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Mahamid Frauded Me

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Everything posted by Mahamid Frauded Me

  1. As another posted said above, I watch this in the dark with the shades drawn whilst eating spoonfuls of Phish Food. These ladies are trash, pure and simple. Popping out kids and then get their guvment checks. Once this show ends, all of them will be back to tweerking in some seedy clubs to make a dollar. Stop having babies you can't care for or know who the daddy is. Why would Monie want kids with Morlin who already has 4 whom he may or may not support. Tonya cant seem to be alone without a man in her life, this whoas me that I cant take care of 3 babies all by myself, well bitch-should have though about that before getting your grove on. Jesus take the wheel on Mz Juicy and drive her off a cliff somewhere. I hope Minnie takes care of her health. Why do I feel the need to tell her to make sure she takes a wash cloth to those neck rolls of hers ? Glad not to see the Twins cry for a while.. Sadly, I like Sam, she needs just to high tail it back to the Garden State and away from these low lifes
  2. I was like STFU already, you are scared of Ghost Island ? Weren't you the one that was married for a hot second, divorced your husband, went back to get your GED or something then changed jobs, then moved across country, stopped traffic to let a gaggle of geese across safely, then went on to save 33% using coupons at Dollar General ?
  3. That is why I sorta kinda want to know how she even can do it ? I dont recall a swiffer being made for that purpose
  4. They probably would have better luck finding lost treasures from their old Mad magazines
  5. I was saddened by the death of the pig. The only truly likable person on this show is Babs, I hope she holds Whit responsible for his early demise. This Buddy & Heather wanna be lifetime movie of the week is a bore, move on..he just wasn't that into you. I bet her house does smell like cats, I can't imagine it doesn't. So, if someone could explain something to me , earlier in the show, Whitney would have her mom shave her legs, who is doing that now ? How does a person of her size even reach to wipe her butt ? Why doesn't she doesn't she get weight loss surgery ? All these questions run through my mind when I watch this show, not even sure I why I watch it, other than Babs remarks and Todd, love me Todd
  6. I think this should be the 1st course for her nuptial extravaganza Ingredients 1 Pound spaghetti 3/4 cup ketchup 3/4 cup butter or margarine Preparation Step 1: Boil spaghetti according to packaging directions, or about 20 mins. until it is soft. Step 2: Mix butter and ketchup in a bowl and microwave until mixture is melted together. Pour over pasta and serve hot. Cooking tip: To see if the "sketti" is done, do as Mama June does: Throw it up on the wall and see if it sticks.
  7. The real question I want to know, is who has to pay for Janelles new bed now that Maddie birthed all up in that thing ? Technically it should come out of the "joint fund" or will Meri stomp her feet and bang her hands down a firm no on her drybar ?
  8. That was gold for sure, or another where Kody is miserable with the flat tire fleeing the state of Utah, under the pretense of Polygamy instead of welfare fraud
  9. Sorry, I am new to this site, so I apologize if I am posting in the wrong area. Did anyone catch the 3 wives 1 husband show on after SW on Sunday, the one with the rock people ? I am not sure why they try so hard to sell us on this sister wives, we are there for each other kumbaya stuff, its clear as day these wives cant stand each other.
  10. phew, I thought I heard a rumor the only thing spewing would be street taco's
  11. And don't forget her voice of an angel sinGinG... lol
  12. I honestly cant believe the youngest of the group Amanda is the most mature. Lindsey is a nut bag, controlling to say the least. I would normally feel sorry for Stephen, but he just reminds me of Rachel Drachts character Debbie Downer on SNL. I hope to never see Lauren's floppy boob out of her shirt again. Amid is hot..
  13. They probably were Kody's
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