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Everything posted by luckyroll3

  1. Rich has a Grammy?!? For what? Erica wrote a book? This show is in it's 5th season?? So many questions not enough time. I hate to pay Diamond's dumb ass a compliment, but her hair looked awesome. She really is an idiot though. She was full on cosigning to negative things people said about her. "My dad IS a crackhead!" I laugh at her, but I kinda feel bad about it because I think she might actually have some sort of mental disability. And yes, she flat out did tell CIsco that every time he heard her daughter make a noise in the background, she told him it was her puppy. Erica Mena needs to shut it and take it back to Bow Wow. I she didn't want to be on the reunion, they shouldn't have allowed her to do the sit down. You shouldn't get the chance to spew shit without being able to be held accountable by the people you're talking about.
  2. So essentially, she's using the show for free marketing. Good for her. But stop coming across as uptight. Obviously she needs the show just as much as everyone else, so it makes no sense for her to act above it all.
  3. I came back to the thread to add this. I definitely wanted to seem them dranking and dancing the night away. It looked like they were having a fricking ball! Certainly more exciting than their "never have I ever game" that most of them didn't understand how to play. Bravo's probably putting it in the clip show they normally do after the reunion.
  4. Finally watched. I just couldn't with Demetria's, "You know it's okay to speak to me" when she said NOTHING to both Mica and Daisy. I even rewound when Daisy entered the theater and said hello to Demetria, and although someone does respond, it actually wasn't Demetria, it was the lady in the blue dress who got up to let Daisy pass down the aisle; Demetria turned her gaze away. When no one was around, she was just as immature, but when she had an audience, she had to show just how much classier she is than them. <eye roll> And it's things like that that make me not like her, even though I respect the work she does and her hustle/drive. But jeez, girl. Stop acting above it all and be real. Did Melyssa's team not do a soundcheck before the show. Sure didn't seem like it. I found her play to be....interesting. It's tough to judge it not seeing the entire thing. But I kind of found the "Pedestal" song to actually be bit deep, and disturbing. Found it hilarious that the new girl, the one who was touted as Geneva's friend, quickly ditched said friend and Demetria to hang out with Mica and Daisy! She's the one that dated Ramona's (from RHoNY) husband, right? I wonder if that was the boyfriend who recently dumped her.
  5. Porsha is 32-33, I believe. She is NOT dressing age appropriately; she's dressing like a 22 year old. I keep forgetting that we are the same age because she does act like a 22 year old all the time. Her body is awesome, but girl can show off her curves without exposing her pubic hair. And I hate the the term THOT and hate even more that women are willingly calling themselves that. <le sigh> I didn't actually need to see any of Nene's scenes in this episode. She's trying way to hard to seem important. And costume dude seemed very embarrassed with all the antics, but he was too classy to say anything about it.
  6. "So here's the question: Who gives a shit?" Lol! I've seen this before, but nice to see it again as it makes me chuckle. And of course, Kandi steady with her plate of food in her lap!
  7. I'm sorry, but I can't wait for the episode when Geneva about her arrest! Too damn funny.
  8. Last night with Regina King and Rupaul was great. Not as awesome as the infamous Regina/Jackee episode, but still quite entertaining.
  9. I just chuckled at Demetria getting married to a Caribbean man and NOT having a reception, just "a dinner". She must not know us island people love our wedding receptions! I can just see her mother-in-law and that side of the family talking about this for years to come; like my grandma still talking about shit from 30 years ago.
  10. The director was trying to say that unlike her previous roles, where she only played herself, in this role, she actually needs to portray the character as written and leave "Nene" at the door. I think you learn that in acting 101 class....
  11. Come to Miami where the butt implants are rampant! We even have fools down here who let "doctors" inject calk into their ass - I guess they didn't think anything of the car garage they were taken to for the procedure (and hence why I think the judges should fine them for being dumbasses). Sometimes when you look at Kenya's ass, there are parts with sharp edges, which looks super uncomfortable. I do believe she had implants. Despite that, there are some things she wears that look great. And she always seems to choose colors the complement her amazingly. Before this season, I liked Cynthia's style. She always looked great with the sense that she didn't try too hard. I also appreciated that she wasn't dropping designer names all the time {Nene}. Who cares who made if you don't look good in it. Nene looked the best when Marlo was styling her. After she pissed Marlo off, everything went downhill. For the most part, I never minded her hair. The short, Chicago-style bobs and waves she had are very cute on her. But the stuff she's had this season? Just no. I do like some of the stuff Porsha wears, but at times she goes a bit too tight. I get she wants to show off her new (and old) assets, but sometimes it's just as important to be able to breathe freely. The girl is stacked though!
  12. Forgot to mention that Abigail's reading of her father was great. She was spot on with everything she said and questioned him about. And of course, he had no response for any of it. He was such a chicken shit. Even at the end, he couldn't admit he was wrong, yet had the nerve to beg for his life. Yeah, fuck you Ashe. I do hope we see Abigail next season. Billy Bones needs some loving.
  13. Nothing better than multiple instances of shirtless Renard. More of that please!
  14. Well, he wasn't completely honest; he conveniently left out that it was all his idea! But I give him props for at least having one moment of selflessness, although it cost him a leg. I agree with the previous posts that he is now tied to this crew and the best thing for his survival is to now be loyal to them "We need to remind them....they were right to be afraid." Sent chills down my spine. I don't think I've ever been so happy to see an entire town destroyed. Note to self, don't piss off pirates. This whole episode was a win for me.
  15. I will readily admit that although I watch this show every week, I don't pay attention to every little detail. But I am very confused as to why Lizzy just turned 31 is she was born in 1981, considering, as someone else pointed out upthread that something was dates 2015.
  16. I guess she learned that characters should have multiple accents in her acting classes....oh yeah, she's too good for those. I loved the director's "excuse me??" face. So great. Kandi is steady with her plate of food. It looked good. I wouldn't want to share either girl. So they are going to a detox hotel with no meat or alcohol? Now I can see why this bonding trip may not have worked.
  17. They lost me when they said MJ and the old lady gang are going to be part of it.
  18. I think he was trying way too hard to be funny. I will give him the Johnny jansport, though, because that will never not be funny.
  19. Very nicely said! My mouth dropped open when Miranda was in her rant, because I was saying in my head, "Damn, she knows exactly what to say to get him to wipe out that entire city and she don't give a fuck who gets caught in the wreckage!" I was actually waiting for Flint to jump on Ashe when the bullet came through her head, so I was doubly stunned and wholly unprepared for that. But your assessment of her, and of Flint, seem spot on to me. I loved that she was so no nonsense about everything she did (still laughing at her and the preacher last season). Damn, I'm gonna miss her.
  20. I still am completely dumbfounded that the boyfriend, Tom(?), is more concerned about Max cheating and continuing to spy on her, than the fact that a couple of MURDEROUS PSYCHOPATHS have wired her apartment for surveillance!! The hell?!?! Priorities dude. Maybe you should tell her or you know, your bosses, that the suspects are actually planning something else involving Max. I guess everyone on this show is actually an idiot.
  21. Hopefully Brandy stays away from Empire. She's part of the reason The Game sucks now.
  22. So relieved that Samurai pirate survived! We lost Miranda just when I actually started to like her. She was reading Lord Ashe for filth before that bullet to the head. And really dude, you couldn't shoot her in the shoulder or the leg or something? She wasn't even carrying a weapon! What a complete chicken shit Ashe is. He made it clear why people prefer piracy: pirates do their dirt in the open while the "civilized" folks hide behind a smile and politeness all while screwing you to get ahead. And then for him to claim that Flint betrayed his good faith?!? So fucking foul. I don't even want to see what Flint is going to do to him and the other dude..
  23. Thanks lady! I'm on the hunt. My friend has found a powder she claims is tasteless.
  24. He's cute and they look nice together. Glad she finally has something/someone real....hopefully.
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