but I can't call bs on it either. It holds up. I'm not entirely clear on why or when Jan decided to kill Charles because she killed Tim for thinking he cheated on her. Their make out in the elevator was hilarious. Unless she was put off that Charles went to the concert anyway. It looked to me she came over there with the intent to kill him, and not decided once she got there since she had to have the poison teed up. Or she figured the team got Dimas so it was only a matter of time before they solved Tim's case. I thought they were going to end on 'it's not what you think,' but I'm glad they carried it one more scene. I guess the next question is who sent the text. Clearly, there's no way Mabel killed Bunny. It was hilarious she was wearing the sweatshirt. I'm leaning toward the cop too; it has to be someone we know. The guys would have known if Mabel texted them. Thoroughly entertained.
  18. That doesn't surprise me at all. Claudia Black has always been radiant.
  19. Even with 3 to 1 against Linda and ice cream on the line, Linda still beat them though.
  20. How do you know prayers don't work? Because I'm bald! If that was improv-ed, it's brilliant.
  21. Banging Randos is totally my new disco punk band.
  22. You can still do that at the 40% level because you can afford to get a hotel for a night if you want to paint the city red. There's only so long I could flush all that money away in rent that it was seriously affecting my quality of life.
  23. Oh no no no. There's also the 'I can afford a house in a smaller city/suburb' with a mortgage 40% of my rent in the Big City too.
  24. I think that's what Bob arrived at in the end when Bonnie showed up for the tow. After that Teddy wanted to get the beef jerky, and Bob was up for it. Teddy should have been more up front. Bob is running a restaurant and taking a whole day out, while I would say might be good for Bob, isn't fair without some discussion first. Teddy knows how attached he is to kitchen ware. They could have gone right to the sink and then done the rest. I hope they're breaking away from needy, creepy Teddy with this kind of plot. He's always been good with the kids too, and I can't remember when they had a plot. Maybe the xmas one where he was Santa? You don't always leave Louise speechless. She was totally struck.
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