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Everything posted by hatchetgirl

  1. The American dream becomes a hard reality for this Irish bar owner after Taffer discovers he withheld employee paychecks to keep the business afloat.
  2. The actor playing Alvarez coaches my son's baseball team. Compete teddy bear IRL so each time I see him being so bad on the snow, It's super weird Agree, Gemma dying was beyond lame. Kill the witch already!
  3. As a kid, I was raised by my aunt, thank goodness, but every time my mom made that trip and it was maybe 2 times a year, I wouldn't let her go, not for one second. My son is pretty fearful and about Cassidy's age and if either of us single parented, he'd do the same thing with the other parent. Yes he might shy it up but with the other parent. I'd expect Brett's daughter to be shy but hugging him on his back. This is a parent. It was very very weird that she acted shy with him. I wouldn't let mine go for a month if that is how he acted with a co parent. Do they not ever talk on the phone? It was as if he was the weird cousin she's never met. The communal bed, meh. My son sneaks into ours most nights and flings himself across the bottom, but then we are a family. I would have put her on a cushions from the couch or heck, bought a blow up mattress for goodness sakes.
  4. The video game urinal was just... Ugh I don't even know where to go with that. I agree that the sandwich challenge looked like a great idea.
  5. I thought it was crazy odd that the little girl didn't want anything to do with dad. What is that about? And he seemed so awkward with her, as if he'd never met her before, himself. Just weird. I like Amy, she seems very sweet. I hope it works out for her. I was surprised when they asked about the wedding night and she said something like I'm afraid it will hurt. Whoa. 1, who says that at a dinner table with people they don't know and 2, who says that? Lol Jennifer was a nightmare but Justin is a pig. He's had Evelyn in the US for 15 days and just surprises the family. Ugh. Poor gal. What is Evelyn's life going to be like?
  6. I wanted to like it so I guess I did OK. :)
  7. I really love Kini and hope he's a win. Just so full of joy, I love that. Oh and I'm on a DROID so I check marked someone's comment, which I hope means I liked it not I'm reporting it. :)
  8. Wow Annaliese is far too weak for this. I mean, she's being written as this amazing bitch in heels but after screwing get husband, turns over and silently cries? I can only think this is a twist that will reveal itself later. The non linear jumps are so very annoying. I like Wes, he's darling. Love Connor, but the rest of the first years can go. The actress playing laurel is ridiculously awful. Same for Michaela and her over pushy, whiny act. The other guy is a non-entity. Of and stalker Frank? *shudder.
  9. "Char's fake clapping showed that she was on the same level" I totally read this as Chartrying her best. They appeared to be pretty close through the season, short of the lastfew episodes.
  10. I have to agree with took during the critique "oh my gosh, these stories!". Seriously, I was dying here. I'm thinking I have a perfect doll... " So, Tim, this is Agatha and she was born during the black plague. She recently broke out in pustules but she'll definitely pull through in the end! " I think I peed over his reactions. Did no one tell him anything about the dolls and the books?
  11. I rewatched and it made me so bad when Char went back after her "in" and just bawled over how awful it was. I don't think it was because the judging was so hard but because she actually liked stupid face. In light of stupid face and her shit attitude, it make Char seem so very empathetic.
  12. This horrible loser! I hated her attitude throughout the whole show but tonight with Char and on the runway, just unforgivable. Then her closing "my clients and customers will know better" or whatever... I'd leave her in a heartbeat for the way she has acted.
  13. I just don't know. I shake my head over it every time I watch. I'm so disappointed in Holly as she an educator and there is only so much abuse you can explain away.
  14. Gemma is definitely a darker Lady MacBeth, always whispering in the shadow to get her piece through death and then slowly cracking up. I can't wait to see Jax get his revenge...
  15. Oh man, those charter guests we're just gross. Almost as bad as dirty robe guy from last season. Blurgh.
  16. Man, so much wrong here! Amy was awful with cornering what's her name, about her brother. What a jerk thing to do! But then I guess he'll never need to grow up with Amy around. Adrienne... What a totally shit thing to do, to gossip about Kat to the charter guests! That was mean and dirty. 4 years ago! And they laughed about it! Terrible, just terrible. I don't think Kat remembers, I think Amy has let it go, but it sounds like they were close and it blew their friendship, so I can understand the need to not discuss it. 4 years ago! Ugh. Can we have Andrew back?
  17. Man that Clip show was awkward. Did they give the final 3 scripts or something?
  18. I think Jason and Josh are either doing an us against them friendliness, or they mended their relationship after the show. I do love that Jason is still after him. Lol. I love Jason. Tim's work was so very very bad. I feel sorry for his canvas. :(
  19. Ugh, I just can't stand Gwen. I've never liked her. Did the coaches start the show with that stupid song? I like when they don't do their own songs and just do something very cool and rock it.
  20. I thought this was awful... The suddenly Frankie song. He doesn't have a very strong voice and hers appears to crack...
  21. She totally just walked by those, maybe 10 little girls waiting for her. That was awful and a great way to not become anything. :( I agree with Billy, she's 8 not 30! Let the kid be 8 for crying out loud. I'm waiting for "A Very Special Asia" where mom and dad get divorced.
  22. I could do it. We currently live in LA, myself, hubby and son, in 800 sq. ft. Meh - I wouldn't mind downsizing further. :)
  23. OMG - the whole "Rules of Yachting, don't get drunk. Because Natalie Wood." I hate these people!
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