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Everything posted by hatchetgirl

  1. He is a serious liability. Do you think the producers are thinking "imagine, if instead of watching, one of the participants gets into a fight?" I think they would be so happy!
  2. Jessica is pleasant to watch. She's not caring a chip on her shoulder, she's trying to experience what she can. Interesting how she and Mauri are both saying these childish women! Poor Jon with that nut, farting and being a freak. Blurg. I agree about matt, but he sure turned that around. Lol. Calvin is just a wee sheep waiting for the slaughter. His roommate seems ok with him. I enjoyed their conversation although it was tough to hear. His roommate is just a kid. Dang.
  3. Bath salts are a hellUvA drug. Lol I agree, the bath itself is what makes the aches and pains go while the salts just add a nice touch.
  4. So did anyone think it was odd when max called the Doctor a few weeks ago and announced himself as Dr Steppenwolf? I thought, "weird, why is he calling himself a doctor too?" Made me think he's way more buried than we know. Then when he turned sally into Lenny, I thought "ok this is even weirder." What if Max is more doctor than just some Joe working for the doctor. So, I think the 3 exes need to go into the "burrow" (so funny when the blonde was sayng how people need to be able to pronounce their jobs) right away and spill target than sneaking around trying to figure out their next move. Patrick needs to fix it up with saffron quick if he's going to get his medals. This cracked me up. I was engaged to a guy and we discussed baby names then I broke it off. It wasn't right for either of us. Then he named his new girlfriend's dog our baby name. It still makes me laugh. So obvious.
  5. Goodness, I love candy corn any time of the year! You're right about the way sugar. I like to eat it one color at a time, starting at the wee top, then the middle and finally, the butt. Lol. It's so wrong, it's right! Now I want some! Yummy!
  6. This one hit hard. I always excelled at work pre-baby, but once he was born, I was treated like an outcast. Demoted and told I bring nothing to the table. I never noticed overt sexism in the work place until this. Also, with Bow wanting it all but not wanting the nanny to do the same is so mean girl! Finally, it's so offensive that Dre calls her black nanny. Way to keep an uppity black woman in her place. Can you imagine if Bow was called black doctor? Just unacceptable.
  7. EXACTLY! ok, embarrassed to admit, but I LOVE frozen burritos, and I know you take the plastic off and NEVER cook them for 3 minutes! Shees! And why didn't he toss it around a bit like "ooh hot!" I do it with toast! Man, these time traveling serial killers! The NYPD would most definitely have sketches of him around by now or have him arrested! Has he not seen L&O: SVU?
  8. They are just so cheap. Rayon and very flammable for sure. I'm sure Kristen week catch on fire at the reception with alcohol and cigarettes...
  9. Man he is so it if touch with scheana note is embarrassing. When he snapped "I wash you clothes and I never know what I'm folding" I was stung for her!
  10. Goodness! I can't imagine how these 2 people came up with around 75k for a wedding. That's so stupid. And let's not discount HOW MANY bridal showers/parties before the day? My wedding was 5k. 5k - food, venue, liquor, bartender, cake, bagpipe player (ok, we may or may not have been a junky I found at Union Square, but still....) my dress was 400, handmade, silk, I'm 4'9" and was not going to wear a merengue. My husband's kilt was 600. Ok, 6k. We were married on a Jeremiah O'Brien in SF bay. It was awesome! Danced all afternoon and night! Everyone was appropriately fed and drink'd... 14 cakes. Lol. I can't even fathom 75k for a wedding. If i had that, I'd buy a house! A nice house! Idiots. Scheana, yeah, next year, you'll be pregnant, my ass. Lol. Shay is OUT! The bridesmaid dresses looked like cheap rayon. I liked the color, but cheap cheap cheap... $35 a piece down at Santee Alley in downtown LA, for sure. Bah! Help me! 10k for flowers? Get your ass up at the crack of dawn and hit the flower market with $250 on your way up to the forest. Don't get roses, but wildflowers or flowers like them, simple easy, have the girls in the bridesmaid party put them together while you do a massage or something. You're in the forest you idiots!
  11. I love early Burn Notice. Michael, so suave, Fiona, a pain in the behind, Sam, hilarious, Maddie, just a mom who wanted her son around to do good.... loved it.
  12. I was bothered when Stassi said "I need ... a man". How rude. Talking about her date as if he is a child. Sorry stassi, but he seemed quite nice and she would be remiss to not go on at least one other date with him. Tom and Katie - head meet desk. Kristen admitting she doesn't really have a service dog, but rather a dog with fake papers is disgusting. I hope someone reports her.
  13. You and me both! By this time in filming, in thinking they would have to be separated, right? They don't put these shows out that fast.
  14. Whoa. I've lost some respect for Tatu Baby. Yikes, no one needs publicity enough to play for the cameras with Cesar! So gross! Worse than Skye's vagina consultation. Shudder. But whoever called dutchess about the accident was low. I hope it wasn't production. That was cruel.
  15. I love this show but this one really bothered me with the whole snitch mish mosh for poor Ben. I'm starting to wonder if they are showing the series out of order like they did firefly and the b in apt 23. The one with the guy with lung cancer living in the tree house seems like the best finale with someone saying "hey, this kid is a good kid but you're treating him badly! Raise him better! Take care of him!" After showing all the neglect he's gone through. End on a "hmmm we have been igniting this little kid who just wants his criminal drunken parents home.
  16. The towels are just Turkish cotton towels, right? Or am I missing something...
  17. Nope, he's not changed a bit, as evidence in the challenge where they had to pirate their way through the city and then cook. He DID tell that guy to Cook with shit ingredients, he didn't admit it and the wrong chef went home.
  18. I swear to god, if I ever see John again, will personally hunt him down and strangle him. I hate him. He's a total punk. I would have totally sabotaged him. And John, dang it, wear a dang headband so every meal isn't sweat soaked. I saw seat splash in every dish he cooked! Way more disgusting than reusing the spoon. *shudder John sweat Sheldon and Shirley for the win from me. I think brooke is fine but I prefer the others to her.
  19. That's sweet! Congrats to her. Now what's her name is gonna steal the baby...
  20. My 9 yr old still plays with cardboard boxes, but now he adds led lighting, switches, etc. It's awesomely hilarious and a pain in the ass!
  21. I live in LA and I can't stand sand, like almost phobia, so the shower thing really interested me son wants to go to the beach all the time. I'd definitely use it on myself. Lol. My kid can just sit in sandy swim trunks.
  22. No I think the one they were at was the place they were trying to redo but the daughter hated everything. As a aside, El Coyote used to have a very large gay following until it turned out they supported the Prop8 item. They're were boycotted and almost lost the business.
  23. Izzy can go any time now. Everytime I see that sprout, I think of that beginning judging when she said "and yes, I AM wearing a live plant on my head." So freaking pleased with herself. Yes Izzy, we see you have a live plant on your head, now move on...
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