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Everything posted by DoctorAtomic

  1. I watch the EPL on NBC here in the USA, so I had a big laugh at 'Klopp era!' when she saw Anfield. So I'm in the mountain time zone and I got the 1 hour and 20 minute version at 3.25 today. There was a lot going on! I had a lot of fun, but they threw in a lot of characters in. It looked to me like the Sontarans were behind the flux, but that didn't seem right to me. I am leaning that there's some business with them in 1820.
  2. I watched the first episode last night and will watch a few today.
  3. I forgot Rand was actually good with the bow.
  4. So here's my problem with that argument from the show, and I agree with the prevailing opinion here. You're a fireman; you're not vaccinated. Let's say I'm someone who actually can't get the vaccine for legit reasons. You come into my burning house to save me, but you infect me, and I have to go to the hospital. That's a lawsuit waiting to happen. That alone, no way any municipality wants the liability. On the other side of it; who wants it on their conscience that you got someone sick? I'm all virtual for my classes until I'm confident everyone is vaccinated. (I'm vaccinated). I wouldn't want someone to get sick in my class even if it wasn't my fault. And guess what? Someone did. She's probably super in to Outlander. I agree that Bill talks about wokeness too much, but I don't think he's always wrong. I didn't take New Rules as a screed on wokeness. A tv show with a scene that has a nude guy get on an elevator really doesn't strike me as violence. I've said before that telling someone to stfu could be done a little more; from that - sometimes you (people in general) need to just dial it down. Not everything is A Thing. I'm not going to get into the Chappelle special, but the joke about 'dog whistling' and 'you don't think Dave speaks his mind?' was funny.
  5. Are we doing individual episode threads again, or am I the only person watching?
  6. I liked Bill at least trying with Spicer - there's nothing wrong with criticism of the spending bill, but if all you're saying is that everything is going to destroy the country all the time, then you're not helping either. We're not going to regret Afghanistan for generations, ffs. Please. If Biden didn't withdraw troops, they'd all be screeching in the streets about him 'trampling' over the previous administration deal or some such bloviation. I don't disagree, but wow Reagan screwed up this country. Talk about legacy. Ok once again - no one is teaching critical race theory in K - 12.
  7. I don't get that. They aren't filming a movie and a sequel like Matrix 2 and 3. Dune is a singular story. It's going to be two years till the next installment. That's a lifetime in show biz. I mean, the second part is ridiculous. I can't imagine it wouldn't kill. You'd think from a production standpoint, they'd want to hit the second part by next spring.
  8. Not to quote myself, but dude was a fancy neo-nazi. I guess they respect facial hair.
  9. Egwene didn't need to be sold iirc. One she found out she could channel she was packing up.
  10. That's really the unique feature that separates the story from your typical savior trope. I mean, you basically just have kid from a farm saves the world otherwise. I was hoping that would come across a little more in the trailer. Is that why she said, 'any 5 of you?' That didn't make sense to me. Moiraine wasn't convinced anyone was the Dragon iirc, but was only like, 'whoa 3 ta'veren are here? huh.' She kind of backed it out, but no one knew for sure for a while.
  11. They didn't wait long this season for Susie to throw Larry out of the house. Even if I have Larry level money, it's 6 grand. I wouldn't have waited 6 months. And Susie definitely plopped. She is a total plopper. Has anyone not walked into a door or screen though? I did like Larry's eulogy. That's how you skewer someone. Larry and Susie being at odds is funny, but I do like when they are on the same page even if it's small moments like finding the closet. I have to call a little bs on Larry being extorted. He's got enough money. Go to court. The guy died breaking in. I liked the cuts between all the 'auditions'. I got a kick out of who Leon cast as his Mary. The ending theme was very well done.
  12. I saw it the regular trailer on the Facebook page. Did Moiraine always channel fireballs? tbh, the trailer seemed generic fantasy quest to me. I kind of wished they said more that the Dragon was the 'savior', but also destroyer. Because on the heels of Dune it just looks like a typical magic savior story. I know they're trying to hide who the Dragon actually is, but I was hoping it would be more like, 'do you really *want* to be the Dragon?' Rand isn't necessarily the Dragon either until Tear. It looked like the last shot was the Eye though.
  13. It wasn't actually one-sided though. Craig sent the boat policeman to give them a ticket and admitted he was pissed over Kathleen.
  14. I'm not buying. When push comes to shove, and a particular officer is brought in and told 'you get this now or you're fired,' they're going to fold. I assume most officers have families; even if not, they all have bills, and not that I know a lot, building up their service to a full pension. So, all their wives are 100% supportive of them quitting outright? No worries about paying for bassoon lessons, or new ballet slippers? Hockey skates? Not to mention health insurance or prescriptions. DeSantis isn't going to pay for them all to just up and relocate, and what if one of the officer's wives is a high school teacher with tenure? They're going to just quit and start over if maybe there's an opening somewhere else. None of that's going to happen. One dude is going to cave and the rest are going to get it.
  15. I think that was the point of the 'House' prequels; to give the characters in Dune actual characterization. I never liked Idaho until I read his origin story. You have all these people so loyal to the Duke, and in Dune, they just say it's because he's a cool guy. The prequels at least give you something there. I think that's why the movies are always so hard to pull off. Say what you want, but the miniseries at least gave it some breathing room.
  16. There is no way Wolf is 22. How old is Honeybee then? She can't be much older than him, and I thought the story about how they met she was mid 20s. If they just aged up Beef to 45, it's way easier to buy. At 40, it's no wonder the wife left. All she did was have babies constantly.
  17. They must have gotten married right out of high school or had Wolf at 17, 18.
  18. I thought the cat actually just died, not that Doug did her in.
  19. Was the therapist based on someone they knew irl?
  20. I am. Actually older. It's fantastic. I'm just not a fan of brat Gene plots.
  21. If Beef is 40, how old is Wolf? I thought he was in his 30s.
  22. I've only seen these movies so that was my take. I don't know anything about the books. I certainly would like to see more movies in the 'past' that flesh out the whole 'process'.
  23. I guess it depends what his appearance will actually be. If it's post Return of the Jedi, he (HC) can basically do what he wants because it's unwritten. If there's flashbacks, I think it's a huge mistake to not take Clones into consideration, in terms of acting approach. I mean, Clones is canon, no?
  24. Not necessarily. They could have let the devil in, so when Goode said their name, then it worked. We'd have to see a Goode naming someone and it not working to confirm. I mean, Great Awakening pastor? I could buy that he's done some things that made him susceptible. Solomon Goode was telling Sarah that she didn't cause any problems because he knew she was a genuinely good person.
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