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Mahamid Frauded Me

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Everything posted by Mahamid Frauded Me

  1. I was going to ask that as well, as I did not see her, although I would have laughed if she started her turtle time routine on the dance floor. Teresa's hair was a dumpster fire. I did however like both of her dresses. Joe and Melissa were scum to post stuff like that on her wedding day.
  2. Kris, is that you? I fast forward through the two tops as I just can't stand Valentine. Jessica is insufferable, I hope Juan res-signs his contract for a world cruise. Jordan, don't lie to me Everton evah again, yet I am sure she is probably still pulling out sprinkled toast from her ass. I didn't even realize they snuck a new and sadly boring couple in.
  3. I wish this was more tell-nothing than the hour wasted on Jen and Kris. I can't stand any of these morons now. I was rooting for Debbie and Gabe, but dang they all disgust me. Old bookend (aka Danielle) is pretty SOL now that her man looks to be dumping her, I doubt there will be any rentals in a 1000-mile radius that will rent to her in NY with her financial problems. We only heard one poem from the great poet of Morocco and it sucked, his painting although a brief glimpse looks like my dog could do better. I wonder if Nicole is back to being the door dash girl?
  4. So I was surprised about this news, then my mind went straight to yeah its just for tax purposes, but the more I read about Kim wanting a divorce a few months back, then house is mysteriously out of foreclosure, I now think old spreads her legs to married men found someone willing to pay their foreclosure and telling her she needs to dump Kroy. The message that he had on his SM said the ring meant a thing totally steers me in that she had a sidepiece. I wonder if he is willing to pay off the tax debt too if she filed for divorce. Interesting. I would love for this tea to be spilled
  5. Thank you for the clarification, I guess I was just waiting for her to slip up. I am not trying to be a couch appointed therapist, but damn Rachel is bat shit crazy
  6. Honestly, I hate watch this show, I don't find any of them likable. However in my opinion its bad enough when a partner cheats but more devastating when you consider that person your best friend. So while trashbag Rachel was talking to Ariana at the bar, it was clear to me she was fishing for information, there was one point where Rachel said to Ariana, "When Sandoval and I have a dry spell" or something like that, I did a rewind twice and clearly that was a slip and Ariana didn't catch on. Even WWHL aired that clip at the end..crazy
  7. At first, I really thought they were doing this for tax reasons like Nene and Greg did, but now it has turned nasty it seems so this is interesting yet sad for the younger kids
  8. I gave up on this show once Mary left. I can't stand that putz Jeremiah and his little Rolo or Carmella wife. Didn't they buy their own trailer or something? Same story line just regurgitated season after season.
  9. So I wonder if this season will be, Brice and I broke up 3 months, 16 days, 4 hours and 39 seconds ago. While I feel bad for Liz, I do wonder if she really pressured him too much to move in. He seems like a decent guy and comes from a religious family who would typically not like the idea of them moving in together when not married.
  10. Come sit by me @TurtlePower. I love all Zombie-esque stuff. I caught the first 4 episodes when HBO max had a trial, but I'm too cheap to pay 10.00 a month. I will have to wait for another free trial to watch the rest.
  11. So Lala still has the trash mouth, she is pissed because she was promised the world by what may be a mini Harvey or drug cartel king pin (haha). Had she just told Schwarz to stay away until after the custody hearing, I could get that, but he has never been the smart one in the bunch, actually none of them are. I find Peter gross. He looks like he hasn't showered in weeks. I think a while back didn't he cut his hair and was somewhat clean shaven and he looked decent. I too also thought Scheana was Kristen when they all met at the restaurant, glad to see she ditched the extensions
  12. Meahan so freaking whiney, ugh she is exhausting. I agree with @PsychoKlown that it should have been tailored more for low impact training and cooking healthy rather then this. Ashely disappointed me this week. I seem to remember this fit farm on an episode of skanky mama June. Still laughing at dirty d*ck Spencer - you all made my day!
  13. One major flaw in this diagram I see it was missing Meri's wet bar, which has now been factored in
  14. momma Travis has a nice set up in her basement, too bad he has that barnacle attached to him. Not sure why they needed to buy 3 candles, couldn't they have brought one and a nice plant? Aris, girl you did yourself no good not going to the family party, you could have met up with him there after saying your good-bye to your lovely daughter and stopped in for an hour. However, Cameron should have told his family she was sick rather then she didn't want to come, way to have your wifes back. Justine, just plain dumb to quit her job now especially with number 9 on the way. Michael heads over to some twenty something record producer whose studio looks to be upstairs in a converted garage, however I love him telling Michael there isnt any venues around that he can lip sync his music at. Nathan and Skylar are just a toxic duo and just part ways. Can someone get a stylist for Monique please, those tank dresses are not doing her any good and are not flattering at all
  15. The Ashley/Travis situation is like a train wreck and I can't look away!
  16. Tammy had that home health care nurse for a bit, she seemed awesome. Took her to swimming although Tammy refused to walk and that spitfire was like "I am not pushing you". She also tried making her healthy meals. The problem is that she won't accept help from people who see right through her shenanigans, she starts to yell and scream at her family and I think they give in, and she plays them like a fiddle. Hopefully they have finally seen the light.
  17. Tammy can go kick rocks. She was so rude to Dr Stapleton. As many of you said she is just a big ass baby. There is no way that even if Tammy qualifies for surgery will it be successful. I think she thinks it will be a magic pill, but she needs to work on her nasty self both inside and out. The family knows that any little thing will set Tammy off to overeat and use whatever excuse to blame it on. RIP Lil Bit. I do enjoy seeing Amanda and the other sister, they seem fun.
  18. I did laugh when Ben was "watching" the dolls and was making them fight and goofing around.
  19. No, don't give the Shining twins puppies I did notice that one had what looked to be a pimple and the other one didn't, I am surprised she didn't glue on a raisin or something so that they were equally matched.
  20. @Joan of Argh dang from that angle its a lawsuit ready to happen. She needs one of those signs like in the London Tube that says "Mind the Gap" .
  21. Don't get me wrong, I like antiques. My issue with her place is that it looks old and cheap. Didn't the wall boarders go out like in the 80's? The carpets are probably at least 30 years old, plus all the wreaths (which I love me a good wreath) but they are dust collectors and not easy to clean. She needs to invest some money into that place, all new neutral paint, new carpet or luxury vinyl flooring, white bedspreads, upgrade the hideous shell pedestal sink (decent ones at Home Depot run about 250). Why would I shell out even 250 a night for a place that she isn't investing any money in to make it more appealing and updated
  22. Oh lordy, I can see it now, Robyn making the fambily pack up again and move to Montana because Dayton moves there, of course she blame them having to move on everyone else
  23. A lot of the major hotels in the US are getting away from all the small toiletries like shampoo/conditioner in the showers and going with refillable dispensers to cut down on the waste. Whenever I travel and stay with family or friends I bring my own makeup wipes, she can easily buy the individually wrapped Neutrogena wipes and leave a few in the room. Amazon sells individually wrapped Q-tips as well. For 250 a night I would expect a little basket of these things, not some worn out black washcloth with specific instructions to use to wash my make up off with
  24. When I brought my house many moons ago (built in 59) there was a handmade cabinet over the toilet. At first didn't think too much of it. I had stuff in baskets like make up and I probably went broke with the amount of crap that fell into the toilet because I didn't close the lid. This almost looks like it was converted into a 1/2 bath from a closet. Yep kids, 6K will get you this and Meri. I would probably rather be stuck in that tiny room for 2 days than with Meri anyway
  25. It boggles my mind why she would think anyone in their right mind would pay this amount, now especially after posting the few pictures from the last failed attempt. The food she had catered (we saw the pictures) probably ran about 30.00 per person, the ice cream dump was probably less than 20.00 at the store. Her décor is old and reminds me of stuff you would buy at the thrift. The article Turtle posted above had a picture of this "luxurious" B&B bathroom which is a joke, heck a Motel 6 would be more grand and they would leave the light on for you
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