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Everything posted by Inquisitionist

  1. FYI: The Kennedy Center Honors for 2015, featuring actors Rita Moreno and Cicely Tyson and director George Lucas, are being broadcast on CBS tonight at 9e/8c.
  2. On rewatch, this season seems to be set in March, 1979. Reagan didn't formally announce his candidacy until Nov. 1979, but he was drumming up support well before then -- though mainly through radio addresses. So, yeah, he probably wasn't on a bus tour of MN/SD at the time of this season, any more than he appeared in the movies depicted, but wow, what excellent tie-ins both are!
  3. I think his status comes from his association with Dodd, who ranks ahead of Bear simply by dint of birth order.
  4. I don't think I was very aware of Terriers when it aired, but to the extent I was, the title certainly didn't help, as FX noted in its post-mortem:
  5. Renowned cinematographer Haskell Wexler has passed away. He won two academy awards and was nominated for three more.
  6. That link isn't taking me anywhere, Charlie Baker. Here's a link to the LA Times coverage.
  7. Yeah, as soon as I typed that, I thought it might have been Donna. Sure sounds like a Tom-ism though. Thanks, Brandi!
  8. Most male critics seem to give S2 the edge as well. My husband already likes S2 better and he's only seen the first 4 episodes.
  9. "I think Ben is filling the Leslie hole." Sorry, the Tom Haverford in me slips out now and then. ;-)
  10. Saw Why Are We Here? in-flight yesterday. So funny, and wow, what a strong ending episode to the show's first season. I wish more people understood the Hot Zone reference: "It's too close for an overnight, too far for sauce."
  11. Happy birthday to Ray Romano! Looking good at 58. ;-)
  12. I'm rewatching S2 now as my husband watches it for the first time. It's holding up very well the second time through, and my husband is impressed and liking it more than S1. On rewatch it is interesting to see certain images used early on that made an impact later. For instance, in 2-4, there is a shot of Simone lying on her back on the bed after sex with Mike Milliigan in which her hair is fanned out around her head and she has a quasi-beatific look on her face. This image is repeated when we see Simone for the last time in the finale.
  13. Thanks. While I'm sure that has an effect, I'm not sure it's "considerable." She looked pretty damned thin on-screen, too.
  14. Hank: Son, I could fill a steamer trunk with the amount of stupid I think you are.
  15. When I saw a theater showing of White Christmas a few years ago, I thought anorexia upon seeing how very thin Vera-Ellen was. Some terrific dancing here, but her legs are like sticks.
  16. After rewatching Ep. 2-3, The Myth of Sisyphus, last night, I have a bit more clarity. Lou said he did two tours in Viet Nam with the Navy. So it is plausible that he was home between tours at the time Molly was conceived. :-)
  17. Seconding -- and Kate Winslet is magnificent, too. It's one of my favorite performances by her.
  18. The writing for their law firm, and them as lawyers, is beyond ridiculous. The show started with a silly enough conceit -- that Alicia and Cary were pitted against each other to survive beyond one year with Lockhart Gardner -- but the most recent crap is insulting to viewers.
  19. LAL partners are acting like they've never managed and mentored associates before. It's nonsense.
  20. Hamish's reference to a 401K seemed slightly anachronistic, too, but apparently these savings vehicles were just starting to be used in 1979.
  21. I'm in a quandary about Lou's Viet Nam timing. He was there for the fall of Saigon, which occurred in the spring of 1975, and he'd previously mentioned an incident that happened on a river patrol in 1974. The season is set in 1979 and Molly is referred to in Ep. 2-1 as being 6 years old, which would make her birth year 1973. Lou is played by 40something Patrick Wilson, but maybe is supposed to be more like 34-ish. Would Lou have gone to Viet Nam for the first time in 1972, post-Molly's-conception, when he was already married and in his late 20s? Did he go earlier but then come home on leave to marry Betsy? The timing doesn't make sense to me, even though I loved the story about the family in the Chinook. My favorite reveal, however, was that Peggy hallucinated the smoke in the cooler, plunging herself into a Ronald Reagan movie-world. Of course, it would make sense to think that Hanzee was after them in that store -- she didn't know that Lou was anywhere around, let alone on the chase. But the smoke... wow. She was more than a bit touched, ya know?
  22. I love Andre, but why is he the only part of B99 getting any recognition from awards groups? This show is, IMO, without a doubt the best comedy on TV right now.
  23. That final scene with Eli almost redeemed the utter bullshit the writers have been spewing this season.
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