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Mahamid Frauded Me

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Everything posted by Mahamid Frauded Me

  1. I am ashamed to admit that I have watched this from the start. I remember when Chantel first bought Pedro here and she was living in a small studio apartment, then they upgraded to a 1 bedroom and last season a 5 bedroom house. I would like to know aside from the harvesting of the TLC dollar, what other income they made?
  2. I don't know about you all, but I am clearly excited for Glenn to finally give old Twit a nice verbal beat-down.
  3. I think we all kind of knew when Gordon's money ran out, so would Mia. Wendy looked a bit bloated last night and Robyn just looked dejected
  4. She reminds me a little bit of a younger version of Danielle (Danielle and Mohammad)
  5. Sometimes I think these reality show divorces are fake, in the sense that they file for divorce to protect assets (e.g., Nene & Greg) from lawsuits or bad financial decisions on one of the spouses. Isn't Mo involved in some big lawsuits? With the beach scene with Garcelle and her sons, I had hoped we see the beach house she bought and was remodeling, I wonder if she still has it.
  6. after she flees into her prayer closet for a few hours (consults her magic 8 ball) and will pronounce if it is Gods way, she will be fine with it
  7. I have to say I was pretty touched by Shep's reaction to lil Craig being ill. It was also gracious of him to offer his house. Craig's cooking was pretty funny (can't open wine or a can of sauce). It was nice to see them band together for Olivia's tragedy. My heart hurt for her and her family.
  8. Maybe Christine is super clumsy, I mean you would have to be to fall on a dick (literally and figuratively) that many times
  9. So now she is back to selling goods online, she is selling Kroys stuff, yet this dumb broad spent 400.00 on a bottle of wine when she returned from filming the Surreal Life. I can find great wines for under 10.00 a bottle at Trader Joes
  10. One would hope he would wear 2, in case one falls off. So, I get the feeling booze hound Kim and Popeye told Moriah and Micha and Isaac and creepy Jesus freak to post that social media stuff about Olivia, and in return, Moriah gets help with rent, Isaac gets an airplane, Micha has a boat and rents paid and Lydia gets a lifetime of bibles. So creepy to watch her and hear her say I am the oldest girl and she welcomed her sisters like they had been gone for months when they probably were at in the back yard
  11. I honestly only watched the annoying "Shining Twins" for Jeff, I thought he was so calm and cool around these two harpies (oh, and handsome)
  12. This one was probably one of my least favorites they have done. Hated the tile wall in the living room, the white tub, the black toilet, and sink, would have just been better off going with all white. The kitchen was nice, however, I noticed when they were doing a closeup, the fridge looked like it prevented the drawers and cabinet from opening. Too bad they couldn't do the upstairs, but I agree no place to put a staircase.
  13. So maybe someone was paying more attention than me. But if I understand correctly, that they could not build until the lots were paid off. I remember that I thought they paid for 2 lots outright and mortgaged the other two. So if that was the case, Janelle could have started to build something even a few years ago correct?
  14. But Robyn prayed and prayed to God to give her the rennal which had 7 bedrooms and he failed, then she threatened to move an hour and a half away just so they didn't have to buy. Same B.S she pulled with whining to Kody about keeping her cookie closed for business with any more kids because she was so overwhelmed with 4 kids, a nanny and a failing joolry business.
  15. Adriana said she could have lost her foot. Maybe if Larsa's big butt landed on it and decapitated it, but dang she was playing up the sympathy for sure. I still like Marysol, but Alexia is just an ugly person inside
  16. I could have sworn that Lisa from Miami had the same dress in last nights episode, in a different color - I just remember the nude cutouts
  17. Yikes, I didn't know books can steal your cookie now, damn I better watch out for my Kindle. battery and all
  18. Every time I turn this on, it seems like the intro is trying to be a knockoff of the begining credits of The White Lotus, music-wise. Big Skanky Ang is no J Coolidge.
  19. I think it was Robyn was clearly jealous that she still was in a rennal in Lehi and not in the house with the others, even though she wasn't married to douche yet and she couldn't stand that even though the fambily money was paying for said rennal
  20. I am guessing John was watching Archie when she was in NY for WWHL and went to pick him up and started having some drinks with John and because she cant stay, she left and attempted to drive home. She should have called an Uber and John is a dick for letting her drive as well
  21. Watching last night's episode I couldn't help that Cory reminded me of a younger Hugh Dancy on Law and Order
  22. I agree with most saying the party was a bad idea, especially because it was still only a few months after her passing. Maybe waiting another year or so and doing it on Bab's birthday would have been better. I laughed when Whitney said she had to now be in charge of the family, bitch please, you have always been "running" the family. I think even her own brother is about to smack her
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