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Mahamid Frauded Me

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Everything posted by Mahamid Frauded Me

  1. No more mantail Kody, it proves your hairline has receded all the way to your ass
  2. It doesn't seem she enjoys much at all. She sat crossed armed at the lunch, she never wants to do any of their aw-inspiring douchey dances ( can't blame her ) She doesnt do crafting, so I wonder what she does all day, its not like she has little ones at home, is she just sitting around all day watching her stories ? Notice that all the wives seem to have gotten brand new cars/SUVs
  3. well and by the look of the birthing bathroom, I say they need scrubbing bubbles extra strength
  4. FFS Meri shut up already with this guarded thing - why should you be guarded ? Janelle, Christine and Robyn should be guarded about your internet shenanigans and not giving a crap about any of those kids. As far as her clothing choices, please bring back the Garanimals hang tags for her so she can learn how to match shit together. I was not sure if I was getting dizzy or just had one too many adult frosties. Anyone else notice when the coven was sitting on the couch, Christine was barefoot and the bottom of her feet were pitch black with dirt.
  5. Ha, I will make sure I send you the triple ply ones
  6. I also agree with it being Meri's idea, probably based on the fact of money, how they could get more because of dependents. Then Meri was the unselfish one, however, I think she was planting the seed for her escape with Sam in a sense, setting herself up to be out of there quick. Apparently Sam was a successful businessman with money scammer, so she could walk from the cult-de-sac & track home . Then the rug was pulled out from under her, she scrambled to get back into good graces with family, they weren't buying it, then she claimed victim on the catfishing, relationship with Cody and the need to have something from the fambily to make her complete again
  7. So obviously she is going to run with the chub rub until her "meal" ticket gets punched. We can see she has no reason or desire to diet as she is making bank off her weight. Listen, I am all about embracing what you have and trying to at least try to live healthy, but the derogatory lyrics of calling someone a whale doesn't that defeat her No body shame campaign ? Can I also say she needs to find better extensions too.
  8. I know right, Tonya's panties weren't even dry before she move on to Von
  9. Well lets see, Eat ? How hard is it to take the vacuum cleaner and run it over that carpet, all those houses are a hot mess. Unless there is only 1 hoover and 4 wives ?
  10. Even better choice for sure, he would not put up with her & her crocodile tears at all
  11. I almost hope that Anthony Melchiorri gets a whiff of this and does some undercover on Meri at the Inn of the Forefathers.
  12. I would agree, she probably never spent any real time there, just because it was Fambily she "has to have it". Aren't Christine, Janelle & Robyn kids all Fambily - yet she wants nothing to do with them. Do you think her tanning bed will fit down in the basement , one would hate for her to lose her orange-y glow
  13. I agree with you, it was probably another Meri type catfishing, maybe Melina thought they were swingers instead of Pligs- she could have been on the wrong website. I often confuse my Farmers only account with my Love an Inmate.com one
  14. I think if we can add some slot machines on top of the wetless bar, Taco Tuesdays a must, maybe a wrestling lesson from the Kodster, cloth flower making classes and some of Christines sinGing around a duraflame fire pit in the back yard to drown out the sounds of HWY 15
  15. I dont mind LA & NY, the Atlanta and Dallas is ratchet. Glad we dont have to hear about Breanna and her love for all things Matt anymore. Tonya just seems so miserable and takes it out on others, I really detest her now. I have a soft spot for Christy -
  16. As another posted said above, I watch this in the dark with the shades drawn whilst eating spoonfuls of Phish Food. These ladies are trash, pure and simple. Popping out kids and then get their guvment checks. Once this show ends, all of them will be back to tweerking in some seedy clubs to make a dollar. Stop having babies you can't care for or know who the daddy is. Why would Monie want kids with Morlin who already has 4 whom he may or may not support. Tonya cant seem to be alone without a man in her life, this whoas me that I cant take care of 3 babies all by myself, well bitch-should have though about that before getting your grove on. Jesus take the wheel on Mz Juicy and drive her off a cliff somewhere. I hope Minnie takes care of her health. Why do I feel the need to tell her to make sure she takes a wash cloth to those neck rolls of hers ? Glad not to see the Twins cry for a while.. Sadly, I like Sam, she needs just to high tail it back to the Garden State and away from these low lifes
  17. I was like STFU already, you are scared of Ghost Island ? Weren't you the one that was married for a hot second, divorced your husband, went back to get your GED or something then changed jobs, then moved across country, stopped traffic to let a gaggle of geese across safely, then went on to save 33% using coupons at Dollar General ?
  18. That is why I sorta kinda want to know how she even can do it ? I dont recall a swiffer being made for that purpose
  19. They probably would have better luck finding lost treasures from their old Mad magazines
  20. I was saddened by the death of the pig. The only truly likable person on this show is Babs, I hope she holds Whit responsible for his early demise. This Buddy & Heather wanna be lifetime movie of the week is a bore, move on..he just wasn't that into you. I bet her house does smell like cats, I can't imagine it doesn't. So, if someone could explain something to me , earlier in the show, Whitney would have her mom shave her legs, who is doing that now ? How does a person of her size even reach to wipe her butt ? Why doesn't she doesn't she get weight loss surgery ? All these questions run through my mind when I watch this show, not even sure I why I watch it, other than Babs remarks and Todd, love me Todd
  21. I think this should be the 1st course for her nuptial extravaganza Ingredients 1 Pound spaghetti 3/4 cup ketchup 3/4 cup butter or margarine Preparation Step 1: Boil spaghetti according to packaging directions, or about 20 mins. until it is soft. Step 2: Mix butter and ketchup in a bowl and microwave until mixture is melted together. Pour over pasta and serve hot. Cooking tip: To see if the "sketti" is done, do as Mama June does: Throw it up on the wall and see if it sticks.
  22. The real question I want to know, is who has to pay for Janelles new bed now that Maddie birthed all up in that thing ? Technically it should come out of the "joint fund" or will Meri stomp her feet and bang her hands down a firm no on her drybar ?
  23. That was gold for sure, or another where Kody is miserable with the flat tire fleeing the state of Utah, under the pretense of Polygamy instead of welfare fraud
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