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Mahamid Frauded Me

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Everything posted by Mahamid Frauded Me

  1. Even Deener started with a condo, upgraded to a nice house, and now has a McMansion herself. I stopped watching this after Snooki left and then when she came back, started back up, but was completely bored, especially with all the Angelina drama. I thought I heard Jenny ghosted her because she opened some shop at the shore after Jenny did, petty nonsense really.
  2. It's back and the shenanigans of the Kelly klan. We get Chris Mccully now along with his team of Wilson who I believe was on that Race to Alaska show with his brother and won.
  3. Not sure about the vocal fry, but the way she interrupts people while they talking and has a habit of never shutting up would turn people off
  4. Anyone home? Watching last night's episode was touching with their love for Eric. He seems like a sweet guy and I hope he finds the right partner for himself and has his own family. I enjoy the kids. I really want to like them, but with all their legal/fraud stuff out there, it makes it super hard.
  5. I never really watched this show until recently due to Big Brother starting really late in the summer. I take it that Danielle has always been a complainer and whiner huh? The girls are cute but why do they talk like they are 4 years old as opposed to 7? Did you'll know they have a brick-and-mortar store? ☺️
  6. No, I would want to spoon with Rami 😍
  7. I wish Korto got the boot. I am still not over her treatment of Anna and her non-apology. I just see her as a downer. Kara Sauns was ok, but to me, it looked ill-fitting on her gorgeous model. FWIW, I would spoon with Rami any day of the week.
  8. I really doubt this whole "facility" stay honestly. I do think she hightailed it to Mireval for a week's stay, but I think she has been hiding out in Tucson with her parents. There is no way if she was in some facility for months that anyone would allow her to put herself right back in the middle of this filming.
  9. I really can't stand Gina this season. Heather was fine letting the whole acting IMBD issue go, but Gina had to bring it up again. She clearly isn't over the Matt cheating scandal, but Heather was right about not constantly calling Travis about it. I know if my boyfriend called me or talked about his ex all the time, he would be added to my "ex" list.
  10. The bitter Baumlers need to go. I agree that the young married couple deserved the win for the guest bedroom(s) While I liked the headboards for the huge beds, that was a total shit show. Unless you plan to house sextuplets in that bed, I would be mortified to see that. The guys' idea was ok for the bunk, but they looked like a cheap Wayfair one. I would have rather seen 2 twin beds tucked in there with trundles than that. I cringe every time they say rock wall as well, can anyone say concussion? I absolutely love the location of these homes right on the beach, but other than the few teams adding an additional bathroom/bedroom, I really don't see the added value with the poor choices made.
  11. I was bored and watched this, apparently, Caroline was mad at Patrick because he stole money from Alex. Alex seemed over it, Caroline was not
  12. At least this year they are letting Joel eat. I don't recall him tasting anything last year.
  13. I do hope for Harold and Michaela to work out, but dude, slow your role by inviting the lady to your room. I could see she was hesitant. Oh Mark, go back to Arizona, please. I would assume that you tell your matchmaker the age range you are looking for, so why is he or his matchmaker finding women 20 years his junior and then complaining they don't have enough life experience? Nathaly, I do like her and I think she is just doing all of this to piss her mom off, but has the guilt about it. The new girl from N.C, not sure if I could tolerate a guy that dressed up like Prince Charming and did parties, but she clearly likes it. She does have an amazing smile, but let us see how this works out for her.
  14. That guest judge and the eye makeup, I kept looking to see if I could see any whites in her eyes and failed. Laurence, girl that looked like a Wilma Flintstone outfit. Hester should have been in the bottom, 2 days it took her to make that sad sack? Why didn't the judges question her material for the bra and shorts? I think Brandon gets a boner every time there is some reveal, but Kayne is 2 for 2 with that and needs to move on from it, his cape was awful.
  15. Well Bryan and Sarah are duds. As someone mentioned above, they did the big whoopsie when creating a fireplace that blocked the view when they were on Rock the Block. I really wished they had different judges each week.
  16. It just seems these hoarders are primarily only doing this so the city or whatever doesn't come in and take everything from them by force, including their house. I am pretty sure there is a high probability they will repeat the hoarding, much like our 600-pounders, where very few succeed, which is sad.
  17. @Kid I am so sorry I disappointed you by forgetting their dating timeline, I think I was still hovering over the toilet from the photoshoot, it slipped my mind
  18. I certainly did not sign up to watch this become the Trent & Amber show. 🤢 Oh Liz, you just pushed and pushed him to move in. Now you feel like you are stuck. Maybe you should have thought about it. You just turned 21, go out and live a little, and still date Bryce, but why rush to move in together if you like doing certain things and he doesn't? When they were sitting on the couch, he does seem like he has checked out, compared to earlier when he was gushing over her. While I know many little people have issues with snoring, try and find something that helps, whether it be a CPAP machine or even separate bedrooms.
  19. I am circling back to Darlene, she is exhausting. I do wonder how much money she has given to her various healing groups or circles. Also, I noticed her neighbor's houses, and they look very very nice and probably the location is a premium. I wonder how her neighbors felt or if they have complained. The front yard wasn't littered with junk other than weeds, but that backyard and back deck were awful.
  20. I think these designers forget they are designing a beach house. Why didn't any of the teams spend some money on beautiful glass doors or large windows? Not sure if they have to upgrade them to hurricane proof and that is way too expensive, but dang, missing out on that view. I agree that I am not impressed with any of these design choices.
  21. *Nevermind, I found it. I can't believe I have been missing out - binge watch in effect Are these new episodes you all are watching? I would be befuddled if I am missing this. Are they airing on A&E or someplace else?
  22. A few times I thought Hester is morphing into Christian. (looks-wise, certainly not talent) Glad this show is back on.
  23. When I was 21, I went to dinner with my parents and then headed out to the bar with friends. Maybe I would have had a party at my house if TLC was footing the bill. I was also surprised that Bryce's parents were filmed. So only 1 brief mention of Marly (Anna's other dog) and then didn't see her, hopefully, this notorious dog-dumping family didn't do it again. I hope this show is over, Trent and Amber are gross (didn't need the stool sample discussion).
  24. I saw that as well. She has had a lot of tragedy in her life and I can sympathize, however, I totally agree she needs some grief counseling/therapy. She isn't doing anyone (especially her kids) any good traveling across the world for 3 weeks just to get some "d".
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