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Everything posted by luckyroll3

  1. More from Claudia's stint on Kandi Koated Nights. She goes in on Nene for calling her a whore and doesn't pull any punches. http://www.therealclaudiajordan.com/#!Sneak-PEAK-at-next-Kandi-Koated-Nights/c1v74/40938DC8-B48E-4DD4-BD07-09FD512B2EA8 I have a feeling that this was probably filmed after the trip, instead of before it as it was shown on this week's episode. Edited to fix the link.
  2. Bravo really does need to stop encouraging people like her and lead them to therapy or institutionalization instead of rewarding them with screen time/fame and money. It's part of the reason I was always uncomfortable watching Danielle on RHoNJ, as it was clear she had some serious mental issues that needed to be addressed without a camera crew in tow.
  3. You said this perfectly. And I use that same strategy at work, as there are a lot of slimy motherfuckers there. My boss told me in my last performance review that she recognizes that I'm not one of those people who need to make "personal" friends at work and that I do a great job always being professional despite that. Same here. Even though I didn't like many of character traits, I enjoyed her because she always seemed to have a good time, despite whatever was going on, especially when she was with Kim. But then Bravolebrity starting going to her head and she went from tolerable to <insert eyeroll> and bitch please. I can't really stand seeing her, those Mr. Ed teeth, or that hair anymore.
  4. I was about to post the same thing. Jeff looked completely blindsided; coupled with Andy looking back forth between Jeff, Brandi, and the cameras with an "oh fuck!" look on his face as he tried to placate her. Even when Jeff leaned over towards her while her back was turned to the camera and she snapped at him not to touch her, Jeff threw his hands up in a defensive position and started saying, to Andy, "I swear I wasn't trying to touch her; I only wanted to apologize again." That shit was real. I agree that Brandi is nucking futs and she realized that she came across more certifiable than normal and is now trying to back track. Although, I haven't seen the after show and maybe it played out differently on that.
  5. Oh hi Jenna! Nice to see you're alive! And judgmental Clare rears her ugly head. Why did she think no one knew about her pregnancy? In almost every scene they discussed it, they were in public! Of course everyone, except Simpson, knows! It was nice of him to encourage her and reassure her, and I'm glad she's now being a bit more realistic about her situation. However, "my friends will babysit"? Say what now? Your friends who will also be college freshmen? Did they agree to that? You haven't even sorted out your baby daddy issues! I bet she hasn't even told her mom, yet. Poor Frankie. She got screwed in every way this episode. The title should have been, "life's not fair!" But c'mon Franks; why would you believe that Zoe would go down without a fight? She definitely should have had a contingency plan in place. In fact, she shouldn't have even involved the other girls. She should have turned on her tears, brought in her dad to meet with Simpson and confessed that Zoe bullied her and the other girls into it, and was blackmailed off the team because she disagreed. All basically true, and believable. And she would have looked like the hero for stepping up, as well as getting her asshole dad's political machine behind her. I hope they do reveal how exactly Winston found out, cause I didn't see that coming. My money was on Grace Kaiser Soze-ing the whole thing.
  6. Who the hell is Keisha?? Lol. No, really; who's Keisha?
  7. Just watched it, and it was super awkward. But it came out of nowhere. It was really odd because she joked about the std comment when he made it. Jeff also said it in a relatively low tone and it was Brandi who repeated it louder. What was also strange was the delayed reaction. You could tell it was real by Andy's super awkward smile; he wasn't sure what the hell was going on. I get that she may have gotten her feelings hurt, but Brandi is always saying rude, nasty things about people and revealing other's secrets all the time with no remorse and with glee. I found her reaction extremely hypocritical, especially since earlier in the show she was refusing to apologize for a bunch of other shot she's done/said. I don't feel sorry for her. Also, she was acting as if Jeff revealed something she told him in private, but then says, "you know you read that in my books!" I was very confused. Thinking back on the episode, I think she may have actually gotten upset at the "scrambled eggs" comment, because I'm pretty sure I also heard Jeff say something along the lines of not wanting her eggs because she's crazy. It was when all 3 of them were talking over each other during that segment, so I may have misheard. But I definitely remember chuckling when he said it, cause she is certainly certifiable.
  8. They would need to be not so damned self-centered in order for them to actually save funds for their kids instead of constantly talking about how unfair it is that "other people" are preventing them from starting college funds.
  9. I think it started out as an awkward laugh, as someone had broken the silence and said, "Kenya, it's your turn" to get them back on track. And Kenya was caught off guard and all, "Oh, we're not gonna discuss this anymore!" Lol! I wouldn't have wanted to go after that either!
  10. I disagree. As ghoulina and SFoster21 point out above, it's about manners and social graces. I don't think anyone was expecting her to run up to Claudia, hug and kiss her, and jump up and down about their long lost friendship and reunion. Just a simple greeting to show you weren't raised in a barn. If Nene had at least done that, and then Claudia approached her about why she was so cold, then I would agree that Claudia was acting childish. But based on what happened, that title goes to Nene.
  11. I don't think Claudia was butt hurt either, probably just shocked at the level of Nene's rudeness. And she was very rude. She greeted every other person in the room, and when someone mentioned Claudia, it was just a "oh, we've met in the past" with a kind of dismissive hand wave. Would it have killed her to add on an extremely simple, "nice to see you again" and then kept it moving? More power to Claudia, for not only pulling her to the side, but calmly asking her what the issue was, listening, saying, "Ok. Thanks!", then walking away without escalating. That's what made that scene even funnier. Lol! Kenya has no shame. What was with Nene telling us about all the packages and gifts she receives every day that she doesn't have time to open. Thanks for sharing....we don't care. The fact that she was so dismissive about any job offer on Broadway just shows her level of delusion. Would love to find out how what happened with the other 2 and how she got stuck with Cinderella.
  12. Also loving Claudia! From the WWHL preview of next week's episode: Nene: I went to college. Claudia: Oh really? N: Oh, you don't know I went to college?? C: I wouldn't have guessed. Dead! I can't wait to see the entire scene.
  13. From that article: Milania is 8. And despite being a devil child, I'm pretty sure she's the smartest one out of the entire Gorga/Giudice crew. She knows what's going on, and they are deluding themselves thinking otherwise. Audriana, on the other hand, I agree won't know what's going on, only that Mommy has been gone for a long time. I usually don't revel in other people's misfortune, but I can't wait for her ass to go to prison. I will be glued to these boards tomorrow, refreshing all day like a motherfucker.
  14. I started listening to The Read a couple months ago. I love it, even though I frequently have to google the people they are talking about. I've also been dying to find other people who listen to it so we could discuss, so I was very excited to stumble on these threads. Last week, I finally started listening to the archives starting with the first show; so much awesomeness.
  15. Apollo is an idiot, but he's not stupid. He knows very well that if Phaedra goes down as well, that there will be nothing (monetarily) for him to come back to and his ass will end up working at McDonalds or wherever that's not good enough for his criminal ass. If he as something to hold over Phae's head, he has leverage.
  16. I'm right there with you, Uptown Sasquatch! I saw him in Spring Awakening a couple years ago, and he was pretty good. It took me the entire first act to realize who he was; I kept saying to myself, why does he look so familiar and it finally hit me at intermission.
  17. Not sure either of these are unpopular opinions. Or maybe they're unpopular for the teen demographic the show thinks is watching, not for old people like myself!
  18. I also loved Craig and every one of his plots. It didn't matter how emo, drama-filled, ridiculous, unrealistic, or far-fetched they were - loved them all. Jake Epstein is one of the better actors they've had on this show and he delivered in every single storyline. I even enjoyed the Manny vs Ellie plot line, as stupid as that was. I really did enjoy Hazel, even though she did absolutely nothing for however many seasons she was on. I guess I was always waiting for her "moment". Same with Wesley - one of my favorite characters for no other reason than that one awesome scene with him and Anya on a date. Still makes me laugh every time I think about it. I also didn't really miss JT after he was killed.
  19. Well, at least she'll get to work on her ass in jail, just like Apollo (from Atlanta Housewives) will get to work on his abs and biceps. Nothing like the prison yard to help you keep your fitness-related resolutions.
  20. I just watched this and was completely...whelmed. Also, the second pair from Are You the One are really unfortunate looking. I like my challenge people to be a little easy on the eyes so the douchbaggery is easier to swallow.
  21. Oh man. Eli did not disappoint! He straight up brought the crazy just like I knew he would. This! I was again dumbfounded by Clare's, I need time to think about how this impacts my life, with no consideration for the other people involved. I get it; it's tough and she made a mistake. But she really is fucking around with other people's lives. Both Drew and Eli deserved to know immediately, especially Drew, since he's investing money and time and willing to give up everything else on her say so. It just really bothered me that Clare did not have that much respect for Drew, after all he's done since they've found out, to let him know ASAP. His reaction was spot on and she deserved it. I hope we also get a response from Audra! In true Clare fashion, she doesn't care about anything else outside the E-Clare bubble. Her opening statement of, "I know how to fix everything" spoke volumes. Clare, babies don't fix shit. That's a classic mistake that's been going on for centuries. Maybe if Jenna was around, she could remind Clare of what happened when Jenna and KC decided to keep their baby just to stay in a relationship (just rewatched those episodes recently with KC cheating with Marisol at Lil Miss Steaks, and then Jenna and KC realizing that if they gave the baby up for adoption there was no reason for them to be involved). Zoe's quite the budding sociopath. I loved watching Snake, uhm Simpson, in the background during her speech. He bought it so hard. I'm guessing he felt like quite the idiot seconds late. I'm also glad the truth was revealed, but where did that photo come from? I find it hard to believe they took a picture like that. Tristan needs some goddamn self-esteem. After all the shit Miles said to him in the last couple episodes and Tristan is the one killing himself to make it all right? Miles didn't even apologize to you for what he said/did. But Tristan is desperate for attention and love, he doesn't care where it comes from. Yes and yes! I couldn't agree more with the 2 previous quotes.
  22. It's not just you. The 5 o'clock shadow is quite obvious. My coworker's husband dubbed it "hobo clown makeup", lol! I think she's trying to start a new fashion trend.
  23. Did anyone else catch that bit about the simple battery charge claim, in reference to Porsha dragging Kenya by the hair...on camera, being "unfounded"? Say what now? I guess acknowledging her actions must be part of whatever defense strategy she's shooting for.
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