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Everything posted by hatchetgirl

  1. I get moments of funny here and the but can't quite get on this train. In Los Angeles, the whole mommy stratosphere is insane and ugly. I try so hard to stay away from it and am more successful now then when my 7 yr old was a toddler. Yes it can be funny but... This friendship she has with Brooke is bad bad bad. She is how old now? She really couldn't see what was going on there? I hate that they are going down the track with her bff.
  2. Farrah is a freaking nightmare. Here the doctors are telling her that doctor did all he could, and she just went on about it. I'm glad the doctors did not do anything for her! 10 percocet in 12 hrs is insanity. At most, 2 every 4 hrs but even after my csection, I took maybe 2 a day for a few days. Psycho!
  3. Agreed, jill is awful so I don't get why Kendall k would be besties with Maddie or vice versa. I'm sure Abby is Maddie's bff. Ugh. I'm sure she has "friends" as long as they don't beat her!
  4. I think roxy was way out of line and her boyfriend more so. I would have fully been Morgan pissed about that. We are taking about a house that was probably a couple million dollars if not over 10. The commission on that is HUGE so for roxy's boyfriend to go behind what's his name's back is unbelievable.
  5. I would never say Kalama is fat ever. She's absolutely beautiful. I do think she has a soft beautiful body but i also think that she isn't working the way she used to which is what we are all saying about all the girls. I hope kalani stays a strong beautiful dance. I don't have a dancer body in any way shape or form. I just find it interesting the differences. I obviously didn't explains myself well. Agreed on the beautiful Misty. She was told she didn't have the body. She is very muscular and not as scrawny as most ballerinas. I think she is just lovely.
  6. I think production would be smart to lose Abby and have the girls taught by actual teachers. That would drive any insane. Get rid of Maddie. She is a nasty child. The way she started telling MacKenzie she did fine then saying actually it was funny, was cruel. The look on MacKenzie'so face was so sad. I loved seeing Nia treated nicely for a change. I personally love drag queens. I think they are fabulous and pretty wonderful. I do like Shanghai but agree that Laqueefa is not a good role model. I'd love to see RuPaul stop in. Jill and Kendall can't leave soon enough. I like Kilani, but she has really filled out moving into puberty. Nia remains lean and muscular but Kilani has gotten soft. Is it because of how little dance they are doing?
  7. "I like EJ! I think he's in on the joke too, but Morgan and Dorothy deliver it with a wink and nudge whereas he delivers it with perfectly arched eyebrow" Totally agree. Love EJ. Yes he's a snobby queen but that's what he wants. Oosala, love that you used the word bint. One of my faves, and Roxy definitely is one. And I want more Saachi!
  8. I was so worried about Flipper! Very Fight Club with a little Trainspotting ending monologue. I think the hackers may be delusions. That ending was so harsh. Agreed that this was a step down from the pilot.
  9. I'm enjoying so far. I love Eliot, the actor is carrying the role really well. There is something sweet about his need to protect. His lack of sociability is perfect for this day and age of being connected through a computer only. I definitely feel a connection with him. Christian slater, meh, I get him in this role. He played this type of role when I was a teen and I used my commodore 64 to meet people on bbs. My mom used it to hack Hughes Aircraft. My friends were kids who the fbi came in and carted them off with their equipment in the night. I'm hoping it will continue well. I get The Fight Club comparisons. I get the controlled morphine use.
  10. Corpse pose is my favorite yoga pose when done right. I can't help comparing Jackie's death to to the main character in The Big C. I loved both shows but the contrast is amazing. I can't see then being out of narcan (is that the med). Really how many od's did they see for that? I just ended that show with how vile and creepy Eddie was. Ugh.
  11. She isn't one for heroin and the way she just did so much, there's no doubt to me, she's dead. And what a selfish bitch, still, in death. In front of everyone who wanted her better, loved her, admired her... Typical. She's not good.
  12. Alfre Woodards wig was ridiculous. End of last season it was fine, this season, it was crooked, sort of sideways, kind of a mess.
  13. Lol. I think it was more a bringing in food dog rather than a drug dog, but I believe sitting is the standard for get look here!
  14. Speaking of drug beagles... I was traveling to the UK recently and on the way back, in Newark, airport hellpit, the drug beagle walked up to my bags and sat down. Yikes! I was flummoxed. The lady asked if I had food and searched my bag and I had a sandwich in my bag. Lol. It relates on that the dog coming into the scene made me think oh hi cute working dog... oh wait! Because that's what I said to it at the airport before it sat down.
  15. The pill in her mouth was lame. One, it looked like a capsule and two, she had it in for such a sorry time, there is no way that pee test would have shown anything. She did eat candy like that but with her perkiness, I can only think she's on drugs again. So it would be a double turn around wammy from the writers... hey let's make it look like it's drugs but it's candy but it's actually drugs! The Norwegian has to go. Dr monk has to go. Eddie has always had to go. More Thor and Zoey! Jackie will end up dead.
  16. Wow what a show! I miss it so much. Thousands times better than Major Crimes. I'm watching season 7 again right now and I remember watching it originally and I hated Gavin, her attorney. Now I love him to bits and we've only seen him twice. Lol. Now I need to watch from the beginning.
  17. I know. Can we start a set Vivi free campaign on kick starter?
  18. Vivi was like a dancing Bear. That was so very sad. The dance itself as terrible. I felt bad for Detroit mom. She doesn't seem as awful. Nia looked just like Holly with her hair down. I felt bad she didn't win for her solo.
  19. What is Eddie getting all upset and jealous about because of the relationship between Jackie and the dealer back in the day? That was lame and a stupid lead up to the two of them breaking up. Carrie and Coop, I have absolutely no investment in them. None. Loving Leslie Uggims in this part.
  20. Nia is definitely growing to be a strong young gracious lady. With or without her mom and Abby. Where does she get that from because her mom has been acting like a loon.
  21. Jackie is a horrible person who masquerades as kind. That's why nursing is so important to her. Without it, how can she get by manipulating people with her kindness? Akilitis is between a rock and a hard spot. She is taking it all personally. Of course she is, Jackie was her friend, her confidante. She ended up duped by Jackie. It's so sad. Zoey and Thor... argh. I feel for them. They love Jackie but they don't realize that love is not returned.
  22. Jackie and pharmacy guy are just awful. I see this ending badly.
  23. Holy cow! I'm watching season 1 on Hulu and Camille actually said re: the divorce and the person staying at the condo "I hope it's woman..." What the hell? Nice inference there. She's a snake. I know she's upset over the break up, but dang, that's low. As for the whole NY thing. Yawn. That is the lamest thing to continue on with. Really? We are at the end of the season and they are still talking about it? With Taylor, it was pretty heartbreaking watching this. Isn't she the one who's abused by her hubby and then he commits suicide? Dang! I liked Carlton. She was feisty and furious. LOL. But her whole schtick was too much. Joyce was a bit of a yawnfest for me. Brandi is a horror show nightmare.
  24. Exactly as I would expect of someone so talented.
  25. It's back and what a doozy! Coop is leaving?
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