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Everything posted by hatchetgirl

  1. That was fun. Was it great? No it was not, but I had fun watching it. I loved the mustache on the demon. Hate Leland and have since the beginning. I'm glad they brought back sister fenna. The girls weren't as overwhelming. That was one of my biggest annoyances with the show - the girls talking over each other and being so very annoying. I'm glad no Kristen and David because... MORE DAVID FOR ME! lol I do hope it comes back. It was a fun little weird show. It was never my favorite, I didn't fight to remember it was on, but it was fun.
  2. I can't stand Joe. He's a pig and i need him off my tv. Same can be said for Ellie. Just both so gross and blech.
  3. That was really awkward. I understood was she was TRYING to do, but she failed miserably. LOL And yes, she would have happily burnt Hannah at the stake! Oh, but she's so good with her crew, blah blah blah. I know it's crumby, but i think she had feelings for the one female crew gal, and has she said "burn her burn her, she's a witch!" she would have happily gotten the matches. Joe is just a freaking pig. Just gross. I'm so irritated by the song. It just showed his callousness and lack of regard for those ladies. And now that he's going to try to get it on with the latest new hire... just gross. I think I saw in the scenes from this season, Sandy saying to Aesha "how about we get a 4th stew..." or something like that, so I don't think anyone will be fired. Although Ellie sure as hell should be.
  4. I watched it on Amazon Prime. I didn't have to pay to rent it, but that might be because I have Prime. It's up for rent for $3.50, I think. :) He supposedly plays with Hollywood United (along with Jason Statham and some other british hotties) and i've kept myself from going to look for them. lol
  5. I think this is a red herring in a way. It was too bizarre and weird and I just can't see the writers being stupid and having this be a dream a la Dallas. I don't know that Ellie is from the future and I don't know that all of what she said will come true, but I'm thinking the particle accelerator is involved. That story line was never tied up and has just led to Ben wearing aluminum foil. So .... My thoughts are, we'll follow this silly trail for another episode and then the particule accelerator will undo EVERYTHING and potentially take us back to the very beginning when the program first started. It's why they didn't kill Andy. He'll be back and normal. Everyone will continue their paths from the beginning and Leland won't matter, k's mom won't be evil, it will just unravel. Leaving us all a little annoyed but enjoying how they end it. And science will win (with maybe sister Andrea having tea with George and winking at the camera). Or it's a horrible cancer dream of Ben's. Something will unravel everything. Maybe it's all in Bogg's mind?
  6. Yikes! That sounds about right considering she started the season saying "oh no - i'm good - i don't find joe attractive at all" which changed to "omg - she totally took joe from me and i'm her supervisor!" then progressed to going to everyone who would listen for "omg - someone is saying i'm not a nice person - you know what? i'm am SO a nice person!!!" She's a freaking psycho. Get off my lawn too!!! I prefer "oh bless her heart" or "oh, she's so dull."
  7. And an Exec Producer for this season. You are going to be ok and it will go smoothly! :) Don't be afraid (lol - i know - easy to say), but you got this!!!
  8. And his brother is representing Tim! hahahahahaha. Dying.
  9. Love me some Vinnie Jones - even old Vinnie Jones... I just watched Lock Stock and 2 Smoking Barrels... me-----ouch that guy... lol
  10. Yes, and it's gross. He was hard core going for Ellie at that dinner and then when she went to the restroom, Bri steps in and says she would do him and he's suddenly all over her. I get it, if someone hands me a slice of chocolate cake, I'm gonna eat it, but if I have the option of Chocolate, Strawberry, Vanilla, Red Velvet, Carrot cakes, I'm gonna take a little time and pick one. LOL
  11. I'm thinking "vroooooom vrooooom" but beep beep works. LOL I know it would thank me by taking me for a fast ride up the coast... oh wait... um - I SEE WHAT SHE DID THERE!!! That guest was drunk as shit and couldn't remember what the crew told her to say on camera. OMG - i had NO clue! I'm totally going to watch it now! Poor Jono - I think he needs a little bit of imposter syndrome to humble him up... lol
  12. I don't watch this with a fine tooth comb, but did I miss something? Ben acted an actual fool with Sunny a couple episodes back because he wanted Camille. And now he's hounding after Sunny again? I'm confused. Why didn't she tell him to f right off with bullshit?
  13. Damnit! You're right!!! Rental friends, Rental band, Rental car, Rental girlfriend... They got me!
  14. I live on the West Coast, so it's hard for me to even imagine this crap is happening. As a loving ally and mom, I would love to attend the pride events in these places and give loving, unconditional hugs!
  15. Aren't they beefing and unfollowing each other right now because his girlfriend thinks they are doing the nasty?
  16. I think Tim needs to meet his victims, I mean girlfriends, through a group or something, like at work. He has NO GAME whatsoever. When he hit on the girls in the pool earlier in the season and then lady in the pink claws dress (from the lost footage), he was ridiculous! I would have laughed and walked away. Just not cute, not funny and not adorable. Shudder. And we all know he pays his band, friends and now his girlfriend so I don't believe she's in love with him for nuttin!
  17. I laughed too hard with that one.
  18. This just made me laugh so hard! She really does have butthole lips. And I love that butthole makes me snicker, while asshole makes me scowl. LOL Linguistics count!
  19. Response to the Jax and Scheana spoiler... I LOVED that Andy couldn't understand what he meant about that until said "oh because she is the breadwinner?" and Jax said "yeah." like ok - misogynistic troglodyte!
  20. Dang so freaking true - I LOVED IT! But there was 1 day in either July or September, maybe, 1999, it got to 100 degrees in some places. It was BIZARRE and no one was ready for it. Continuing the story of how much i can't stand these shitty people. Screw you Brick "give me an example of male rage..." Dude - i bet your ex wife can do that easily, but, let's have the editors do it for you! I hope they play this at the reunion!
  21. I was watching the Nickelodeon special and that Speech guys who assaulted Drake Bell, was pictured with Leonardo. I've heard that when children are traumatized, they can stunt at that age. I wonder if Leo is needing to date these young girls because he doesn't understand older women due to trauma? NOT EXCUSING IT at all!!!! Just saying, I bet he's got some stories to tell and he'll never do it because he's firmly in the system... Also- did anyone see this? https://pagesix.com/2024/04/26/entertainment/lala-kents-ex-used-pseudonym-to-direct-john-travolta-film/amp/
  22. Well, it seems like romance is like that in the vaults. Look, if you are lucky enough to having working baby making parts, that's all the romance you need! lol
  23. I could care less if she's getting donor sperm. I'm completely comfortable with women taking reproduction into their own hands how they want. I think Lala is just setting up these kiddos for permanent therapists chairs, party or no party. LOL
  24. She can say "so baby 2, i was happy with baby 1, but baby 1 i had to share with DickFace. I decided with you, i'd pick you and love you best because you would be all mine and i'd never ever have to share you with creepy creep face who's a disgusting pig and baby 1's daddy. OH HI BABY 1...." lol Counterpoint: Very VERY low bar, and it's not hard to find endless footage of James being a massive asshole. Thank you! James may be good with a turn of phrase but we have seen him do some truly toxic shit.
  25. I don't know who it was but I do the same thing. Lol. Especially for shows I'm just starting. :)
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