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Everything posted by Maharincess

  1. Anna and Michelle were kissing over a crib? I'm confused by who you're talking about.
  2. I don't think I'd go so far as to say gorgeous and intelligent myself. Some of the kids are cute, a couple are pretty and some are just down right ugly. Nothing wrong with that but not every kid is gorgeous or even cute ish. It's amazing that little Caitlin with the tooked away toys is so cute with that beast of a mother. Lola is a very pretty kid. When I saw Piper with the ugly scowl on her face pushing her mom in the head I thought how terrible it is to do that to her mom, then I realized it wasn't even her mom. It's bad enough to do it to your parent, if my kid had done that to me or ANYBODY, her ass would have been in pajamas in bed in two minutes flat. She's a brat and its her parents fault. @Honey, yes motherhood makes you blind. My grown daughter and I were looking at old pictures one day and she said she was an ugly baby, I looked at the pictures and told her, yeah she really was an ugly baby, but back then she was the most beautiful baby in the world to me.
  3. I'm still going back and forth on the puppy. I really do want one but then something will happen that reminds me that I'll never be at 100% physically again and I start thinking it may be too much for me. Border Collie puppies are a lot of work. If you don't keep them physically and mentally stimulated they get destructive. I change my mind ten times an hour.
  4. This is my first full season of this show and I need to know why the host acts like such an idiot? Does he always act like that?
  5. @ABay, that's great news!!! I've been checking here for updates every day. I'm so happy your girl is feeling better. @DeLurker, Kook is beautiful. I'm glad he found a friend. They look worn out.
  6. I have this in my bedroom, also brass, I also have a miniature one on my nightstand. I have 16 feet pitched walls in my room, it's a huge room that used to be an attic. This lamp is perfect. I also like odd lamps. A lot. I have 2 in my living room that are shaped like roses, with each rose having a light bulb in it. They look like they're from maybe the 70s, I'm not sure. I'm a weirdo who also has a few lava lamps, I have different shapes and colors in different rooms in the house. My favorite thing to look for in thrift stores are old lamps and lighting fixtures.
  7. @Bastet, I follow Tia, the rescue and most of the kids and crew on Facebook and I haven't seen that donations drop off or slow down at all when the show isn't airing. All Tia has to do is post "we could use XYZ" then the next day she posts that they are now over run with xyz and don't need anymore. I'm not saying you're wrong, I just haven't seen anything from the ones I follow that shows that they slow down during hiatus. I hope they don't. From what I see on Facebook she has a fiercely loyal following that she can really count on to donate and help out. I usually adopt a human family for the holidays but this year I'm doing animals. I sent a donation to VillaLobos and I had a blanket drive and we sent 4 boxes of blankets to them. We're donating to local shelters as well but I really wanted to help VillaLobos. This show has changed the way I feel about pit bulls, I still don't want to own one, I prefer Border Collies but the show has made me not fear them and think people are crazy for having them like I used to.
  8. Last night's episode also showed then taking an already built cabin and fixing it up for the son who's leaving for college. Why couldn't that cabin be used for Shane and Kelli? This is confusing the hell out of me.
  9. @RedheadZombie, I'm so sorry for your loss. I very much agree with your last paragraph. After losing my boy I swore I would NEVER get another because the end just hurts too damn bad. I made it 8 months before I started searching local rescues.
  10. I like that one. My all time favorite Christmas song is Billy Squier "Christmas Is a Time To Say I Love You. My mom and I would wait for hours for that song to come on MTV and we'd sing and dance every time. GREAT memories with that song.
  11. Her dog Jethro kills me in those videos, he's so bad! He makes me laugh but I'm surprised that Tia has such a crazy, untrained dog.
  12. I'm a little embarrassed to say this but when my son was born my daughter was a biter, she bit her newborn brother a few times and left marks on him. I tried EVERYTHING to get her to stop and she just kept doing it. One day she bit him pretty hard and I grabbed her hand and bit it, not hard but enough to get her attention, she never bit her brother again. She's 32 now with two kids of her own and she's not scarred by it but I still wouldn't recommend it. I felt horrible afterwards but I was at my wit's end.
  13. I just finished watching a few episodes of the show. Christina is such a snob and I seriously laugh my ass off when Tarek pretends he knows how to do construction work, it's hilarious. He has no clue what the hell he's doing and he doesn't even hold the tools properly. I bet the real workers laugh at him when he steps in and pretends to work. It reminds me of a little kid doing "work" with his daddy and pretending he knows what he's doing. Both of them are so snooty and prissy.
  14. What does expy mean?
  15. Crazy isn't it? Seeing a sloppy, obese woman telling her young child how important beauty is is a lesson in irony for me. If you pay attention to the audience, 99.9 percent of the people are obese. The blonde girl last night doesn't stand a chance, poor thing. Her mom, dad and older brother were all huge so it's just a matter of time before she is too. Her dad looked like it would take him three or four tries to step up on to a curb, then he'd have to sit and catch his breath after he finally made it up.
  16. 2018? It's more than a full year away?
  17. You would call the police because he has tattoos?
  18. I haven't seen every episode so forgive my question, who is Noone? Is she the one with Kyle?
  19. I always listen to the podcasts but I had a death in the family and I missed a couple of them.
  20. @Blergh, I recently found a lot of those kinds of photo albums at my local Dollar Tree. They're the only kind of photo album I use so I bought a bunch of them. Maybe try some local dollar stores. When my kids were babies I cut babies out of magazines and different places and put them in one of those albums. My kids LOVED them. They would flip through and look at the babies and imitate what the babies in the pictures were doing. They could sit for the longest time looking at the babies.
  21. I finally got fed up and stopped watching the Teen Mom shows but I still read the forums. You guys are killing me with these pictures.
  22. My old house had a spirit living in it. When we first moved in weird stuff would happen, I'd hear leaves crunching in the yard but nobody was there and the TV's in the house would go off and on all the time. The creepiest thing that happened was that I looked out my front window one morning and saw a woman walking up my driveway, it was a long driveway and she was almost to my door but when I opened the door nobody was there. I always called our ghost Darlene for some reason. A few years after we moved in I was talking to the woman next door, she had lived there since the neighborhood was built. She told me that there used to be a gay artist who lived in my house, she committed suicide in the doorway of the second bedroom in the early '70s. And her name was Darlene. Once in a blue moon I would get a piece of mail with her name on it. I would stick it on top of the fridge and it always disappeared. Sorry, this isn't a peeve but you reminded me of Darlene with your post. Peeve? I HATE waiting at the Dr too but I know that more often than not I will have to wait so I make sure I always have a book with me.
  23. I Love Lucy and Roseanne are my two all time favorite shows. I am loving all of the shit that Simon is spilling.
  24. What is DBT?
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