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Everything posted by Inquisitionist

  1. It was downright skeevy. I almost wretched during their "foreplay." Nothing about LAL being the third-largest law firm in Chicago is realistic in the least. Funniest line of the night to me, and not in a good way.
  2. I've watched it twice now (I put my "real time" watching on hold while I waited for my husband to watch S1 and S2 online -- we're now watching S3 together). I've read several reviews of this episode and most of this thread, but I cannot figure out HOW the resolution of the slow-speed car chase came about. Who engineered the crash that provided the opportunity for Elizabeth to escape? I think this show may need better sound engineering. Vital information seems to occur in conversations that are difficult for me to hear without racheting up the volume to levels are that too high for the rest of the action. Or maybe I'm just getting old. :-)
  3. Harper Lee was 89, Eco 84. Old people die. (And having known quite a few old people in recent years, I've come to the conclusion that the human body is simply not designed to last much past 80, in most cases. Every year of relative good health after that age is a gift!)
  4. With Dennis Feinstein, aka Jason Mantzoukas, as Adrian Pimento.
  5. Amen to this. I think the series is illustrating this to some extent. IIRC, Lane was surprisingly low-key in his 30 Rock appearance, 1st season, as Jack Donaghy's conniving brother.
  6. I'm missing the significance of the "thumps." What were these noises supposed to result from and why was that important for the investigation?
  7. I think Pacino was made up to look older and ailing in GIII. He still looked quite good in Glengarry Glen Ross, which came out a few years later (1992) and even in Heat (1995).
  8. As an Italian, Peter should know better. And that's my last word on the subject. ;-)
  9. This. Luca/Luka are males names, the equivalent of Luke or Lucas (except apparently in Hungary and Croatia, where it is pronounced LOO-tsah as the equivalent of Lucy. Lucca is a city in Italy and is pronounced differently -- Italians pronounce both consonants when there is a doubling. Using Lucca as the name of female American character strikes me as a pretentious writing decision. YMMV.
  10. The F-word was always bleeped out on AMC's broadcasts of Mad Men. It's restored on the DVDs.
  11. Why any law school grad with half a brain would want to join LAL is beyond me.
  12. Oh, shoot, did I just miss this on TCM? Real life has been intruding on my DVR-monitoring. I haven't seen this one in quite a while, but remember thinking that Garner and Andrews played off each other very well -- and that it was a tad risqué for 1964.
  13. I never tire of looking at Cary Grant, whether in his 30s or in his silver-haired 60s. From the next generation, Paul Newman was a veritable Adonis. This scene from The Long Hot Summer is swoonworthy. Mah smellin' salts, please!
  14. I just watched that episode, and you're right: his "dramatic" scenes sucked.
  15. If they want to go out on a comically absurd note.
  16. TGW has done either 22 or 23 episodes every season, compared to 52 weeks in the year (i.e., less than half, but this is the standard for broadcast channel series nowadays). I don't recall how often or whether CBS has aired reruns.
  17. OTOH, Alicia being reduced to Bond Court is complete BS. Even with the election "scandal," a real-life version of Alicia would land with a prestigious Chicago law firm (better than Lockhart Agos Lee, for sure).
  18. I watched the first few episodes of S4 recently. I think they got Hawkeye and BJ to be best buds too quickly, and also got Potter on their side too quickly. I know it's supposed to be in the service of comedy, but Hawkeye committed several genuine crimes trying to get to Seoul or wherever before Trapper left. I didn't find that particularly funny.
  19. It should, but the show hasn't really been making this point, has it?
  20. I've only watched Lawrence of Arabia in a movie theater. No desire to see it on a small screen, even the "big" one in my living room. The theater was Coolidge Corner in Brookline, MA. Packed house from 8 pm to midnight, with applause at the end. :-)
  21. A mostly positive review from Manohla Dargis of the NY Times.
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