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Everything posted by hatchetgirl

  1. The cast has seemed to come into their own. Robert and sol (the actors) have finally gotten into a better groove. I felt they were always playing gay which was such a distraction. With this episode, they seem to be acting and not playing. Bravo. Jane and Lilly are just wonderful together now that we don't have the whole "I never liked you" shtick from last year.
  2. He really does! Wow - those blue eyes do it.
  3. I think this was the most uncomfortable part of the series. During the jail part of the show, you were seeing people in a situation that was beyond. Then seeing them here, they'd steroid back into their roles. Like, they were suddenly following social rules again. I did expect Barbra and Tami to maybe step back from Maryum a little. Maybe act surprised and then apologize a little. I didn't expect them to continue with that fight. I think they don't quite see that their actions were definitely race based. I think if they all watch the show and get context, it will help. Robert is a fucking loon.
  4. I really felt for Vicki. It sounded like the Rabbi was saying no slow dancing that could cause others to engage in inappropriate touching before marriage, so couldn't it be an upbeat love song? And why can't they do the first dance alone. We did a samba and it was just us for the first dance, about 1.5 min through, we transitioned to a really upbeat house song It seemed like there was some wonky editing there, so maybe the Rabbi suggested something like that? It seemed like there was a cut right away after what the Rabbi said.
  5. I wouldn't and I doubt a reputable doctor would, but, she's not taking the meds... if she was, all the liquor would compromise her lover so fast. My doc said i can have a beer or wine every now and then. When I first was on my meds, I figured I could go of dancing and drinking with loads of water. 2 weeks later I had my blood test and my doctor could tell I'd had a few drinks. And we are talking, 2 cocktails. I would avoid unnecessary surgery. Once I had an itch on my ear. I scratched it. Within 48, I was in the er with the doc ready to put me in with iv antibiotics. There is NO cure for this. It is a lifetime of delicate balance of meds. I'm not on my full dosage right now and my inflammation rate is higher than I've ever seen it, and i feel it too. Hmmm maybe a posh salt bath wok "cure" me like Jenny McCarthy "cured" her son... Lol
  6. This bitch... chemo for RA? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. She's ridiculous. Ok let me clarify... the meds are chemo meds, but we are not talking going in for hours of chemo treatment. I take methotrexate, which is an old school cancer treatment that they found works for RA. It completely depresses the immune system, but, I'm not looking my hair, I'm not vomiting because of treatment. It is exhausting. I do get sick A LOT. I have to keep an eye out for any infection so I'm constantly watching any cuts. But the positive side... if you go to the er for ANYTHING and I mean anything, once they know you are on it, l or enbrel, humIra, etc, you go to top of the list, and you see a doc within 10 min. But i don't wander around saying in on chemo. Lol
  7. That fashion blogger's glasses were so fake, I wanted to punch her. I'm surrounded by hipsters and I'll say "ugh another hipster. " only to have my 8 yr say "but mom, they are just people. " ARGH, schooled by an 8 yr old. Umbrellas. Sigh. I have a coat with a hood because I can't be bothered with another thing in my hands. I know sounds lake, but I like to keep my hands warm in my pockets. I've always hated umbrellas. Even when I lived in Scotland, you would never see me with one. Give me a parka with a nice hood and I'm golden. Edited to add... Someone shoot me...
  8. I'd buy a Spooner board. My balance is AWFUL. It might help my son with his confidence.
  9. Exactly how are the southern couple arranged? Especially with his mom pretty much hating that girl. Oh, orthodox girl, just trying on a different shade of faith only to end up marrying in it? Can women wear a scarf rather than a wig?
  10. I'm pretty confident with calling the confederate flag a traitor flag. We were one nation and they wanted to secede and lost. So if you want to wear a traitor loser tattoo or fly one, that's your business, but it definitely is a very negative symbol. There is so much more to southern history... picking cotton, slavery, kkk... oh I guess I see that the confederate flag isn't THAT bad. Lol
  11. Forehead tattoos. Lame. Those Nazi tattoos though. Whoa. I've dealt with Nazi's my whole life since they are attracted to Ska and Mod. I've had a few call my husband a race traitor because I'm Mexican, which is so funny because I'm paler than he is with blue eyes. Lol. I felt for Anthony. He put in a really good show!
  12. She says she's had it for 5 yrs. Nope, you were diagnosed 5 yrs ago. That's nothing in a lifetime of meds. Western eastern holistic blah blah blah. Whatever.
  13. Grrrr. No shit. This girl. I'm sorry but if her RA has reached her heart, it's because she's not taking meds. There is NO WAY she's taking needs with the amount of drinking she does. I know. I take my meds. I'll have maybe a beer a month which my doctor said was fine. My RA hasn't reached my heart because I take meds, get my blood tested monthly for liver and kidney issues. I started a different med for something else and BANG calls from all of my doctors telling me to stop everything as my liver was indicating stress. Speed everything as told, only to end up with a flare and my saying to my docs "guys, it's this new med...." People like GG make it so hard for all of us others. I actually work and if I'm out, I'm looked at like oh yeah she's "sick".
  14. Bah, this is my nightmare! I just can't help but shudder and wash my hands. I don't think I can watch anymore. Edited to add - I'm now heading down the path of stomach flu...
  15. I feel for Isaiah in that he's just out of high school. He may be in some type of "we can work this out rather than a far worse alternative" scared straight sort of program. Again, he's just out of high school! He seems to be a sweet kid, who has seen a different world than others. I live in a pretty tough neighborhood in LA with a gang presence. I know a neighbor, who is a good young dude, has done prison time but has been very open and honest about it, he does any of our electric work as he tries to stay straight and narrow. He a family man now, but although he might not be a fully jumped in member of the local gang, he's definitely very close. Close enough to say "you have any trouble, you let me know, don't bother with the police." That's close. I also know that as he tries to stay straight, he's stopped 1-3 times weekly in the neighborhood and his work truck fully searched and he's frustrated as hell. He seems to have aged into a self awareness, but he's still young. I don't consider him a kid, but he's not fully a man yet, trying to living a life. I think Isaiah is a bit like this. Of course, it's got to be frustrating as hell to be stopped that often, have your work truck completely dismantled and then they just drive off leaving you to put your truck back together. I'd never think twice about having him over to my house. If I was frightened and my husband wasn't home, I wouldn't think twice about stopping in to his family's house. I think his mom - goodness she was just a baby when she had him, but when she spoke straight, Isaiah sat up straight. That comes from some respect for your mom. His mom had to do something to earn that. At that same time, I don't think she's had a life of cherry sundaes everyday. I think the most "normal" of them all is Zac. I do think his military experiences have made him what he is and given him the ability to fit in. All the others are a freaking mess! And when someone above mentioned they'd googled Robert and he'd posted pictures of underaged children in other countries... that's beyond... Did the production crew not do a simple google search on this guy? WTF? I'd think the Sheriff would end up in a pile of mess if that's true... Edited to add... And then I just finished this episode with the craziest person around!!!! I've not doubt the sheriff wanted to punch him in the face. I sure did. I do think, though, that they realized he'd been on TV before and it was a last chance to save face over that one. Also edited to add... My goodness are Tami and Barbra the "crew" now or what? Granted Miriam is a bit of a PITA when it comes to "well you know my dad was" and such, I find it interesting that Barbra considered her condescending and such. It's almost as if she could, she would call Yaz "uppity." I'm fully bothered by that. Tami is such a loon. She's not Robert level, but she's got issues. I sure wouldn't want to spend the next 60 days only with females at all. I wouldn't fair well as I'm "too sensitive" and moody. I'm bothered by the fact that Isaiah wasn't given his special pin code for almost a week and yet Zac received his right away. I'm not liking the way he's been talked about by the Sheriff when Zac is put in a very similar situation and spoken about differently. Finally from this week's story" "How old do you have to be to be a correctional officer in Indiana? Because whatever age it is, the kid in the middle isn't it. Not even close. I have sports bras older than this guy." Indeed!
  16. Funny story - my boyfriend at UC Irvine showed up at my house sick as a dog. He was breathing funny, his coloring was off, so I took him to our med center where he told the doctor he ATE A TIN OF NUTMEG TO STAY UP AND FINISH HIS ART PROJECT! Now, I'm definitely one gullible goof ball, but even I know that eating a tin of nutmeg is crazy! So they made him drink activated charcoal and water and the next time I saw him, he was looking pathetic, with this sort of oily Oreo grin that makes me still shudder! Blech - he had it around his mouth, in his teeth. SHUDDER. Suffice it to say, we parted shortly afterwards and I still laugh over it. I could hear the doctor laughing and saying "I've heard of smoking banana leaves, but never taking a tin of nutmeg?" I thought to myself "people smoke banana leaves? Take nutmeg?" You are the first person I've heard mention nutmeg as any type of drug. lol
  17. Mackenzie is a doll but her choreography was way less than the mini. Abby going on about how the mini was so talented and better than someone who can just do gymnastics was so cruel. She's a horrid cow, who I hope ends up broke.... or broke-er. Her pep talk was so awful, Brynn gave her serious stank eye and that's not normal for her. Very telling. I also love Jojo's sweet nuttiness. I believe I saw her give the mini a sincere huget.
  18. I'm happy for the guys. I'm not as ocd as Jeff but I think he'll calm down a bit, especially off of TV. I've had to go bug hunting and *shudder* clean dirt from under my fingernails... gah gives me the shivers now.
  19. The pregnant teenager is the only realistic one, actually cleaning surfaces down and stuff. This show is just awful. The writing is keeling me, though I'll so watch it. Stupid show.
  20. THIS! And the whinny baby cop? WTF! It was really soap opera-ish. Definitely didn't feel real. Cuz I'm a DOINK and didn't check mark the notifications on reply thang. ;) I may have had a little bubbly before posting...
  21. How did the officers miss Ricky getting more and more fucked up with his schizophrenia? I was weird out when he hit Jeff and everyone kept shhhhhshing everything. Weird. Man, that is a weird weird place. Robert is a huge fuck up and I hope he never teaches again. He is majorly off.
  22. Lol. My doc will only let me have 1 glass of wine a week. Can you imagine my blood test if I was totally off the rails? Dang, her liver should be dead my now.
  23. I hated Sarah the first season and figured maybe she matured but dang she was the Same pouty 5 yr. Getting her face all scrunched up in anger. She was gross.
  24. With the amount of alcohol she drinks though, I wonder if she even takes any meds for the RA, which could explain the surgeries.
  25. I have RA and with the meds cannot drink. The metabolize in the liver so drinking is a big no no. The meds also depress your immune system, so sick all the time. It's a huge bitch. Add in daily pain and it's all. My feet knuckles just all the time. My Achilles tendon is constantly swollen. All this and I've not had a flare up in about 6 mos and just been cleared for exercising again. GG, must not take any meds except pain meds and alcohol. I get the whole "this is my life from now on." I hate taking meds, getting constant blood tests, being in pain all the time, but such is life. I want to be 100 someday! Lol
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