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Everything posted by hatchetgirl

  1. That was so funny! "I'm 5'9" and gorgeous! Suck a dick!" hahahahahahahahahahaha!
  2. I loved that Isaac got the win. He was last picked, everyone ignored everything he had to say, which was so rude, and whenever anyone needed any help, he stepped right in. Philip is just such a douche. I didn't mind the way the girls were dressed. It was their taste and much better than mine. Lol. I was so offended when someone said LA has no definitive food style. Whoa, misinformed much?
  3. Ok - I have to post what I think was the BEST part of the show...
  4. The music was a lot better this episode. Was Kalani's dance to a Nelly McKay song? Also was that actually a bowie tune? But no Abby, I don't think bowie would be proud of the way the kids are treated, dance, etc. I think brynn is a better dancer than Maddie but that's because brynn was trained elsewhere. She seems quite sweet for the mother she has. Ashlee is a piece of work. She is never nice. But the main reason I'm commenting is about Abby. I mentioned a few weeks ago that she seemed manic. How is it, she was actually present, aware and kind of nice this week. Weird.
  5. Definitely. As I said earlier, Marcia and Chris were out of their league. Especially Marcia. She'd never been up against such a team of lawyers and the media. I think she was honestly deer in headlights when she realized the trial got so off track.
  6. They not only should have gone for a mistrial, they should have separated or bifurcated the cases. Tried OJ for Nicole and also a different trial for Ron. Having typed up a minimum of 25 trial instructions, I can say that each set can differ. I've done sets where reasonable doubt is any doubt and others where it's a doubt of at least 50% or more. I read through the trial instructions that Ito read and boy, they were a mess. Ito definitely needed to recuse himself. I remember talking about it at the time.
  7. Klaus Nomi! Werk! He was on SNL with Bowie! I'm pleased that Acid Betty schooled the others! Seriously, the B-52's we crazy camp. Remember "tin roof, rusted". Lol. Criminey, they did rock lobster for goodness sakes! Debbie Harry was on... being old. Like she is not just looking old, but acting old. Same with Chris. Granted she's an icon and I'd bow down, but I don't think she was on anything. I'm so over Michelle. She is a hanger on if I've ever seen one. And I'm so still trying to find someone who will introduce me to Ru for tea! I need her to take me on a meeting with jaysus! I have one friend who know alexis arquette, but refuses to intro me. Lol.
  8. In a criminal case, reasonable doubt is "is there any doubt at all, even 1%, in this matter." I can see the jury having reasonable doubt. The screw ups on the prosecution side were practically endless. Gil Garcetti should have stepped up to the plate on such a high profile case, especially once the lead had the heart attack. I think if he'd not had the attack, it would have gone differently. The case should not have been held in downtown. Furman should never have been put on the stand. The gloves should never have been tried on. Cochran did a great job of throwing magic dust around, that didn't have anything to do with the case but confuse and cause reasonable doubt. Marcia and Chris were out of their league. The defense had F. Lee Bailey for goodness sakes. I watched a speech given by Marcia after and it was surprisingly good. She spoke about how the case ended up being glitz and glam and not about murder. Very true. Contemp for attorneys would be hours or days in the court jail. It would be sort of what Paris Hilton had to do.
  9. Dean cracks me up. I know it's cold, but he honestly treats women like holes, which a lot of men do. It's funny because the girl who likes sex and will stop it in the middle if it's not good, she's trying so hard to make people think she thinks like men. The hotel is so bullshit. LOL - ooh - this pool party is so good *crickets*... Bar is open 24/7 *crickets*. Why do they have to keep talking and/or driven to locations in their hotel??? I would hate to have my child have to tell that story. Goodness, that was a punch in the stomach. She is so very calm and thoughtful.I really hope she goes so far!
  10. Boy, Greer's French, after 4 mos, was unbelievable bad, like the worst and there is no way a Parisian waiter would even pretend to be nice with that. I was so over her making an ultimatum. Besides the fact that I think it's a stupid move for anyone, the 2 of then are old enough and have enough money to visit whenever. Completely unbelievable. Then Avery's ex just dumps his fiance, shows up and says "chocolate"? That was so cavalier! I'd not want to be with a mam who could dump someone so fast is cruel. Granted, his fiance was so stupid to show up at Avery's home, throwing the "he's mine, you can't have him" card. That made me laugh so hard! Really avery, you just thought the guy was gay and now you can't live without him? Beyond.
  11. My 2nd eldest sister transitioned in the layers 80's and still loves women. Which I'm fine with. Love who you love. She's an awful diehard republican though which drives me insane, but again, it's her life and she can make it harder for herself if she wants. What peeves me off is she was beaten up during her change because she was a pilot for Hughes and the mechanics hated her. I it was awful. Cait, doesn't understand the history or even want to.
  12. St Marq is a joke. The newbies should have told Cleen on camera he was in the bottom for his challenge. That would have ramped up drama for those 2 and let the newbies slide a bit. Otherwise, totally agree with y'all. Ashley, with her art background, basically can't draw a bike? Her canvas was an ass though and should have pulled up her bike online. Now she's stuck looking like an ass. Lol
  13. I know the Lizzie song. I also know the Black Dahlia story well. I do a walking tour of downtown LA and go to hotel she stayed at and also the last hotel bar she was seen in. Brynn could not have done that dance without the hair. She blond and the Dahlia was known for her dark hair and love of wearing flowers in it. Boy, Abby was really manic in this episode. It was kind of scary. I hate to admit that i have hopes for McKenzie because she just goes with the flow. I think she's like prince Harry, happy to have the fame but glad to not have the pressure.
  14. I'm not a fan of her, but dang it, she was just saying "hey - I was not in the wrong to try to help the team". I recently had to tell a man that he needed to make eye contact with me next time we meet. He literally talked to one other person in our conversation and didn't make eye contact with me once, and this was a meeting that I'm the president for. It's very annoying. He's over 50, and a big brawny tough guy and it's like "I know i'm 4'9", but I'm not to be disregarded. I have things to say and a right to say them." So I thought she was trying to make the same point. It's never nice to be disregarded. But - having said that - I would have voted her out as well but after the NBA guy.
  15. I thought I heard it referred to as a tattoo as well. Lol. These crazy kids.
  16. Ok so why all this Neil is the bad guy talk. Let's go back... 1. He thought she was beautiful and was excited to meet and marry her. 2. She made him wait because she a nightmare. 3. She was acting like a fool during the ceremony. 4. He picked up on her not wanting to be kissed on the mouth so he gave her a Peck on the cheek. 5. She constantly called into question his manhood. 6. He calmly put up with it and tried to discuss it with her. 7. She acted like a child about the water. 8. The almost accident and he calmed her down. 9. She made him move into her place, with her best friend. 10. She refused to look for a place and when he said he'd do it, she threw him out. 11. They got the new place but they were back at hers? Of course he closed off. If I berated my husband and questioned his manhood, he'd close off too. I do think he is a quirky guy. He was with his ex for 6yrs, I think, and they are still friends? This is not a bad guy. He has marks of being a quiet gentleman, who loved the idea of marriage and tried his best. I think when she made him move into her place is when he realized the marriage was going no where fast. I hope he finds a kind, supportive, loving wife. He deserves it. Sam can rot.
  17. Love Miss Mimi! I think they are playing Oswald well because he was quite a slightly built, hi string kook. I never quite understood his trip to Russia.
  18. I think Neil is great. Totally my type, tall, quirky, funny. But don't get him wrong, he is no pushover. She was demasculating him from the get go. Calling him a pussy, saying he wasn't manly. What a bitch move. I'm sorry but if I did that, I'd fully expect a divorce. I've been with my hubby since 92. What I really love about him is not just how he supports me, but he doesn't take shit from me. I really respect him for that. I've dated men who are just pushovers who let me walk all over them. That's not someone I can respect. If I'm being a jerk my husband wI'll say, wow, you are being a jerk and he is usually pretty spot on. Do i like being called on that, heck no, but at the end of the day, I have a good man who cares enough about himself to stand up! [Which is funny as in 4'9". He's 6'] So I hope Neil stays away from that trainewreck!
  19. I'm just beyond peeved at the unethical treatment she received by the doctors. She went in wanting C cups but under anesthetic, they said something like "these are bigger than we would normally put in but..." god that was such a breach of trust, if she really meant it and they listened to Jax because he paid for them. I feel for Ariana. Those people really have never seemed like her friends except Scheana. She doesn't seem to drink like they do,she doesn't seem to gossip like they do. Shay's parents need to step in and get him help because his wife sure doesn't get it.
  20. I think erika's hubby looks sharp in his work suits, and I'm by no means a big fan of older men. He's about 30 yrs older than me so I think is just say to my friends, wow he looks great in that suit. I would definitely say no to a date. I've had numerous attorneys ask me out, and one even caressed my neck at a company party (and he's a freaking fox) but we are both married and I was pretty well squicked out. Lol. He never seemed attractive to me again. I think she was a gold digger to start but somewhere along the line, I think they both just began to enjoy each other's company. Who knows. Edited because of so many auto correct errors. Sorry.
  21. The Madison is a great, pretty easy dance to do. Heck I can do it. Lol. It's a call line dance so if you know the song, you know what steps are coming up. I wish they would have done The Stroll, though as I believe it was more popular at the time. I thought him knowing that 40's swing style was way hard to believe as he doesn't seem old enough. That would make him around 20 or so in 1942 or thereabouts. Does he seem 40ish in this show? The librarian definitely does not look 40. Maybe 28 or am i just that bad at age guessing. It was interesting, I missed episode 2, did his student and mom die? I don't know if I can watch that. That kid does seem like a huge liability. How did he get stuck with him? I liked this episode more than the first. Can someone let me know if there isn't any kid killing in episode 2 and if I can watch? I'm really sensitive to violence, especially with kids.
  22. Boy, last year was such a bore, what was Pearl's stare down moment? Please don't make me go back and watch the season. The after show was so weird last season, I couldn't watch. Why did we have to watch them backstage with that weird film technique?
  23. I kind of think his cancer is due to the travel. We see that things go spectacularly wrong when time is changed, so what if Al changed something really big and his reward was cancer? I also think Al didn't tell jake everything and it's going to be bad. Finally, the yellow ticket hobo is not to be ignored, methinks.
  24. How can Mellie and Olivia work together without either of them looking so stupid? Olivia was the president's mistress and took the place of first lady and then within 6 mos they are going to step out to the world and work together? The credibility questions alone are mind boggling!
  25. "she meant what she said, which is that she believed Nia should be better at African dance because she is African American." Yes, exactly. That was stupid. So what Nia had 3 weeks of African dance. The statement is still racist and ignorant. This... "as a black woman I say Nia should have brought it - the soul of that dance should have been in her as a person of African descent - it's not about the technique - it's the spirit." Makes no sense at all. How far removed is she from Africa? Have you done her geneology? She might be 5 or more generations removed. She does not have to have the collective unconscious you seem to think she must have to be a "real" woman of African descent. That is so offensive. I'm 2nd generation Mexican and find it offensive when white people call me "pocha" (meaning brown on the outside white in the middle) because I don't speak Spanish. You basically seem to be calling Nia Oreo because she is american. She's a beautiful young girl of African descent who is American. I'm American of Mexican descent. It's how I identify. I think Abby has always treated Nia as a 2nd class citizen and, honestly shame on Holly for sanctioning it by being a part of this mess.
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