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Mahamid Frauded Me

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Everything posted by Mahamid Frauded Me

  1. and I bet little hellraiser is swinging from a chandelier because Leon copied her haircut
  2. I don't get why they posted this stuff on tiktok, its unflattering and Leon does look like they just woke up, I would have much rather them going back to the scrunched up eye and cheesy smile pics. (cloths on)
  3. Ugh the annoying Lucy and Anna, they continue to talk over each other or repeat each other, they are neurotic for sure. The Texas sisters, Randi's boyfriend looks to be about 2 seconds from moving to another country. I agree, I feel for Ashley about wanting a girl, but dang your sister already squeaked out 10 kids of her own, can't you just steal one of hers? (I kid)
  4. Oh spill the tea please! I had to laugh about Weeble Wobble Ed going to a speaking engagement, who the heck would hire this a-hole gaslighting abuser? I actually enjoyed the format of this reunion with the "behind the scenes" look. Jovi was right, Ed is going to get his ass handed to him one day.
  5. @Celia Rubenstein thanks for that morsel of information, so prior to the family being on cable TV and using Janelles money (once again) to purchase the Lehi house, Kody had to drag the 3 wives and how many kids back to daddy's to live, yet broke and continued to have more kids, live off the government with food stamps because none of them had jobs. I think Kody wanted so desperately to please his dad, after all he became polygamous after his dad did I think. I would love to hear more stories from those good old times in Y-oming, like they were the Y-oming bush people
  6. Never heard of a theist, a dickie yes 😛 Brown speak: Um its like this rilly rilly too small tight shirt with um long-ish sleeves but sometimes short sleeves to you know um show our modesty in our faith, because um we don't want anyone's cookie being stolen.
  7. I like Turtle Power always found Mykelti to be some "know it all" in the talking heads, even prior to meeting Taco Tony. @Absolom For you, incase you were missing Leon's posting
  8. Interesting series of events. As you all know, I am Meri's biggest fan (said in my best Kathy Bates voice). I do think Meri has a temper and Kody even said on the Tell All that she is controlling. Do I think she may have spanked some of the kids, perhaps. I even read that it was also alluded to the fact she would lock some of the kids in a closet. Whether or not any of that is true, I don't know. This whole tictock thing I am super skeptical of it being genuine, I think she received so much backlash and negative attention from her last bank breaking retreat that this very well could be the infamous JO adding more fuel to the fire seeing that she recently added a new weekend to her website. The Browns have been scamming the system for a long time prior to the show and I pray they finally get booted off the air for good.
  9. I also said that to myself and the dog. She could have been the love child of Caroline Stanbury and Stassi Schroeder
  10. I wonder if this is going to be the last season, in the past it was just a 1 hour show and now its cramming 2 hours in.
  11. I watch this too, I usually FF through the "expert" commentary as it wastes time. I like the ghosts/bigfoot footage, the UFO ones kinda bore me
  12. I may even consider going to a gym if Ernesto was my trainer, he is handsome
  13. But how can you not feel that 4-6K would not be worth all this catered/home shopped food that your hard earned money would provide, gourmet my ass. Thanks to @ginger90 for the original photos. (Plastic plates and utensils probably washed and will be reused for the next one)
  14. @ginger90 I can see it now, please book my overpriced retreat, Kody rilly hurt my fillings on cable tv about me running off (which me and my banana) could have done had if Sam was rill. It is hard to pay for rent in Flagstaff to store all my craptastic clothing and my mortgage at the former non-polygamous house I run my overpriced and under delivered retreats at. My hair products and eyeline can't pay for themselves.
  15. @TurtlePower I agree, she was raked over the coals for the last one and the costs all over SM. She is delusional. The few pictchurs that were posted from the last LuLuRot retreat certainly did not look like gourmet food. She looked like she catered it from Golden Corral and then hit up the local grocery store for cheap ice cream and toppings and served them in Styrofoam bowls. She is an idiot
  16. I never was a Heather fan, nor do I dislike her, but it was nice to hear her say that she didn't want their kids to grow up seeing that bigger is better or life is about money - something along those lines. I agree with whomever said it above, but Josh A is growing on me, he seems more laid back or something. Josh F, does have some good one-liners and I love how he loves dogs and steals Tracy's dogs but he probably is a nightmare to live with. Tracy, meh..I miss Kirsten from MDLNY, she was much more likeable and genuine.
  17. I am happy for Vanessa and she seems motivated to continue, I hope it lasts. I do wish however she would invest in one decent bra. Heck, call up Cynthia from LiviRae and she will hook you up (no pun intended) I also agree with EVERYONE that Meaghan is acting like a complete Toddler. I don't think this women has ever taken accountability for anything and has been babied and waited on. Tina is like that potted plant in the corner of the room, she obviously is a better friend then I would be with a friend like Meaghan. I am glad Ashely went to see that lovely psychologist and I love her home! Vanessa seems to have upgraded, but I wonder if its an Air B&B.
  18. I would guess that she pulled him by the earlobe on the way out of the house and threatened him not to talk about her and he replied "yes mommy" lol
  19. I will have to find some time to listen to the interview. In my opinion, I think Paedon was the forgotten son of Kody. He was the only boy with 5 sisters and I think Kody clearly favored Janelles boys when they were younger, especially Hunter
  20. I am really beginning not to like Shauna and her family. She wants to be treated like an adult but has such an attitude. They way she screamed "leave me alone" was like a 5 year old temper tantrum. I get migraines can be horrific, but she couldn't just say I need to lay down my head is killing me? I don't know much about the older sister, but Shauna and Riley seem to have no direction in life and the parents are of no help.
  21. I loved the flashback of Stuart and Jen, her demanding that he make her money, yet she was alluding that he was the mastermind, sure Jan. The suite the Shahs were staying in is about 2K per night in July, even if her defense team set her up in that room, you know they bill that back to them. I agree with everyone that said she kept proclaiming her innocence until they started reading all the damning statements and Coach Shah changed the play and told her she is SOL and to plead guilty. Angie H husband Chris and his fake tears, please. I know his account was named Shah's Exposed but wasn't the target Lisa?
  22. I guess we will get one more season and then hopefully it will be cancelled. Each of them are certainly not interesting enough for me to watch. I can see it now if it lasts of what we will see. 1. Meri sweeping the front porch of the BnB - snore 2. Christine trying her luck on Match.com 3. Janelle learning to drive the RV 4. Kody trying to get Hellraiser off the chandelier 5. Robyn practicing pinching her thigh trying to squeak out real tears
  23. Maybe Robyn "needs to get her scent out there" to secure another season.
  24. I think Robyn always wanted the plural wallets she saw due to filming, not the plural barnacles wives
  25. I wonder how the family finances worked, were Christine, Janelle & Meri still contributing to the family "pot" before the mass exodus? I really hope that douche is forced to sell the property and have to split it now with Janelle and Meri. Wait until little mullet-hair Hellraiser & King Sol will have to go without daddy for more than 2 days because he has to shill his guns or whatever at these shows just to pay mortgage and taxes on the mcmansion and apparently Sobbyn's online shopping addiction
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