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Everything posted by luckyroll3

  1. I thought she looked awful in that color too! She needed to go a shade darker.
  2. I love all the Josie Maran products, except for the cleanser. I find it to be way too thick and it definitely leaves a film behind. They may have a light version, as they have a light formula for the face oil. The oil cleanser I really like is the one from Origins. I'm really starting to enjoy the Josie Maran Argan Milk; I didn't at first, but then I realized I was using way too much. Three drops really does go a long way and leaves my skin feeling fabulous all day.
  3. I'm still trying to get over, "I chose you. You know, after I asked my ex-girlfriend if she wanted to get back with me and she told me to shove it. But, I chose you.....and the baby you're about to pop out." Lot's of weapons were available in that hospital room, girl. I just don't get. He's not even that good looking. And he has EIGHT other kids. The dick can't be that good.
  4. Oh wow! Rudeness! I'm surprised Kandi is so friendly towards her; isn't Tiny one of Kandi's best friends?
  5. Guess the cops didn't realize that "slow and deliberate responses" are a regular part of Bryson's speech patterns.
  6. I vaguely remember a few years ago, before Raven Symone officially came out, that she and Jussie were "dating", in such a way that they were each other's beards. I spent my Sunday afternoon tracking that pic down, and hot damn! I also enjoyed those pictures, lol!
  7. Exactly! As much as I can't stand Kim, that bitch got a condo, fully paid for, in her name, and enough (tacky ass) furniture to furnish her mansion. She needs to lead a professional development workshop! Getting handbags and leased cars is small time. But we can't expect Porsha to know any better...she couldn't even get her husband to include her name on the house they bought together.
  8. I got kind of excited when I saw the title of this thread, but I'm not sure about Vanessa Hudgens as Rizzo. She's not that good of a singer or an actress. I'm also not a big fan of Juliana Hough, although she's a great dancer. I didn't watch any of the other "live" tv musicals, but I may need to watch this one....I love grease!!
  9. Probably right, runforcover, but not completely unrealistic considering all the private discussions they all do in rooms and hallways full of other people.
  10. I hate Degrassi hiatuses (or is that hiati?). Like you, Lone Wolf, it's also one of my 2-3 favorite shows. Anyone planning on actually watching Open Heart?
  11. He's trying hard though, with all his "it looks like our partners are hooking up, so we should too," blabbering that he keeps repeating over and over again. Except, Jonna is really not listening to him, unless he's passing her a shot. Lol! He really is kinda gross looking, though.
  12. What's with all these average looking people being models??
  13. Eli, you crumbled too quickly! Where was the patented Eli dramatics? We all know you ain't changed that much. You could have at least been upset that she kept it from you and planned on keeping it from you. So disappointed. How the hell did Becky know the routine? Wasn't it a completely new one? I call shenanigans.
  14. The Dish Nation portion of his show is filmed after the morning show ends. That's why Claudia and Porscha cross paths, but don't actually work together, despite working for the same person.
  15. Claudia isn't on Dish Nation. She's on the actual Rickey Smiley Morning Show. She was hired for the show sometime last summer, I believe, and moved to Atlanta for the job. I've heard her on the show, as recently as last week (I don't listen often, because I can't stand Rickey Smiley). That is most likely real. I can't speak for her friendship with Kenya. Nothing about Kenya is real, besides her hair and her awesome aunt.
  16. She can't keep her lies straight. Last week, after she ran out of the house, she told Cynthia that Gocha was lying because she (Demetria) knew for sure that she and Ricky Bobby were definitely together at that time. Now, all of a sudden, they were on a break and he'd already told her about it. Whatever chick. Get your storyline in order before you come on the show. And I'm sorry, but I was cracking up when Phaedra was shading Demetria in the recording studio: P: Are you trying to be a pop star? D: I'm trying to be me. P: Well what genre is "me" in? D: <blink, blink> Too fucking much!
  17. Yes! The read was greatness. And Nene was definitely set off by Claudia smiling and laughing and calmly replying to all her insults. Nene couldn't yell Claudia into submission like she's done with some of the other ladies. "Spell bridesmaids!" almost made me roll off my bed! The stylist and make-up artist where trying way to hard. He should have just taken it as a compliment and kept it moving, especially since all of Demetria's outfits have been awful! Got to also give props to Porscha for her "why you starting this dinner off with negativity?", then sips her drink. Lol! These ladies certainly provided my morning laugh today.
  18. I wouldn't want Johnny as host. I need him to go the way of Evan and Kenny. Well, Kenny can show up every once in a while because he's pretty to look at.
  19. I agree with your faves, but would also add Ruthie to the list. I also, for some strange reason love Wes. I think it's because unlike the others, he actually owns his jackassness, and doesn't try to be sneaky with it. Abram does the same thing, but like you pointed out, he's a fucking psycho, so he can stay on the hated list! So can every one else you named.
  20. Yup! And then apologized the next day because she drunk and sad that her husband was cheating on her.
  21. The best part was Wacha hiding behind Andy's chair and staring at her as if he was thinking, "the fuck!?!?", and then promptly running back off set. Lol!
  22. Lol! That would certainly take the show to a whole nother level, and I would totally be done for that!
  23. Oh yes, the one who dressed inappropriately all the time, who just disappeared. I never knew her name, but I thought the character was hilarious. Wish they hadn't gotten rid of her, but I guess they can only have one speaking black girl at a time
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