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Everything posted by luckyroll3

  1. Love Randall! He's so hilarious. It sounded to me as if Flint and Miranda only slept together once. When Miranda told Thomas she was worried about people finding out and talking about what was going on in the house, Thomas' response was something along the lines of her not being concerned about them saying anything about her taking Flint to her bed that ONE time. It really stood out to me, because before and during that scene, I was sure that Flint and Miranda were screwing around with the permission of Thomas. But after he said that, I thought for sure that that Thomas was also getting into the action, as a call back (or call forward) to the opening scene with Rackham, Bonnie, and Max. But then, when Flint had the response to Miranda about Thomas being sent away "due to our affair?!?", I realized that she wasn't involved at all and it was just the boys. Really great reveal all around. I was so lost in the revelry of the love story, that my practical brain was yelling "It's too quiet. Something's coming. Fuck! It's going to be Vane! Oh shit, it IS Vane! Fuck! Shit! No, don't end the scene!" This fucking show.
  2. "They invented french kissing, menage a trios, and that toast." "French Toast?" "Yes, for the morning after!" LoL! I'm sure I quoted that all wrong, but it's still making me chuckle at work.
  3. Lol! I forgot about his cry for help to ensure that his freshly washed laundry would be dried, folded, and put away in a timely manner. You know, so it would be available when he returned in 8 years.
  4. Oh Janet Hubert. She does not mince words or try to be diplomatic. She was THE Aunt Viv on Fresh Prince of Bel Aire; apparently her and Will Smith had a falling out which caused her to leave the show (or she was fired, I don't remember which). It sounds like the Bravo was trying to get the actors in the pilot to sign a Bravo contract that said they were just extras on the show, not actors in a pilot, which would require them to get paid the SAG approved rate. If that's the case, it definitely makes it seem like they were just putting it together for a storyline. I can see she she's upset, because it certainly seems like they were trying to be beyond shady.
  5. I get the feeling Jamal never paid attention during the sperm and egg/pregnancy topics during sex ed class, hence him thinking there was no way for her to get pregnant from one time. I can't believe Anika would stoop so low. Looking forward to the fall out. Several of you have mentioned a selfie picture as possible evidence. Who was taking the selfie? I need to rematch that scene cause I don't remember. I kept wondering who was going to go back and check up on Elle. Hopefully next week she won't have already spiraled back into using. "What's a Bae?" - Thank you Naomi, for asking something that I've been thinking for the past couple years. Lol!
  6. I watch Power and it is not even in the same league as Empire. The only reason I keep watching is for naked Omari Hardwick scenes.
  7. It would be nice to get people who aren't quasi-famous on. Or at the very least, ladies the current HWs actually know. That's one of the reasons I initially enjoyed New Jersey HWs, because they were family or close family friends. It made the dynamics, interactions, and drama so much more interesting because the reactions and responses to the shit that happened (even the manufactured shit) seemed genuine. It's also what made the show a bit uncomfortable to watch in the later seasons because we were watching families and long-standing friendships get mangled. But at least it was real.
  8. Inferior swamp monkeys!?!?!?! Zach deserves to wake up everyday to a nut check and a perpetual pulled groin muscle. What a douche. I love the trivia episodes, and I enjoy TJ's glee whenever it is challenge day (and his subsequent disappointment when they get the answer correct). "I can't spell or am smart" had me in tears. By the way, being a criminal justice major is not the same as being in law school. Idiots.
  9. I respect her for doing it, because Tara needed a bit of reality about the situation and Peter to slap her in the face. However, it makes me think Amina is beyond dumb to know that this is they type of guy Peter is and the type of shit he pulls and she STILL married him. I'm still laughing at the fight between the two big booty girls and the subsequent, "maybe someday you'll let me lick your p*ssy, too!", being yelled across the room as the other is being dragged out.
  10. Bag Balm! http://www.bagbalm.com
  11. Lol at that clip. What friends? Nene just has sycophants who are scared to tell her anything about herself. Loved that Tracee had to tell her to "shut up for a second" so she could get a compliment. Also loved Andy using the memes of Nene's ramen noodle hair as his mazel of the day! That shady, shady ass queen knew exactly what he was doing; notice how he kept watching for her reaction as they showed clip after clip. As much as I can't stand Andy, sometimes I just love him.
  12. Peter surely delivered that Phaedra tea with so much damn glee, he couldn't keep that Cheshire grin off his face. And there Cynthia is, living up to her runteldat name. I just knew she couldn't resist sharing it with everybody. With regards to Claudia, she didn't bring up the Porsha thing with Ricky Smiley; he asked. I thought her response to him was very professional and diplomatic. It's one else of those things that when your boss/supervisor mentions the obvious tension, it doesn't make sense to lie about it. Porsha is so immature that she cant see her, "I don't need to be nice to you, we only see each other in passing" stance is the wrong one to go with when you get called into boss' office. Also, where is their hr department. Ricky sounded really gross talking about their thickness or whatever. Not funny, cute, or appropriate. And I just want to know what Apollo was planning to do with that drill? That part was when I started shouting, "fuck him, call the cops!"
  13. Did Nene get new teeth? Those things were extra bright tonight. And why was she in the first chair when she wasn't even in the episode? I needed more Tracee and less Nene.
  14. I just discovered nail polish strips and I love them. I also am absolutely horrible at doing my nails, and the strips have eliminated the mess and length of time to dry/smudging. I foolishly followed the link posted by GaT above and bought just about everything on their sale page; very nice selection of colors and designs. I am definitely a more natural nail color polish person, but I am digging some of the designs.
  15. I'd be shocked if Bravo chooses not to air a fight. That's what they live for.
  16. I'm confused. I thought Bonnie's apartment was across the hall from the boys, not in the building across street. Isn't Riley's apartment across the street. Granted, I don't always pay attention when I'm watching this show, so I could be very wrong. It's so cute how responsive the baby is in every scene. Can Tucker and Bonnie get their own show?
  17. This is also what didn't sit well with me when I reread it, especially since I just watched the Ruins season. She also gives the impression that she is an outsider watching everybody else display these behaviors, when in reality, she was right there with them for most of it, particularly the bullying. I agree with this as well. It was interesting to notice that Evan didn't seem to fond of Bananas at all during this challenge. Even though I knew the outcome, I was still hoping that the two girls would have pulled off an upset and dominated the Champions in the final challenge. It would have been so great to see the look on their faces when the two ladies they kept picking on walked off with all their money. Damn them for shuffling throughout the entire balance challenge and losing their lead!!!
  18. I was wondering about this as well. Maybe it was because he was high? At the very least, he should have made his first official professional vampire hunter slay Enzo before leaving town. In addition to that, did Jeremy not think to tell anyone that Enzo was using him to threaten Matt to do something??
  19. She only mentioned his name, and his government name just in case, 10,000 times! I was yelling to the TV, "we get it girl. You're fucking Bow Wow. Thanks for sharing....Again."
  20. I wasn't necessarily saying they should have thrown in a weak team. For me, once Wes recognized that Reilly's team most likely could come back, that should have made him consider other options. Sara/Jordan because they are a reasonably strong team and model girl/other dude because they support Zach. I wouldn't have put in Reilly unless I was sure he wasn't coming back.
  21. I love that Peter's kids have never met Amina before, save for that time she was that strange pregnant lady that interrupted their family lunch, yet no one introduced her to them. They weren't told her name or that she was dad's new wife; nothing. Just, "here's your new sister!" What foolishness. These women are idiots.
  22. Seems like their making the show 1000x more soapy. Love that the writer of the article got K aren't description perfectly: legendary hot mess! Right on the nose.
  23. I've been thinking about something that kind of goes along with the Rivals theme. I think they should take some of the power players, 4-6 of them, and make them coaches. Then they should be assigned teams of people who have been their rivals or historically part of other alliances. They then have to coach those teams to victory, without actually competing themselves. For the 2 losing teams each challenge, the coaches would have to battle in a duel to decide which team gets to continue on. No voting, just straight competition; if you don't want to go home, then make sure your team isn't in the bottom.
  24. Oh man, the cliffhanger passed me off! I was sitting on the edge of my bed so tense.Zachary was such a dick to Jonna. The poor girl was so afraid to say she forgot the order because of how he would react, and he still railed on her anyway. I would not be surprised if he mentally abused her in their relationship. She just seems so damn broken. Oh hey, Jordan. There you are! I knew his true personality couldn't stay suppressed for long. It amazed me that so many of the teams were so dense to realize that they could have solved the puzzle twice as fast if they shared the memorization. This was a perfect challenge for exes because it put their ability to put their issues aside for the sake of communication to the test. I love Wes, but can't stand his partner. I was happy for their win, but I don't think they should have thrown in Reilly. They should have gone with the "model" girl and her partner (don't remember either of their names) or Jordan and Sarah.
  25. That was my first thought when she started talking about immortality, "Dahlia" being a liar, and especially when she didn't answer the question about where Dahlia was. I remember vaguely from TVD that being able to walk in the sun was one of the lies they perpetuated about themselves to make them seem all powerful. Just like the lie that they couldn't be staked when in reality, they could, but it just had to be from a certain tree which they tried to destroy.
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