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Everything posted by hatchetgirl

  1. I worked with a guy who lived in Boyle Heights, Los Angeles, during the Night Stalker days. He said he was TERRIFIED and it was one of the hottest summers ever, so he remembered having to sleep with his windows closed and could barely get any rest. I lived in the County next door and although I remember the murders at the time, they seemed so removed from us. The Zodiac was such a great character. I do wish they had done a bit more dialog or something from him or about him. Definitely agree we needed Ted Bundy! Talk about a career murderer! I think Mrs Evers, when she lost her mind, became enamored with March and stayed with him. That's the only thing I can think of. The whole vampire line is making no sense at all when you put it into perspective with March and the killers. It's stupid and I'm over Gaga (although I wouldn't mind a mannequin wearing her clothing in each scene - might work better. LOL) Finally with the vampire thing, the Countess losing all of her money to Madoff was STUPID! Doesn't it seem like she has a bit of that vampire mojo when she looks you in the eye? Why can't she just get her money that way? Naomi Campbell - please get off of my tv along with Miss Can't Act, Chloe.
  2. They couldn't spend more time with the living goddess? She was lovely and i would have enjoyed a scene with Henri and her. So not interested in Stevie. Finally, everyone Bess is ignored, spoken over, pushed out of the conversation, I feel a knife in the heart as I have it happen weekly. Granted I'm not in the white house. Lol
  3. My mom told me all about OK abusing Nicole when they lived in Laguna. It was weird. I knew him from the hertz commercials and stuff so when she'd go on about him being this horrible person, I remember thinking ok whatever mom. But then the murder happened and I was like yikes my mom was right!
  4. Flipping brilliant and classic, Catherine Deneuve, Bowie and Bauhaus. Very few songs that hit you within the first 2 bars like Bauhaus, Janes, Bowie... thanks for that Captanne! Yeah, I did an October tour of the Cecil, realized at one point I was on the elevator and freaked myself out, which is hard to do. I'm pretty calculated, but this day was just something all together different. The Cecil is its own entity, that's for sure. I was surprised by the mosaic embedded in the floors of the halls and I'd not toured it before si I think I was on heightened weirdo watch that day or something, so it was quite cool to be frightened.
  5. Catherine Deneuve is delicious! Just fabulous. Lady Gaga is NO Catherine Deneuve. This episode was a bit better, but still not the greatest. The room that Evan is in is actually the owner of the Oviatt building personal penthouse, Mr. Oviatt. I noticed the furnishings right away. He was tiny (I'm 4'9") and his furniture fits me. LOL. But, yes the red velvet, the walls, just lovely. I don't know where that pool is though, it's not Oviatt or Pac Mutual. It's in the style of the time but not in the building. The Biltmore has a lovely pool like this, but it's all teal blue tile.
  6. I just can't anymore! Fuck this is so lame! In season 2 I think, it was clear that mellie pushed those 3 together happily so I'm dang tired of her stricKen wife routine.
  7. Yep, right on with Priss! There is definitely a location for this. 6th and Olive, downtown. The building has to die for art Deco elevators who used to have operators. To get upstairs you just tell the the security man you want to just look at 2nd floor. They are offices though. The rooms are movie magic. My jewelry guy in there. Then come back down and go into Cicada at lunch time. They don't do lunch but the door is open. Just walk on in. They are very nice and once he came and unblocked it just for us. The police department is addressed the street so it's a set location. It would have been better served if they had used the new location because the location they choose is pacmutual at 6th and Olive again. Anyone in town, I could happily do an hour to three hour tour of these locations and more any sun through Tues. :) I'll even take you to where Elissa Lam went missing. Spoooooooky
  8. If you ever get to see Chloe S in Portlandia, that's all her. She just seems to be one that went to the Nicholas Cage school of acting. She's is just so dish rag. This is no different, delivering her lines about whooping cough in the Palisades. Poor Wes B. It's like he has to act down to her scale, he was just so uninspired. Ooh Hi him here I am at the crime scene and I'm the only one who is going to blame it on... The super glue! Da da dummmm!! Speaking of Sally being like Priss, another of our buildings is the Bradbury Building just down the street. It hasn't made an appearance yet, but Blade Runner was shot inside it. Truly lovely and has an recipient mysterious history.
  9. Damn that was freaking awful. WTF did I just watch? It made no sense but had beautiful costuming. It's not a hotel but an amazing restaurant by my work. I could give a tour of most of the buildings. I actually go into that restaurant when it's closed just to look around. It's in the Oviat building on Oliver st. There is still Lalicke glass inside. The 2nd floor has the most amazing carvings at the top of the pilars. Mr. Oviat wanted to open a haberdashery for men and the people who own it now have kept all the display cases and such. But back to the show, the acting is horrific. I wanted to put my eyes out wroth the acting.
  10. My in laws are jehovah witnessea and I'm a happy atheist. I'm very respectful to them and at times, been forced to be more respectful than I'd want to be. So from this context I was think, yes Penn, it is your home and you could have told production, no religion. Instead, at the meal with her with the napkin going into why they do this and that. My home, my rules. I won't start showing you pictures of Halloween, you can stop sending me the WatchTower!
  11. http://www.gettyimages.com/detail/news-photo/model-walks-the-runway-at-the-project-runway-fashion-show-news-photo/487742646 Who brought back Blake and Amanda?
  12. Why didn't Jenelle show that bruise to her attorney? Creepy nipples certainly had his share of domestic violence, so I just don't get it. Jenelle was definitely on something in her Attorney's office.
  13. Love depression era glaso and milk glass. I have quite a bit of melamine, Pyrex and Coronado Ware. But the Fiesta I received for our wedding was so dang heavy. After I had our son, I gave it all away. This lady drives me nutty and I shudder when my friends share her blog or recipes on FB.
  14. The 2 most recent episodes... Ugh bed bugs! Criminey, what a nightmare! When AM said "what if a 5 yr old is shot?" And in thinking "what if she were raped!" No background checks? And how could they do that to the gm? What a huge mess. That gigantic hotel in Orlando! Argh, mold, bedbugs and killer bees! Shudder. I knew that lady was lying about having millions to spend on the hotel. The ending notes reeked of payoffs.
  15. Shoot, we have hens and my husband recently had to put Love Chicken down and it was so sad. We have a small backyard cemetery and we both teared up a bit. So, we are pretty close to our animals. I can understand what he must have been feeling.
  16. I think Matt's tat can be saved. He did use a lot of grey, which is what gave it that dark look, but it all cool down. Black is easy to either laser or cover with lighter colors so I'm not concerned. To resolve the top, someone can come in with scallops. I have a feeling she asked for black and grey. Seriously, you want Victorian lace, get cream or sepia. Chris' tat wasn't Victorian at all, period! His white looked like shit and last minute to try and fix his black I don't believe here skin was the worst ever, if so, it would not have taken that faded people. Chris and Tyler cannot get off my TV fast enough. I love Craig, Matt, Duffy and Kruzman. Kruzman isn't going to win though. He's too quick to not trust his work and tell people "nope". I think he could have given the birdcage a slight hourglass shape to it, but it would have looked like an incomplete corset. Why don't these people being in some reference work? I love my artist and give him free reign, but I always bring in reference material.
  17. I only like when she does her hair up in a messy retro look. Otherwise, party on, Wayne! Lol.
  18. I'm 4'9" with D cups. Natural. Hate 'em because they just are not proportionate body but, I'm not going to do plastic surgery to make them smaller. I've had a kid and I know they aren't the perkiest but my friend, who is 5'8" has a size B. She wants implants because he hubby lines larger boobs. I would really suggest she wear fake D's and see if she still wants them. Mine get in the way all the dang time. I like Dr Nassif. I get the feeling he's not a big fan of Dr Terry!
  19. I think Captain Lee is the captain. If he wasn't, he'd be just another monkey around there. Lol
  20. Sizes! Argh. 4'9" here and 30 lbs overweight, but i can fit in 4. When I'm at 99, I can actually wear children's clothing. I'm aging gracefully but this weight is killing me. I totally understand all the confusion with the sizes. One store, I wear 8. Another, 4, another, 6 and then others 2. So annoying. Why can't we get a standard?
  21. No lie, I would have taken a few guys into the bathroom and said "ok, these are lady bits... now go freaking design." Sigh. I thought it was nice that Jake tried to make his model feel more comfortable. What was with all those high pitched panties? Who wears pants high enough to cover those? Ashley was the win for me. Merline's V was crooked everywhere! I loved Swapnil's panty but forget that bra. Wtf? Not wearable at all. Editing to add. I would have put a bandaid on that sucker and gone later. 1 stitch? Really? Sigh. She just didn't know what to do.
  22. I was shocked that Ashley want picked right away too, by either team. At 24, I totally her feeling so bad. It did seem like she was making friends and getting along, only to have the girls pick her last, then treat her like shit, then try to throw her under the bus. I must admit, I'm very pleased with her esthetic. That girl can sew! Candace can go jump in a freaking lake with her stupid hair cut and "I only wear black" bs. I freaking hate her after this. I did not expect her to be such an exclusionary shit. Tim will totally save Ashley.
  23. Ok but Dionysus is a god not a goddess so that didn't work for me. A wood nymph that follows him maybe better or, Persephone because she seems to follow the rules loyally. I'd love to see her with Eddie. So cute! But I'd fear that rocky would be a bunny boiler. It's so hard to break a long term relationship, but maybe this is the beginning. And he is either Atlas or Sisaphys. Emile... tsk tsk tsk... such a pretty boy. Ok I'll be all sexist here and say, I'd totally break him. Lol. There is just something wrong with Leon. I've lived in the UK and they LOVE their fancy dress parties! I don't trust him at all. No reason to lie to the guests, no reason to make them get their own meal. Sounded like they wanted to do the lobster diving, but why not have a fresh filling meal after that exhausting swim and then do the lobster and conch the next night. Kate is not Athena. I'll have to think who she is. Maybe an Oracle?
  24. Rocky is flake city. At the tip portion of the show, when she practically slithered over Connie, it was disgusting. As for drinking, she was the one making all the drinking decisions. Seriously, taking off your dress to jump in the water in just a teddy was gross.
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