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Everything posted by Inquisitionist

  1. In today's NY Times: Family of Robert Durst’s First Wife Sues Him for $100 Million in Her Disappearance
  2. My first thought: it wasn't a real marriage. WIkipedia confirms this.
  3. Ooh, you are in for one hell of a ride in Season 2. Enjoy!
  4. Sylvester Stallone looks like a walking wax impression of himself.
  5. And he only gained about 100 more pounds during his life. ;-)
  6. Recorded The Women last night. Hope to watch it this weekend! Did anyone else catch Cat Ballou last Saturday? Jed's (Dwayne Hickman's) opening line still makes me laugh as hard now as it did when I was 13: Cat: Miss Parker didn't introduce us. I'm Catherine Ballou. Jed (leans in and enunciates): I'm drunk as a skunk.
  7. Does anyone other than Ed know that Rye's body was ground up? We never actually saw what he did with the "ground meat", but I assume he was able to throw it out as "spoiled" or something. As others have noted, the belt buckle that Simone threw into the Rye's burial plot had been found by Hanzee in Ed and Peggy's fireplace a few episodes back. I also thought it was a smirk of self-satisfaction, but I wondered if it was because she was sending the cops on a wild goose chase.
  8. I thought he was simply trying to get the cast off his hand. Symbolically throwing off the shackles that have constrained him, if you will.
  9. It's a shame that the movie version of I, Claudius (with Laughton in the title role) didn't work out. The documentary about it, The Epic That Never Was, is available on youtube -- at the moment. ;-)
  10. The commercials every 5 minutes really ruined the rhythm of this episode.
  11. But Diane was having to perform massive legal contortions to make it even a semblance of a case about "free speech." Defending the KKK's right to march with a permit just like any other organization is one thing; defending distribution of a video that was obtained under false pretenses feels like something else.
  12. I'm not sure I've ever seen Keith Michell as anything BUT Henry VIII. He was magnificent.
  13. Late Show with Stephen Colbert has already aired over 50 episodes, which is two to three seasons' worth for scripted series. ;-)
  14. Hard to believe Jane Fonda is less than two years younger than Burt Reynolds.
  15. Did Dodd survive a prolonged cattle prod to the heart? FWIW, not really a spoiler, but just in case: . But that could just be to throw us off.
  16. As I recall it, the Gerhardt patriarch had a stroke, and the KC mob saw an opportunity. From AV Club's episode recap:
  17. Finally saw this last night. Very funny, and I agree that John Cleese seemed to be having a blast. I noticed that JC was already sitting on the guest couch when the show came back from commercial. Someone told me they saw him at a museum in the past year and that he seemed to have difficulty walking/standing for any length of time. For those of you who saw Cleese's recent live show, was he mobile on stage?
  18. Why do you draw that conclusion? BBT was in his late 50s when S1 was filmed (he's 60 now), and Malvo looks that old to me, too. This is also a show whose nuances deserved to be discussed. Many of them would get lost in the shuffle if the whole season were available at once.
  19. I confess to not knowing who D'Angelo is, but I loved that scene. This episode made me finally look up the actor who plays Charlie. Turns out Deon Cole has as many writing credits as acting. And he is more handsome as himself.
  20. According to the NY Times, networks are actually giving shows more time before pulling the plug than they have recently.
  21. The Atlantic Monthly celebrates the 20th anniversary of The American President, "the cinematic predecessor of The West Wing."
  22. Are you referring to this? The show Fargo is not depicting real life events, no matter how many times its opening credits claim otherwise. ;-)
  23. Hey, all, could we put the speculation about future episodes in the speculation thread? Please, pretty please? :-) http://forums.previously.tv/topic/9547-fargo-season-2-speculation-without-spoilers-there-will-be-snow/
  24. On October 18, the Kennedy Center honored Eddie Murphy with the Mark Twain Prize for American Humor. The broadcast is scheduled for Sunday, Nov. 23 at 9e/8c. Check your local PBS listings. PTV discussion thread here.
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