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Everything posted by luckyroll3

  1. I can't take Nene throwing shade at any of the other ladies' appearances when she looks like He-man in her talking heads. Pot needs to joint Kettle for a make-over. Did she not look in a mirror? Does she not have any friends who could pull her to the side and just give her a "girl, we need to talk" moment? I know her manservant, Greg, is just going to continue to shine her ass. Nene can also miss me with her quest to resolve everything when 1) she didn't have the nerve to invite Kenya herself, 2) she didn't tell the people who she did invite who else would be there, and 3) she made no attempts at apologizing for her role in anything. Then she has the nerve to get upset when Kenya tries to interject to be helpful to both sides. Bitch please. Also, Porsha, shut your dumb ass up. "I acknowledge I did some things." Bitch, the whole world acknowledges it because it was filmed and we saw you do it! That wasn't the dispute or the question; it was whether you were sorry about it, which from your non-answer I guess is no. Kenya is a better person than me accepting that bullshit, especially after Porsha was cussing at her at the table for something both Kenya and Nene were doing.
  2. Drew's at his best when he's just being normal, screw up Drew. Although, I did like them kind of grooming him to be a politician, as that seems perfect for his personality type. Pissed they moved away from that angle. And Eli's at his best when's he's not making decisions based on Clare, when he's not emo-ing over Clare, and generally when he's just not thinking about her at all. He needs another Fiona-like bff in his life. Audra's always the best. An actual adult doing actual parenting on this show....refreshing!
  3. This! It's annoying that it never entered her mind at all and she immediately placed the blame on Drew. I'm trying to remember when she and Eli slept together last season. Was it at Thanksgiving? Sex on Degrassi is always so unclear; I never realize they have sex until the characters actually say it! And of course Clare waits to tell Drew, because god forbid she thinks about someone else besides herself and her epic romance. Jack continues to be annoying because she's so mature and above it all. Her response about the oomphchat was so true to her characterization. So was Imogen's and her trying to find out who she could text her boobs to. Loved the break-up smoothie scene. It's the only time I actually liked Becky this episode. Drew always gets screwed when he tries to do the right thing.
  4. Motherfucking words to live by. I had to rewind to be sure that I heard she told her "man" of 2 years that the dog he always heard her talking to was actually a "human child". The fuck! Then, having the nerve to get in his face and tell him that all 3 of them are going to be a family? What the fuck is wrong with this trick? I don't know why, but I'm loving the girl who says she was allegedly a madam, but in the next few breath she's yelling that the other girl used to work for her as an escort. Lol! Guess she doesn't understand the use of the term allegedly. I tried to stay out, but I couldn't resist. You guys pulled me back in! I need to figure out how to include LAHH into my dissertation.
  5. I believe last season they said Joyce was the baby of a large number of siblings and that she was used to getting her way.
  6. LOL! I only remember her being there because she was the one who suggested Operation Trap-a-Dude to Demetria - which is apparently getting pregnant to get a commitment. Yikes. I'm pretty sure Demetria has run that operation herself many a time. That, "I'm shocked you would say such a thing" face was fooling no one! How many want to guess that she didn't inform Roger Bobb that the party was supposed to be their "debut" as a couple? I bet he heard that shit through the grapevine and made himself scarce with the quickness.
  7. Just spent the morning watching "Teenagers"; it is very reminiscent of Skins.
  8. She was talking about them as if they were unicorns or something. "Gays" are not for your entertainment. Demetria was definitely giving off some bunny-boiler vibes when she was asking Kenya about being a publicity photo with her "man". I just imagined that Demetria gave that picture to Roger Bobb, but implanted surveillance equipment behind the eyes so she can keep tabs on him. Bwahahaha! For the win! Oh hell naw! Other dude definitely wore it better. At least he found the right foundation shade to cover his beard properly. Nene must have pissed off whoever styled her because everything is straight up awful; the hair, the makeup, the clothes, the colors. Every goddamn thing!! Todd said it all in that clip. More power to him for recognizing the severity of the situation and not allowing Kandi to pretend that nothing is wrong. He was so right when he said the whole situation between the moms, and the subsequent effect on the family dynamics, is awful, but it is a situation created and perpetuated completely by MJ.
  9. Ain't that the truth. She got real upset during her last WWHL visit (the one with Kim), when Kenya tweeted Andy to ask Nene when she was submitting her donation, referencing the challenge Nene made to Kenya last year about matching any donation. Kenya made her donation; Nene still hasn't. Andy, being the shady queen that he is, kept asking Nene when she planned to do hers, and she got visibly upset and tried to laugh it away with some lame read on Kenya. She continues to prove what a hypocrite she is.
  10. No comments on Nene's new hairdo? She looks like one of the fucking Monkees! Loved Todd's observation that when Mama Joyce is being called out on her shit, she's tired and in danger of having an "amarism", but when she's stirring shit up, she's all good. He's so right about MJ knowing exactly how to play Kandi; notice how quickly Kandi dropped her confrontation when MJ started with her "I don't feel well" bit.
  11. Remember, the Maharaja mentioned Ma Petite was an "untouchable", which to them was the lowest of the low in terms of the caste system in India. Hey, taking 3 cases of Dr. Pepper is the least of the evils when you consider he was keeping her a pet and on a leash. Reminds me of the show I just saw on the Smithsonian network about the real, historical Beauty and Beast, where any of their offspring that exhibited the hairy face gene were given away as pets to other royals/nobles. Quite disgusting and disturbing.
  12. And once again, Hazel is an afterthought. Lol. The poor girl can never catch a break! Daniel Clark is looking good though! Damn!
  13. ....where Paula stays crazy, Forest and Golden try to save face, Lisa attempts to stay relevant but gets talked over by everyone, and Countess just couldn't give two fucks as she calmly read Golden for filth. Not terrible excited about a season 2 unless they add Shar to the mix. She should have been at the reunion, and should have been invited to stage instead of Forest and Paula's mom. It really bugged me that not only were they allowed to sit on the stage, but they were placed in front of Countess and Lisa for several segments. Not cool.
  14. Looks like Christine Prosperi is going to be in that new teen show they've been promoting hard during Degrassi episodes; the one where the girl volunteers at a hospital where her dad went missing. The actor who played Jake will also be on it. I wonder if that means Imogen is actually done this year?
  15. Ah dammit! I'm already going through withdrawal from Hollywood, and the comments by you guys might just peer pressure me into watching.
  16. A teenager who wants it found. Remember, the test was actually under several layers of trash. The perfect place to hide something from a teenager's perspective, as the bathroom trash usually has a lot less stuff. Allison only found it because she was also trying to hide something and she was the one who left the test at the top of the bag. People actually pay $60 for shampoo?!? No wonder she needs her parents to help them out with money all the time.
  17. Oh my goodness was that some delicious tea! That was another great moment I forgot about and both Countess and Elise were doing the "mmmm hmmmm" faces. Love that Paula conveniently left that part of the story out when she kept talking about them blackballing her for "no reason".
  18. Countess was also giving Golden lots of stink eye every time she opened her mouth and openly mocked her. It was great.
  19. I'm sure Golden's issues with getting a job have nothing to do with the fact that she's an awful actor and comes across as totally insane. People may be able to overlook the insanity if you're good, or let the acting slide if you are able to sanely "play the game" of schmoozing and networking with the right people. But she has the deck stacked against her with both.
  20. Her name is Princess Love?? Really? SMH. Y'all said it so I didn't have to, but I share the same sentiments. It's fucking Ray J. He is no prize. Morgan kind of lost her damn mind, didn't she. Punching walls and shit. i don't know if I believe Keebler Elf Berg. Teairra is one of those people who has seemed, at least to me, to always be upfront about the shit that she does. She has no reason to lie. I agree with whoever said upthread that Ray J kept hinting towards Berg to drop this bomb since the start of the reunion; that just makes the reveal all the more suspect. I forgot to mention from part 1 when Hazel went on the diatribe about friends not fucking friends exes and then she reveals that she hooked up with Ray J. Only for her to go back and cry over Berg again. What a dummy.
  21. Yes. Yes, she is. The way she just sat there while Forrest told Golden to shut her mouth while a man was talking was quite scary. As much as I can't stand Golden, I'm glad she put him in his place. I thought Countess' dress looked phenomenal on her. However, I can't believe she went through all that with the lipo/surgery to only have lost 5 pounds. What the hell? I love that they kept trying to say that the show was "groundbreaking". What ground did they break? They were doing the same petty drama that we've come to know from reality shows, uh I mean "acting" shows. Golden can miss me with all that "this is a show about acting" nonsense. Girl, you on a reality show. Just swallow your fucking pride and admit it; and also admit that you saw this "reality show" as way to help bring back your stalled career.
  22. Okay, wow! Now I dislike her even more for doing that to herself. She looked amazing. The lips, brows, and hair are so unnecessary. Girl needs an intervention, stat!
  23. Exactly, I thought she was still planning on reapplying as she did mention it before Leo smacked her upside her head. Honestly, I'm just glad we get Dallas in an episode. Hopefully he'll be shirtless (and he is way too young for me, but I can watch). :-D
  24. It was worse than that, as it supposedly occurred the night of the taping! I don't know who this Mona Scott is (besides being the executive producer of the show), but she is shady as fuck! She had me rolling every time someone made an accusation and she then told them to quiet down so that she could then repeat it to the other person. The whole "fun-sized" conversation had me cracking up. "It's small, but still fun to play with sometimes." Lol! Notice baby doll Berg didn't correct them. I'm still waiting to hear why Ray J and Teairra broke up after 2 weeks. Mona conveniently forgot to ask that question. Notice how Princess stayed the fuck in her seat when she was arguing with Teairra; she knows all too well that Teairra will straight up beat that ass is she had to/wanted to. As much as I can't stand Morgan, she's too much of an easy target (and safe) target. Princess also seemed all too happy to get her ass pushed into the pool on national television. Both her and Hazel kept clapping and kee-keeing after seeing themselves look like idiots in the clips. Dummies. Can't wait for Moneice's crazy ass to get her chance to shine tomorrow.
  25. What happened to MIT? I wouldn't be surprised if that was another dropped storyline.
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