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Everything posted by Inquisitionist

  1. While the jury may have wanted to acquit, a lot can be accomplished in four hours. I was on a criminal (murder trial) jury in Chicago a few years before the Simpson case. Selecting a fore-person took a few minutes. We then had a very substantive discussion for several hours that resulted in a guilty verdict. Granted, we had a lot less evidence to discuss, but discuss it we did. The initial reading was 8 jurors voting Guilty, 3 Not Guilty, and one who basically recused himself and said "whatever the rest of you decide." It took a while for the 3 NGs to come around, but we did persuade them that the defendant's alternate story of self-defense made no sense.
  2. You're not alone, Risky Librarian. Veronica has never seemed like a plausible mother for Alicia to me -- more like the writers' idea of a "cute" character that wore out her welcome quickly.
  3. CBS's online schedule shows the next episode airing on March 20.
  4. I'm only half-watching at this point, but did Jason open the door of the governor's wife's home in a pink robe to greet the pizza delivery guy?
  5. Sad, but true. She was also pregnant with Patti when she roped Ronnie into marrying her. And since I can't say anything nice about her, I'll stop there.
  6. The only novel of Conroy's I ever read was The Prince of Tides. It's lush and overlong and overwrought, but thoroughly compelling, and once you know about his own life, its style makes perfect sense. Not a fan of Babs in the Lowenstein role. On screen, I prefer The Great Santini (Robert Duvall, Blythe Danner, and a young Michael O'Keefe are a sensational trio). RIP, Mr. Conroy. Despite the immense difficulties of your life, your obituary made me smile.
  7. Article about Sarah Paulson in the NY Times. This made me LOL, 'cause I completely agree about TLo!
  8. Any idea why the writers shipped Kevin off to Paris this season? Is Marc Evan Jackson not available for filming? His IMDb credits don't suggest he's terribly busy, and I can't find any info about him doing theater on a regular basis. As a bonus, here's an article about MEJ and Andre Braugher from 2014.
  9. Do you mean whether she had talked to black women about the OJ matter or in general? Because I think an earlier episode indicated she had received personal expressions of gratitude from black women after successfully prosecuting cases of domestic violence committed against them.
  10. Looks like Dylan Baker (Colin Sweeney) will be appearing in the new season of The Americans. Pretty sure that's him in the blue jacket with red/orange lining in photos near the bottom here.
  11. Pretty sure that's Dylan Baker (Colin Sweeney on The Good Wife) in the blue jacket with red/orange lining, talking to Philip.
  12. Many years ago, I read that Kennedy's "for your consideration" ad to Academy voters showed him in a scene from CHL holding up Paul Newman with single-word caption, Supporting. I haven't been able to find this image online. If anyone else does, please share it! On a shallow note, my search did turn up many fine photos of Newman's bare torso, which are always welcome. ;-)
  13. I suspect Mark Rylance is quite happy with the career he has, but it's great that more Americans now know who he is.
  14. Charles was a well-drawn character and David Ogden Stiers did a wonderful job portraying him, but I really don't like the overall direction the show took in season 6 (which started a bit in seasons 4 and 5, but escalated in 6). I wonder how much people's views of M*A*S*H are affected by when they started watching it. I can clearly remember watching the series debut in Sept. 1972, when I was a sophomore in high school. It was unlike anything else on TV and captivated me immediately. I didn't see the movie until some years later, but in hindsight, it's quite remarkable how true to the film's energy and style the early seasons were. I understand that the characters and the kinds of stories portrayed had to change over time to avoid repetition, and I don't begrudge anyone for enjoying the later seasons. But for me, the show stopped being the M*A*S*H I loved pretty much entirely after season 5.
  15. I've reached that point, too. Since the ratings suggest it won't be around much longer anyway, I think I'm out.
  16. I thought the surrogate pregnancy storyline was rather sweet, but I was disappointed that Phoebe's nieces and nephew seemed to be barely in her life at all after delivery.
  17. Ha. LAL isn't even the 3rd largest law firm in that office building.
  18. Why, to see just how bad it can get, of course!
  19. Didn't feel this warranted starting a new thread, so I'll add on some news about "the creators in other roles." Noah Hawley's new thriller, Before the Fall, will be published in May. Readers who've gotten advance copies have posted very positive reviews on amazon.com and goodreads.com.
  20. The documentary Becoming Mike Nichols debuts on HBO this evening. Heard a piece about it on NPR this morning and will definitely be tuning in!
  21. Thanks, I thought the call had just arranged the pick-up. I'll have to rewatch this (yet again!) with the sound turned up. It still seems like quite a lot for the Russian network to coordinate on such short notice.
  22. To each his/her own, but I think you're doing yourself a great disservice. I recently watched Seasons 1 - 3 online, and aside from a few offensively misogynist lines in the very earlier episodes, I thought these seasons were almost uniformly funny, touching without being cloying, and (perhaps most importantly for me) believable. Season 3's O.R. is particularly compelling. During a surgery session while bombing is going on all around, Hawkeye saves a patient though open heart massage It was all low-key and natural, but very affecting.
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