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Everything posted by hatchetgirl

  1. I'm just so pleased at how well the show holds up. Not many that you can rewatch and have the episode still be so strong. I just finished season 1 again and am so disgusted by the episode where the psychiatrist was killed because he was going to turn his partner in for statutory rape. The guys in the video room focusing on that girl's breasts was just awful
  2. Sigh. Sedona? Rattlesnake? Pink jeeps? I just don't know where to go with this one. I bet they get the pink jeeps so the pho truck girls can get their truck fixed and sell, or some other production mess.
  3. This was so silly and the Reno was terrible.
  4. Will we not see Henri Lubatti again?
  5. Someone help me. I've fallen into a Corey Feldman hole and rewatched. I think my favorite line is "well, we got enemas" followed by silence.
  6. So was the Guava Tree the only group who got the $60 something in their seed money? I don't care if they only had $20, if I was in this competition, I'd want the same edge. It's almost the $100 for winning that pier challenge. I can do without members of the lds church in this. I don't care what church you participate in or that you have so many siblings you can't remember all their names. Ick. Let's have the Duggars run a food truck.
  7. Just watched the end and agree with you all. My best friend was named Lolly. So funny. But anyway, if I went back, I'd be heck on wheels. Confident, man killer. ;)
  8. Yikes, what a creep Corey is. Just ugh. I was surprised that his "maingel" seemed actually smart and nice when she shut down. Fruitarian? WTF? How was she getting any protein at all. Wait, don't answer that... nudge nudge wink. I liked the family Tommy made. He said he'd had the crazy before and wanted the calm so he got it. I loved his wife. She was so smart and self sufficient. I also liked that he wasn't into nepotism. All in all, I agree that I needed a shower after that.
  9. What a freaking mess Abby is. Dang, she lost any credibility she had at all and I can't wait to see her fail.
  10. I will always be on Holly's side. I like her. I like the support she gives her daughter and Nia is so poised and graceful, Holly is doing something right. Jill has always been awful. Remember when she bought all those things for Abby to get on her good side? Ugh.
  11. Yeah, the new reaper does seem to know something... Again. Hate Turing's sister.
  12. Sigh if I didn't love matthew modine and Jennifer Beals so much, I'd be gone. The genius' sister is such a stick on the mud.
  13. It definitely looked like that. I'm just shocked the show let her on.
  14. I hate St Marq. What a pig. Having said that, he was a one trick pony and the others should have kept him. He wouldn't have won.
  15. During the group dance, there was a point that Kalani walked across the chairs to a ticking song that I thought was super until she came to the end. It was like they didn't know how to end that and transition so it just looked so weird.
  16. Jeanette isn't doing anything different than stupid Abby does. Compete, jealousy... but Jeanette's girls were lovely. The ALDC girls were ok. They deserved a place, but not first place. Serious poor sportsmanship, leaving the stage like that. I'm glad Nia got 2nd. Her costume was horrible. Just awful. I'm so tired of Maddie. I caught the scenes from the reunion and Abby says something like of you are going to go out, go out on top. That's so laughable. This has been their worst season. Abby looked like a crazy woman and has been missing so much. Yeah sure Abby, that's going out on top all right. Idiot
  17. A few things... How do you pass out before needle hits skin? What the heck? Ok i don't like using female curse words but damn that wolf in armpit guy was a fucking pussy! Jack ass. I would have definitely slapped that tat when complete. I think the tat was just far too symmetrical to look good. St Marq is an awful person. Just horrible. He is not a tattoo god and they were right to call him on it looking like all his others.
  18. I get this whole mean mom thing and being in LA, have dealt with my fair share, but damn, she's how old and her kids are how old? I fed into that whole thing when my son was under 3 but know I have no time for it at all. If someone is an asshole mom, I just say see ya! And the same with her friend. This is a teenage script but cast with adults.
  19. I'm sure they ask signed a contract, but who knows on the editing. She was not professional at all but we don't know the back story. We were spoon fed what Jeff wanted us to know. In the end, if this is your dream job, you don't make it or someone, look bad on TV. That was all on him. If he wanted this so bad, he would have played corporate nicey nice. He didn't. He made them look bad, their employee look bad and he got fired. Anyone doing that would be fired. Living spaces is a little low brow for him anyway. I'm shocked he partnered with them in the first place
  20. No kidding. I'm sure there is some contract that allowed him some filming in the shop and probably setting up a photoshoot, but I doubt there was anything about allowing discussion of personnel issues. I think it could potentially be a lawsuit for Channa about harassment at the workplace. Nightmare!
  21. I have a type of rheumatoid arthritis, so always have Narcotics at hand along with truly horrific meds. I get my blood tested almost monthly to check, my liver, kidneys, heart, inflammation, etc. I'm really saddened to see everyone going after leah about her meds. She had a scrip and that's that. I think she was nervous because she is on meds. If I had the potential to lose my son, knowing I don't take illegal drugs over overuse, I'd still be nervous! It's my kid!
  22. I have always hated Piper for being an entitled whiny bitch! She didn't take any responsibility at all. Alex is the same. The real life Piper writes the same way. I really enjoy all the other character arcs. Norma - no way is she in prison for pushing that guy of the cliff.I need more. Amish girl gots to go! Morello - her new hubby is just as messed up as she is. Who just beats someone up because their prison girlfriend days so. Weird. Data - meh. Red and Healy -totally fine with them together. All in all, Entertaining enough but I won't be crying while waiting for the new season.
  23. Friend taking Ollie back was definitely something weird but she has a reason. Maybe she'll get elliot to punk him and set him up. Mr robot is definitely elliot's dad. Creepy blond e Corp guy. What a freak! And scary! I wasn't troubled by the gay sex because it was sex Big deal. At least it wasn't rape or abusive, which we are subject ALL THE TIME with straight sex. I bet the wife is way more psycho than he is. Yikes.
  24. That was brilliant when she said that Emma675!
  25. Ok, the dog in Slovenia... didn't adoptive dad say last week, can you move that dog please? Because he was afraid the dog would bite the child to suddenly this week, he knows the dog and it appears to live with them in the hotel? And the mum having 2nd thoughts, is she just going to leave that child to be raised by the dogs now? Loved loved loved Sleeper Cell and that actor! I can't but help love him here. I know I know, scary bad guy, but...
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