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Everything posted by hatchetgirl

  1. Team Ariana all the way, but this is indeed, the case. :)
  2. Yeah - they sold at the right time. Everything is still inflated here in LA, but with interest rates up, it's getting tougher. I hope she's able to buy a bitchin' little bungalow for herself and he moves into Rachel's studio. lol
  3. You guys!!! Scheana can't make a fist - how can she care for that child when she can't make a fist??? But yeah - how is she changing that child's diaper? And criminal acts aren't covered by NDA, meaning, if you need to go to the authorities for sexual assault/harassment, an NDA can't stop you from doing that. Granted, lawyers and people who do these heinous things will tell you otherwise.
  4. HAHAHA - THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT I LAUGHED OUT LOUD OVER!!! I liken it to a lonely goose, sadly honking for it's tribe! I don't get going to podcaster shows, but with these guys - totally get it!!! LOL This was covered in the news when it happened. She was handed this dismissal of the TRO. She cried because it could have caused some serious trouble for Scheana. If I was an EP on the show though, I wouldn't film Rachel ever again after that bullshit play. Why would I want to have someone on the cast that will get TRO's against others to keep from being on stage with other castmates? Do you really think she was fearing for her life from Scheanna? Nope! She was just using whatever power she could and it didn't pan out.
  5. I'm new to their podcast and just listening to them makes me laugh out loud with a mighty guffaw! I can't wait to watch as well!!!
  6. THIS would have been brilliant! I feel terrible for this kid. He is an utter mess. His mother is still awful, even though she seems happy. She couldn't even tell him she loves him. Bill Hader did an awesome job of creating a really terrible character that you feel empathy for in Barry. He was a complete broken person who was manipulated by multiple people to do what he did best. I've never felt so badly for a mercenary (well except Leon from The Professional) and hated the people around him so much! They were all "decent" people in that they lived their lives as we do, but they were just lacking in any goodness. Then you have Barry, who's so broken and he's murdering people, yet, I felt for him. He didn't even have a chance.
  7. damn - i'm sorry you appear to be surrounded by fuckers who can't be adults. You absolutely have a right to this opinion and i completely validate you. I've been very lucky to be in many wonderful, trusting, adult relationships. I was cheated on once, but otherwise, most of the men in my life were grown ups who took accountability for their shit and communicated. I don't want my husband or any of the men I've dated painted with that weak "oh - look if they don't get it at home, they'll get it outside" lameness that you experienced. It's not all men and it shortchanges us ladies. We have a right to go through not wanting sex and/or wanting emotional intimacy. We have agency. We aren't just holes that men use, contrary to what Tim thinks. LOL He doesn't do this now!!! He hasn't done it at all! If you look at the website, it's bullshit. One page directing you to their instagram. I've said it in other place, if I ran a bar, I'd be posting multiple times daily "here's our special drink for the night" and "here's our dj for the night!" and "did you know we are doing $2 coors for the dodger's game tonight!" But no, not these two dimwits. They can't even be assed to do ANYTHING!!!!
  8. I like watching this in contract to DR Sweden. You have thesse statuesque nordic guarded blonds, then switch over to these fiery emotional queens and it's heaven!!! :)
  9. Yeah - I hear ya. And we got snippets, but I guess I've gotten to used to getting all the backstory! LOL
  10. See, THIS is what I'm missing and will be upset with the show ending. We never got a background on anything! Ok now we know why Logan was so upset over his sister, but still, it was an after thought. I want to see why the kids are the way they are. Why is Conor the forgotten son and not the heir apparent? Did they really make Roman eat dog food? Why why why. I know that I won't get the answers, but it would really flesh this out.
  11. Right? That abrupt change to the prairie onward has me thinking the whole thing is one bit hallucination. I loved the boxes. I missed the fun Hank! The F&F discussion was killing me!
  12. It was totally there, but we had Jax, Stassi and Kristen to keep us busy and boy they were doing that! LOL Now, Tim doesn't have anyone to take the spotlight off of him. Honestly, I DO hope Rachel's family has stepped in and gotten her mental health help. She needs it badly. Not just for the way she handled herself, but for all this backlash. She is going to need to help and maybe she will be able to take accountability at some point. Schwartz and Sandy's is bullshit. Anyone saying that this scandal has caused any problem for that place hasn't seen how poorly run it is! Their website is one page without any menu. their Instagram didn't showcase ANYTHING. If they were really working hard at this, they would be promoting the heck out of it and they would have been able to get regulars who aren't VPR watchers. But no - they don't know shit about business and Tim "dipped out" to play karaoke leaving Schwarz who couldn't even tend bar for an hour at Pump! They have biffed this on their own. If they were decent businessmen, this would have been a blip that they could have ridden out. Maybe even had watch parties or specials that made light of themselves, but nope!
  13. BOYS look outside FTFY Let's not give paint all men with this weak brush! A real man, a decent man, would break up and/or talk to their partner about it and go to therapy. Only a weak willed boy would just cheat because they aren't getting their dick wet. Like really? That's embarrassing. You are basically saying men have no self control!
  14. But now that we see Tim's MO - was she? Or was he successful in the "we don't have sex, she's crazy, I'm the good guy just trying to get a break here" (like he's trying to do to Ariana and failing)? I can assure you, if I was watching someone play me as crazy and others believing it, I would become pretty unhinged!
  15. I believe it was expected to be the last episode and no more seasons. All done VPR. So Scandoval did inject some life into the old show... lol I'm tired of this "Ariana lost him like she got him..." Do i think there was some overlap - sure, but was Arians actually playing best friend to Kristen???? And as someone else said Kristen was having sex with Jax on the couch in her apartment with Sandoval in the bedroom (hmmm - looks like Tim learned a few things from her).
  16. Ok - the green matchbook - what the flip? I don't think it's Ted and Rebecca getting together - that would be terrible. And I think the best match for Rebecca was the guy in Norway (was it Norway? - LOL) He has a daughter and that seems perfect for Rebecca wanting a family, but didn't they actually have sex and she doesn't remember it? Because I'm thinking she'll end up pregnant. Am i dreaming this or am I crazy?
  17. Nope - the shareholders are the ones who are going to be screwed by that video. The numbers guy saying "Kendall, numbers are numbers..." was his way of saving himself. Kendall is playing fast and lose with the numbers and he'll get slammed by shareholders or Mattson if he does end up buying.
  18. Let's face it - Kendall didn't exactly give ANYONE the option to say anything about it, which is why everyone was so dang shocked to see that video! I died laughing though because Logan would have been spitting mad!!! Mwahahahaha - keep it up Crazy Kendall!
  19. I loved Heidi so I'll enjoy watching her again and I just plain love Jimbo! He didn't get a great edit on UK v. the World, but I nutty for his shenanigans! I think Ru has oversaturated the market and I'm not exactly interested in weeks and weeks of petty drama instead of excellent lipsyncs and fun performances. :(
  20. I think this is a little harsh as Ariana was best friends with Kristen and wasn't fucking Tom in the apartment while Kristen was sleeping because Kristen thought she could trust her best friend who needed a place to crash. At the end of the day, Tom is the one who needs to get all of the negativity here. He knew full well they were not broken up. He knew full well that Rachel was freshly out of a relationship with James. And I honestly think their relationship started much earlier than we all know.
  21. 100%. She was doing anal for a Range Rover and Adidas Sandals. What did she have to do for the PJ? And I'm all for a woman choosing whatever path they want to choose, but if that path turns into sand, well, suck it up and find your new path, don't frantically try to put the sand in a bottle!
  22. I am sooooooo with you!!! LOL
  23. Didn't Nate put it back up and "fixed it" right after he did it last season? You all are much better eagle eyes than I am though, so I defer to someone who remembers it better. See - i don't understand Nate going bad in the first place. It wasn't gradual at all, it just suddenly, so it any redemption seems normal in comparison to me. Why do you think he went bad? What's with him spitting at himself? Ughmo. And yes, Keely's styling is way too harsh, but I'm hopeful that she can be a boss bitch and help Shandy grow and become a great team member.
  24. Mistress needs to get off my tv. I couldn't stand her stupid laughing behind her hands. That was definitely SOOOOOO AWESOME!
  25. That's the thing, i'm a pretty sensitive person and I can definitely see myself reacting poorly if I was being treated like Loosey. It made me so furious when Luxx did that shitty name check everyone and then shit on Loosey thing. It wasn't necessary and was just straight up mean. Mistress is an asshole. There's shade and then there's just asshole.
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