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Everything posted by hatchetgirl

  1. God I hate Sally. She is such a bore. And what is up with Liv and jake hate fucking? To one of my favorite songs, damn it! I'll never get to listen to it again.
  2. Bentley is dear. So sweet to his little sister. Ryan's parents are great, how did they end up with Ryan? Does he love with them? I've said my piece about Farah and her parents but her kid deserves some pity here not disdain. That poor child. I fear for her future and for the future of those around her. Cate, I'm just not going to throw stones at someone with weight and depression/anxiety issues. I was raised by a schizophrenic nightmare who self medicated, but only after age 12. Horrors. Cate needs better help than that counselor. That lady was a "peach". Amber... dang girl, get rid of that pig and quick! For all the girls (except cate) stop talking shit in front of your kids! Matt calling Gary a bastard, I think, was bull!
  3. I'm so intrigued as to how Italian Americans came up with green tea ice cream? In the 60's? I didn't see the first episode and I don't mean to be offensive, honestly but they are Italian, right? I love green tea ice cream. It's my absolute favorite. I cam see them creating the green tea flavor in the '00's, and it would an interesting story of grandpa, trying green tea ice cream and wanting to introduce it but I didn't get that. My grand father in law (Scottish American )was one of the first to fly into Hawaii with United and he and his wife loved the culture so much so she was learning the language and the hula so I see a similarity in the story. That boy was a pain in the ass. When he said he gets offers all the time, I'm sorry, I would have said "fly be free!" What an entitled brat. I did like that his parents didn't want him to have stake in the company just because he's family. Grow the f up! Bah! $10 a pint for less butterfat that hagen daas? That's insanity! I love my HD chocolate but an always willing to try new flavors. I would like to try the black sesame and the ginger. Goodness, Baskin Robbins cane out with a black licorice flavor ages ago and I LOVED it, but I guess others didn't. Hoe I long for that ice cream. Lol
  4. These people are so morally bankrupt, it boggles my mind. I could care less about Farah doing porn, really, but let's call it like it is, she did porn. Own it and move on. But she is truly a horrible horrible person. I saw an episode where she said she gave sophia $600 for losing a tooth. Who does that? She is not Angelina Jolie and I doubt Angelina would do that. The mother daughter relationship is a mess, both treating each other like shit. I do wish MTV would cut the cord.
  5. I may be misremembering this but in the first season, didn't she or her mother make comments about sophia's dad being abusive?
  6. I saw a scene where Nova crying and Tyler was on the phone afterwards, he used his finger to make blub blub blub noises instead of picking her up and that little girl, crying all the while used her little hands to make blub blub blub noises and self sooth. I wanted to cry for that little girl.
  7. They totally copied the best seller at that Candle Delirium store. That was lame. I think the packaging would have looked nicer with a clean cream box, the logo and then a single flower. It didn't need that black and white and it definitely didn't need old lady floral wall paper. Mark was a putz. Especially going to the distributor meeting with a still black eye. His wife couldn't hide that with a touch of makeup? He just looked hideous with yellow bruise, untucked plaid shirt, and backpack. So not professional.
  8. I think Nia and Kalani were ok but they both seemed to be weak at some points in the dance and that makes sense. It's new to them. Peyton's makeup was a nightmare. How awful was that? The main dance was beautiful, but the girls were a bit of a mess. At the end when Nia was in the center, the girl on the right raised her leg on time but the girl on the left was late.
  9. Argh. Hooters. I have friends who take their young kids there. I don't get it. I want to know more about Jax and his potential jail time. Please let him go to jail. Lala and drug dealers are hot. She's so gross.
  10. DB is a pig at the end. Realizing he approached the wrong woman and the one who sent the text is gray haired so she can't be sexy, he not only opts for the obviously beautiful younger woman, but laughs.
  11. As for his USC degree, meh,they are easily bought.
  12. Just re-watched and heck this was bleak! I re-watched the series and realized she was a fuck up the whole time. During the first watching, you get this feeling she was so so so good as a nurse but on watching it again, she was making mistakes left and right. In the first season she took a hamner to her finger because she forgot her wedding ring. Man that resonated with me throughout. But I still have the same resulting feeling. She was a selfish bitch in the end.
  13. Oh - I disagree about Neil. I think he is lovely and would be mroar in the bed.
  14. I think the reason Sally is there is that she jumped from the building which caused the attachment. Donovan specifically asked to be pulled out and was. I don't remember anything of this episode so will have to watch again. Or not.
  15. No they don't run out over time unless a clause for that is put in place. Exactly... half of what he's made in 15 yrs would be no joke. ,)
  16. Eileen gets too fuddy duddy for me. If anyone mentions sex, she's all "oh no, I don't wanna hear". Sigh. Lady locker room talk is the best.
  17. He's no fool. No matter they are married 15 yrs. She won't get half of what he brought into the marriage. Without a prenup, she may be entitled to half of what he's made in the last 15 yrs, but there is no way he didn't protect himself. Marrying her at 61? He's going to make sure his heirs and peeps are protected. I doubt they'll divorce though. He seems happy with her, she seems happy with him. He'll take care of her, I'm sure.
  18. I love the law. I love listening to attorneys turn black and whites into greys and vice versa. I've been in the industry since I was 16 and have so many attorneys for friends. It's a hard business but I dig it. I'm on the computer side now with a global firm and as I said, just love my attorneys. I feel really protective of them, especially the young ones. So yeah, I can see him staying in the field until he dies. I doubt very much he didn't do a prenup, but it may have been very liberal, to protect her and her son. The child was what, 8 when they married? But king of the class action. Dang, I'm sorry but class action work only works for the attorney. He's definitely no angel on that front.
  19. Since it was a class action, the attorney got the most. The people actually had to fight to get any ay all. At some point, the case turned over on appeal so I doubt they got anything. Unfortunately. I'm definitely not fond of collecting just for collecting sake. Chief Beck. Lol. He and our mayor pandering to the cameras as usual. I must admit, Tom's black suit was fab and he did look sharp. For him to still be trying cases at 76 is pretty amazing. Seems like he still carries a full case load, again, at 76, pretty amazing. Sad really because I see these guys needing to retire to be with their families. They have so much pressure and responsibility from about 26 on, that they really need retirement, but some, I think are really addicted to work.
  20. A load of attorneys live in Pasadena. The housing near the Huntington is really of the hook insane, pricewise, sizewise, etc. She interesting. The 2 sides must be exhausting exhausting to keep up. I like that she had that line about being poor sucks and being rich. I'm surprised to see her hubby spring the RHW thing, but he is a plaintiff's attorney. Lol. Oh and his big Erin Brockovich win? Got turned over on appeal by an attorney at my firm. Yeah, sold my soul to the devil but he pays well. ;)
  21. LOL - well there is that... ;) But I know where I'd be - Europe. :)
  22. If my husband fucked around on me, in Vegas, I can assure you, he wouldn't be going to Vegas the next year. I think that's what it's about. As for the male play stuff, I have a group of male friends that used to do that when they were 22. Shay. Seriously, the addiction thing is serious and these people act like oh ho hum. He'll be fine. Especially Scheana. What an idiot.
  23. Love them love them! I wish they'd do a Golden Girls type spin off with the three and the hotel.
  24. Captanne - I saw Hit or Miss as well and it was brilliant! Probably the only thing I've seen Chloe in where she didn't act like a dead fish.
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