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Everything posted by luckyroll3

  1. Yay! I was already starting my Degrassi withdrawal. Will us Americans still be able to watch since it's airing on a Canadian MTV's website?
  2. Not sure if this is the right place to post this, but Bobbi Kristina was found non-responsive in a tub this weekend, and is now in a coma. https://www.yahoo.com/music/s/bobbi-kristina-browns-family-reportedly-203100561.html
  3. He did ask for the money back and tried to steal a little girl's prosthetic leg by dragging her across the floor (still laughing at that one!), so I don't think so. When Lou said they'd opened a bank account, I thought Frank was getting a little bit responsible. Yeah right!
  4. Eleanor would have earned all my respect and admiration if she had taken up a sword and challenged Ned Lowe herself! (Not everyone can be a Nikita!) But I guess is all her years bossing people around and pissing them off, she hasn't had the time or the need to learn to defend herself, what with all her handlers. That dude is nuts, and she needed to put a bullet in his head, right then and there. Looking forward to the psycho vs psycho battle between Ned and Vane. Flints manipulation of Dufresne was effortless. And Silver's manipulation of the crew was entertaining.
  5. Any good show that airs on Fox must always be watched with caution! They just don't know how to keep a good thing going, unless it's a cartoon. Still chuckling at Becky's "she gave the social security number of a dead woman!" in regards to Porscha. Lol!
  6. There Elena goes, making Liz's near death all about Elena. And how did she manage to blame Carolina feeding her mother vampire blood on Stephen, yet she's completely fine with Damon releasing psycho Kai? So much damn hate. Also, why is she never actually volunteering? My question is, if Kai can suck the vampire blood magic out of Liz, couldn't he also then suck power from any of the vampires? I don't know why I'm trying to make sense of this show. I did like the explanation about why the vampire blood didn't work on the tumor. Cancer makes normal cells overactive, so if vampire blood speeds up the action of regular cells to make healing occur faster, it makes sense that it would also send tumors into overdrive making the cancer worse.
  7. I hate seeing her on screen, because she looks so unhealthy and also very uncomfortable in anything she has on (not just on this show, but also when she was American Horror Story); she's always tugging on and adjusting her clothes. I don't think she needs to be as skinny as the other actresses, or even skinny at all, but she needs to do something. Now, if her doctors have said that she's healthy at that weight, then more power to her, but I doubt it.
  8. Isn't choosing to wear skanky-ass Little Dutch Boy wigs already harmful to one's reputation. Girl needs to sue herself, and whoever styled her for that look.
  9. That's interesting, since they've all, at some point, said negative things about each other. I was hoping to see some examples of the "lies" Kenya has said in regards to Nene, since I don't read any of their blogs, but I guess that evidence is only used once it goes to trial?
  10. Up until this aftershow, I was pretty sure I had never seen Knight on a challenge before (and I didn't watch his RW season). Then they showed the clips of him and Preston as partners a few challenges back.... didn't realize that was the same guy! He looked so different. Was Camilla on Knight's season of Real World? I was very confused as to why she was sitting between Jemmye and Preston. I have to admit, I did mist up a bit. But it wasn't due to Knight; it was seeing his friends so completely torn up about it.
  11. She said something along of the lines of that she was familiar with it/she has seen it all before. I don't remember the exact phrasing. I didn't think she was making fun of Britney. Can we talk about the man candy that was behind the bar Sunday night? The football player, Mychal Kendricks. Hot damn, he was delicious! More of that please, Andy!!
  12. Yes, Mica makes this show for me. I also find Melyssa's (sp??) journey to transition from video ho to a "real world" professional, for lack of a better term, fascinating.
  13. So damn true. That entire scene was hilarious. I didn't realize Tara was also a side piece, so her whole holier than though shtick coupled with her avoiding the point being made was comedy gold.
  14. Especially when they are placing cameras inside the Chik-fil-A, which was very odd. I guess they sponsored this episode?
  15. I also enjoyed this episode, especially since they didn't show Nene and Greg after the first break. I can't with those two...two many damn delusions going on. I thought the road trip looked fun. Say what you will about Kenya, but she always seems to be the one to bring the silly or encourage people to enjoy the trips, like when she drove the boat in Anguilla or tried to get people to swim in the cave wherever they were last season. Did Kenya actually hang up the phone on Phaedra? I went to get water and didn't care to rewind. I don't find Kordell attractive at all.
  16. Well, he did say that he boiled some man's child in front of the man and his crew! Eleanor needs to learn to pretend to play the game instead of always being so heavy handed. The threat from Ned Lowe wasn't explicit, but goddamn was it implied with his little creepy ass speech.
  17. Yeah. 2007 is not 13 years ago. I guess the drugs disrupted his ability to do simple math.
  18. I just discovered the Fresh lip balms. I love them just the right amount of color for the days I don't want to bother with lipstick.
  19. I know you can do sunscreen after moisturizer. And I believe you can do anti-wrinkle stuff before your moisturizer. I just always think about the stuff that needs to do actual work to my skin goes on first: facecare, moisturizer, sunscreen, primer. And you have to let everything dry/absorb in between.
  20. Nene: "I don't even understand how the fight started. I just asked her if she had a brain. What? I seriously wanted to know!" That one has a solute no self awareness. At least Cynthia looked good in her new talking heads.
  21. I wondered this as well. Why would he give her a song form Jamal that he no longer had the rights too? Seemed odd.
  22. I think I recently bought the same kit! My skin tends to run on the oiler side, so I only use one at a time. I use the milk if my skin feels good, not too oil, not too dry. I use the 100% when I use my Clarisonic face brush, especially with my Modern Friction, cause I know it will absorb in well and not leave me greasy. I just recently tried the creamy oil on face last week and was surprised by how much I liked it. I used that one at night, and my face was so dewey and lovely in the morning!
  23. I was watching from my little 13 inch TVR in my bedroom last night and couldn't make out what the text messages between Naomi and Hakeem said. Did anyone catch those?
  24. Fellow Sephoraholic here! I'm a VIB....trying very hard not to become a VIB Rouge, lol! I just recently became a make-up junkie after discovering the wonders of the original Naked Palette (a couple years ago), Nars Blush, and matte lipsticks and lipstains. Now I must have and try it all! And I always have a ton of points because I'm rarely interested in the rewards that are offered. I like Ulta too, but I use that for the drug store stuff.
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