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Everything posted by hatchetgirl

  1. This was SOOO creepy. I guess with these type of men, I see what the Stanford Rapist's future is like. It must be what his growing up was like, with a Father who is a pig that teaches his son that woman are just holes. I hope he gets hit by lightening.
  2. My mom was a witch and carried a mirror she said could tell the future. She was also schizophrenic, so there's that... but she did a voodoo doll of a brother in law and stabbed it's heart and the next day, he had a heart attack. She could work the oujui board herself, again schizophrenic, but my friend and I were trying and it said it hated us so we ran to her. She "spoke" to the spirit and it said I was too skeptical. The only thing I know is that my great aunt who took care of me until 12, always wore rose scented lotion and in my adult life I've smelled roses where no roses were... the biggest time, on the beach, which should snell of beach and I was surrounded by roses.
  3. Agree! It's totally the older sister. The young one seems too young to have done it.
  4. WAY! I just realized I don't have a week worth of food. Well, I do have 3 cats and 3 hens...
  5. This was such an odd episode. Very disjointed, repetitive, oddly edited. Just so uncomfortable and not just because of the owners.
  6. Exactly! This season is rushed and strange though. I don't want Quinn and Rachel to break up! As toxic as Quinn is...
  7. EXACTLY! And those crazy eyes! I've been chosen for a reality show and the contract was insane! I wouldn't have rights to display my body in media for 5 years. They actually said my image was theirs on not only earth, or the galaxy, but for all universe! A meditation clause was in it, along with a waiver of injury. So yeah, they can put the woman "in the hole". I hate her so much, but dang I loved when she shouted "I am so hard now!" Totally crass, but she seems to have come up the ranks with the old boys club. Gary definitely is a part of the old boy club. I think he's just being a dick to the women. Coleman is totally doing some exposě! But I think Rachel is producing him.
  8. When will bravo create a "Real Red Solo Cup of XYZ"?
  9. I have lovely methotrexate Monday. Weee. I have been off it because of multiple colds and infections but it's a bitch. There is a little bit of "no I don't wanna take this stupid med every Monday!!!" going on too, so i can see GG's perspective, but I need to start again. It does infuriate me that she's saying chemo and getting her family all freaked out. Yeah it's her thang but I think it really gives RA sufferers a bad name. Reza really is a nasty shit stirring asshole. He just LOVES throwing a touch of dirt and then sitting back and giggling. I must admit, I'd love a night out with Asa.
  10. I kind of think Team Earp did notice. There were little things. Willa taking Waverly to the house, when she can barely deal with Willa. I noticed how strangely Wynona said to Willa something like "remember, the heir has to go willingly." I can't remember what Willa said but it was odd. The Kiss, I think it's part of the "plan" whatever that is.
  11. I just wouldn't be bringing them by the house long before this. I just CANNOT with kids like that.
  12. You know, in light if this, I wonder if it's one I'd Reza's practical jokes that's been edited without his cackling?
  13. Ok, this is a reality show on bravo. It's the 3rd to have a "I think someone is making this illness up" on bravo, in succession. I don't really think these people are friends in real life and don't really care to walk in her shoes but would rather take their $ and walk. I think she is the same. It's definitely producer driven and is been engrossing but I think we need to step back. I'll don't really care if she's sick or not at the end of the day. This show is a perverse but of fluff that I admit enjoying but it's not my raison d'etre.
  14. Exactly. If she really was trying so hard to get better, she would be on a course of meds and not pounding alcohol. Totally her choice, but she wouldn't be at such a bad point of she had stayed on meds. When she goes to get chemo, they will blood test her and I'm sure they will see her liver is working overtime and they won't do it. Then she'll go drinking again and it will be this cycle. If it's true, it's hit her lungs and heart, well, that's pretty much all she wrote. RA is very aggressive and progressive but not at all like MS. MS doesn't have the meds that RA has. There is no reason for her to live jet life in complete pain but if she can't change them I'm not going to be in this pity train. I work damn hard for my health. I've had to work hard to get respect and believability re a medically depressed immune system but damn it people still come to my desk, sneezing, coughing etc. My company finally gave me an office to help. This is what I mean. Yes, I will have a glass of wine here or there but my health is so important, I won't play. If I get a cut that becomes infected, I'm off my meds for however long, with the potential of overnight iv antibiotics. I understand what a bitch this disease is. I've cried my eyes out over having it and having to take dangerous meds for the rest of my life. It's exhausting. The meds suck, the looks I get, it's stupid. But, it is what it is and every year, I do the AIDS Walk because I take my meds. I do Concrete Hero, in my own time, because I take my meds. I will do whatever it takes to keep this from going to be heart and lungs and to continue being an effective human without begging for pity. GG is a mess, it's sad but if she doesn't get her shit in order, she will not be with us long.
  15. She clearly said 2 hrs a month, in a chair, with iv chemo. I'm sorry, She's full of shit. I have RA and take methotrexate, an old school chemo drug. I can't drink when I'm on it as it's processed by the liver. I've gone out to dinner, had a couple glasses of wine and then a week later, a blood test and my doctor said "I told you no drinking!" Yes I have to hear people say things like "well that other person is really in pain" and I'm like "I know you can't see it, but I'm in pain all the time. It's not excruciating all the time, but I can't wear fabulous shoes anymore. I haven't been to the gym in 2 weeks because of pain, but you don't see that. You don't see the exhaustion that comes from taking methotrexate, every freaking week." But I keep on. She's just fill of shit.
  16. I wish women were more confident as well, but, while I appreciate you congratulating Tiff on leaving, it seems as if you are doing a bit of "wel women need to know what is going on our bad things happen to them because their fault." Sort of like "don't wear that short skirt and don't drink." Men need to be just as responsible as women.
  17. I had the delight to watch this woodside again with my hubby and it was one of her waitresses. I saw her in a scene later. Long blond hair, tied back with blue ribbon, I think. That was the only time we saw her, I think. These people were creeps of another order.
  18. Of course any nose is better than she had but man it was awful. :(
  19. I swear if I see one more sneeze, followed by everyone's fearful looks and moving away.... grrrrr can only the little girl have hay fever? The writing is so abysmal
  20. Snicker - you said knocker...
  21. So Cal here, but I thought it was a No Cal thang... LOL I'm hella behind the times though. ;)
  22. My favorite part? Josh saying he wasn't accepted to med school on the first try. Dying! What a dunce! His mom should be ashamed at how he and his brother acted that first night she was there. Total jerks! Broken leg, my ass!
  23. Just no. Once I got to little brother Sagan, I was all over, done... but I continued. Avery. Lovely girl who should not have been en pointe at all! She's obviously just started as she couldn't hold herself en pointe for long, fell out of that, and looked much better flat. Her mother was too much. I'm hyper excitable, especially when my kid performs, but I wouldn't put that or him, on stage to admittedly "live vicariously through" him... Nope, I'm out. The previous poster who said teens, was completely right. Why can't they be showcased? I'm sure it would have still made for a great show.
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