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Everything posted by hatchetgirl

  1. She needs to just leave that creep, move home, open a shop and do a lot of traveling for her brand.
  2. I'm just so confused. Caitlyn brought Kris back financially? So Cait's to blame for these horrible people?
  3. I think the couch scenes with Jenni and Jeff are really uncomfortable. Did they resolve that lawsuit? He seems so aggressively nasty with her.
  4. How long was the charter because I think it was only 2 days, in which I think the tip was fine. I thought Leon was an idiot, serving spaghetti when the guests specifically asked for Mexican. I don't blame Kate for not liking him. I think he's a bit of a dick. Don is a super dick. He was hired to do both jobs so do both jobs. Lame. Crazy girl is crazy. I can't wait for her to go as well. Did she think she was hired to just swim and stuff? Again, do your jobs, already! I cannot stand how that guest was constantly drunk. Just gross.
  5. Can I say that Brenda Leigh had sine really amazing clothes. I'm watching 4.8 and she is wearing this amazing orange print dress. Dang. I wonder if Kyra kept the clothes. Lol. Just finished the episode where Julio's brother was shot. Really nicely acted. I believed poor Julio in the hospital, practically manic. I loved seeing him break down to Provenza, but that was a bit cliche. Edited to add Anyone notice that the green tie Provenza wears in the episode "walking the cat" is the same green tie Stroh wears when he is first introduced?
  6. Oh goodness that guy is scary as heck.
  7. So I just finished season 3. Man, these writers and costume people have absolutely no idea how boy look and dress, do they? Grady's hair was worst than Rusty's. The finale was so tough, I actually teared up a bit when Wesley was shot. It seems like this episode was where the gloss started to wear off Brenda a bit for the team. When she told Westley that his brother had been murdered, Flynn and Provinza looked honestly disgusted.
  8. My niece entered high school not knowing how to tell time!!! Drove me insane. Thankfully, my 7 yr old is beginning to tell time. It matters! I'll just say "hey dude, what time is it" and the only clock he can see is analog. So he may still say, the big hand is here and the little hand is here, but that's cool. Blake's comment about not speaking Indian was beyond! He's so ridiculous. That dress was a horrible mess.
  9. I thought it was funny when she said her kids were blond and hello, pointing to her hair. I turned to my hubby laughing and said wow that is one bottle blue black! She does appear to have a nice touch but does she gave to wear black all the time? And does she have to point out "oh the others are using me for a model" all the time?
  10. Thank you millennium for putting it into a different positive context. I'll think on it. :)
  11. This episode brought up a lot of emotion for me. My oldest brother transitioned in the late '80's and I was the only member of the family to support her. It broke my heart to have one sister sat she was an abomination and the other day she was a freak. She was very much like Cait in that she was very into the clothes, the makeup, etc. She was "acting" the way she thought she was supposed to act. Now, it's good to see her comfortable in her skin. She has become her own self by incorporating some of what she was but making it her. I may not be making sense. Now, for some reason, she has decided the sibling who called her a freak is her family and I'm not ever involved in her life anymore. It makes me quite sad.
  12. Cut off stupid mikes hair for goodness sakes. He is a creep and his hair makes it worse. A jax from SOA cut for him would be nice. Bello, just get off my TV. Devin looked great with his hair gone. Too bad he is a freak. I loved the mullet. She rocks it. And I hate them. Bowl cut was cute. Loved the color. Hadassah Hadassah Hadassah. Quit being a baby. They should have cut the rest of her hair shorter. Just passed the shoulder. It would look better. I cut both sides of my hair like that after all and I loved it. I could wear my hair down for work and up for freak. :)
  13. I'm just so pleased at how well the show holds up. Not many that you can rewatch and have the episode still be so strong. I just finished season 1 again and am so disgusted by the episode where the psychiatrist was killed because he was going to turn his partner in for statutory rape. The guys in the video room focusing on that girl's breasts was just awful
  14. Sigh. Sedona? Rattlesnake? Pink jeeps? I just don't know where to go with this one. I bet they get the pink jeeps so the pho truck girls can get their truck fixed and sell, or some other production mess.
  15. This was so silly and the Reno was terrible.
  16. Will we not see Henri Lubatti again?
  17. Someone help me. I've fallen into a Corey Feldman hole and rewatched. I think my favorite line is "well, we got enemas" followed by silence.
  18. So was the Guava Tree the only group who got the $60 something in their seed money? I don't care if they only had $20, if I was in this competition, I'd want the same edge. It's almost the $100 for winning that pier challenge. I can do without members of the lds church in this. I don't care what church you participate in or that you have so many siblings you can't remember all their names. Ick. Let's have the Duggars run a food truck.
  19. Just watched the end and agree with you all. My best friend was named Lolly. So funny. But anyway, if I went back, I'd be heck on wheels. Confident, man killer. ;)
  20. Yikes, what a creep Corey is. Just ugh. I was surprised that his "maingel" seemed actually smart and nice when she shut down. Fruitarian? WTF? How was she getting any protein at all. Wait, don't answer that... nudge nudge wink. I liked the family Tommy made. He said he'd had the crazy before and wanted the calm so he got it. I loved his wife. She was so smart and self sufficient. I also liked that he wasn't into nepotism. All in all, I agree that I needed a shower after that.
  21. What a freaking mess Abby is. Dang, she lost any credibility she had at all and I can't wait to see her fail.
  22. I will always be on Holly's side. I like her. I like the support she gives her daughter and Nia is so poised and graceful, Holly is doing something right. Jill has always been awful. Remember when she bought all those things for Abby to get on her good side? Ugh.
  23. Yeah, the new reaper does seem to know something... Again. Hate Turing's sister.
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