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Everything posted by Inquisitionist

  1. Manohla Dargis's NY Times review of Hail, Caesar! has a shout-out to TCM:
  2. A.O. Scott (film critic for the NY Times) interviewed by Slate about movies and the Oscars. Bold indicates the interviewer:
  3. Apparently, learning to tap dance is a great way to get in shape. In an interview for his AFI tribute, Steve Martin said that he got into the best shape of his life while learning to tap dance for Pennies from Heaven.
  4. What's with all the oranges? Nice compilation! On the other hand, maybe
  5. Haven't seen it yet, but plan to. Mark Ruffalo first caught my attention in You Can Count on Me. While Laura Linney was good, it bugged me that her performance got all the attention. I thought MR gave a very natural performance and that the two of them were credible as siblings despite the lack of any physical resemblance.
  6. Good question. This wiki for Friends also lists the first appearance of Estelle as The One with Russ.
  7. IMO, the book is entertaining on a trashy level, while the movie is a piece of art. I imagine Coppola made this change in Part II to give more urgency to Michael's inquiry about whether the aborted fetus was male. Hard to explain confirmation to a largely non-Catholic audience, I think. Baptisms also film better. The interspersing of Michael's recitations at the baptismal font (renouncing Satan and all his works, etc) while his henchmen killed off legions of enemies was a high point of American cinema.
  8. This show exists in some bizarro world where being the wife of the governor of a major state has absolutely no bearing on how the character interacts with anyone.
  9. This broadcast inspired me to see Beautiful this past weekend. Thoroughly enjoyed it!
  10. Their category is Television Movie or Miniseries. Billy Bob Thornton was nominated as Lead Actor in this category for season 1 of Fargo. Overlooking Kirsten Dunst's stellar work for season 2, while nominating Nicole Kidman for that atrocious movie about Princess Grace, is an absolute travesty. Sometimes even actors don't recognize the best acting.
  11. Happened to watch The One with the Birth (1-23) this weekend, and realized that the nurse was played by the same actress who later played Joey's agent, Estelle. According to IMDb, June Gable played Estelle in an earlier episode (The One with the Butt, 1-6), but her scenes were cut. After appearing as the nurse, she showed up as Estelle nine times.
  12. No one from season 2 of Fargo even got a nomination? That really weakens SAG's credibility about awards. The snub of Oscar Isaac in Show Me A Hero is egregious, too.
  13. For the first time since they aired, I think, I'm watching the S8 episodes about Joey being in love with Rachel. Those were pretty awful.
  14. Steve Elliott and Betty Jo Bradley were such a cute couple, as were Mike Minor and Linda Kaye Henning in real life (even if their marriage lasted only 5 years).
  15. I don't recall the term/title comare, however, being used in the movie or the book. Mamma Corleone (as the character is listed in IMDb) may have been the literal godmother of the same child/children to whom Don Corleone acted as godfather, but I understood his title of Godfather to refer to his "business" position. She was not part of the business, as I recall.
  16. I can't seem to find bloopers for the Benji/Charlie scene. Does anyone have a link? Overall, in the blooper reels, Matt LeBlanc seems like the one who does the best job of not breaking character. I've been impressed. ETA: Never mind, I found it. Season 10, not 9, d'oh!
  17. Here's a very thoughtful, and fairly recent, interview with David Schwimmer. He seems to have found a good balance in his life.
  18. More on the passing of Jefferson Airplane's Paul Kantner:
  19. Just to clarify: It was Alex Rocco, who portrayed Moe Green, had mob connections -- back when he was called Alex Petricone. ;-)
  20. Fargo and The Big Lebowski both opened in March, but that was some time ago. I hope the Feb release for Hail, Caesar! is not the bad omen either!
  21. Abe Vigoda lived to be 94 -- that's quite a run! I love the scene in The Godfather where he explains how they can hide a gun for Michael at the restaurant to take out Capt. McCloskey and "the Turk." RIP, Abe/Tessio/Fish.
  22. OK, you're questioning why Carlo would foolishly (in your opinion) berate Connie in front of her father when he was still in power, is that right? It could have been a long game in that Barzini figured Vito wouldn't be around forever or that an opportunity to take Sonny out even while Vito was in power was a good move. If Carlo was just acting on his own at this point, I agree that it seems a bit reckless.
  23. There was no movie called Godfather I, it was simply The Godfather, same as the pulp novel on which it was based. That movie began with Vito Corleone at the height of his powers and unfolded to show how Michael, the son he wanted to keep out of the family business, ended up succeeding him. A few years later, Godfather II was filmed, including the "flashback" scenes that showed Robert De Niro as the "young" Vito Corleone.
  24. I don't believe we saw Carlo with Connie before their wedding as The Godfather begins with that event. So it seems plausible to me that all the abuse we saw came after Barzini approached him (which could have occurred even before the wedding). Am I forgetting an abuse scene that occurred before Connie and Carlo were married?
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