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Everything posted by luckyroll3

  1. Anyone else notice Cynthia had no scenes, or rather her scenes were cut, during the counseling session?
  2. That's rich, considering Nene never takes the opportunity to talk through her issues with others. She over talks everyone and tells them to be quiet and listen to what she has to say, but never does the same in return. The whole thing would have been fine has she actually cleared out all her own baggage. But since she didn't all that unresolved stuff with all the other ladies came out and smacked her in the face.
  3. The only thing that would have been better is if both Theresa and Wes come back and eliminated Nany and Johnny!
  4. Looks like it's in Duluth. It's not too far from where my family lives in Grayson/Lawrenceville. Not a big money area, but lots of really nice houses with lots of acreage.
  5. PJs and wine for me as well, probably while I moisturize and twist my hair.
  6. I loved Drip Drop, but my new favorite is the other Tianna/Hakeem duet, Keep it Moving, that they sung at the "Teen Choice-Type Awards". It didn't grab me the first time I heard it on the show, but now I listen to it over and over again. The whole thing is so damn catchy and it makes me dance in my car!
  7. Thanks for that. That's some straight up fuckery right there. Sounds like that season was a hot mess! Nia and Jordan seem to have a very odd and complicated relationship.
  8. I'll add the Drew and Cassie pants from The Limited. I usually check their final sale page on their website where they usually have some version of those pants for super cheap, and the color/design I choose is usually dependent on what is still in my size.
  9. It might be a compliment, but it is inappropriate for her boss to make such comments about her at all. He said another similar comment to both Porsha and Claudia as they were exiting that BS staff meeting he called.
  10. I couldn't understand why Leroy was going in so hard on Sarah. Did he not see the last episode where Johnny TOLD Sarah and Jordan to use Leroy as the sacrificial lamb??? I don't buy Nia's tears. She's a psycho.
  11. Say what now?? Such a great episode. I could have done with less Sarah crying, but more power to both her and Jordan for sticking with and defending their decision. Nia, Nany, and Bananas just proved what assholes they were with that entire scene of them in bedroom talking negatively about Sarah loudly so she could hear them. Took me all the way back to Junior High. Also glad that when Johnny tried to put down Jay, that Jay stood his ground and held his own against Johnny and all his sour fucking grapes. So happy to see Leroy manhandle Johnny in that elimination! I was kinda hoping for a tie, with a Nany win, so that the third match would be Johnny and Leroy again.
  12. He really is one of the better looking of the men in the cast. The puppy dog eyes, flowers, and sincerity about wanting to date were kinda cute. But he needs to take all that sappy shit somewhere. "He brought you into my life." Eh, okay.
  13. Why does it seem like Rickey is always saying some inappropriate shit about the women who work for him? Thicker than a snicker? Sounds like some HR shit.
  14. He actually outright told Sarah and Jordan to throw Leroy in! Shut up, Johnny! You're proving to everyone that you are in fact the hypocrite we all thought you were.
  15. I'd like to know what song Cisco is always listening to inside his head, cause his internal metronome is always going triple time to the song that's actually playing. Glad Rich but Diamond in her place, but he's an idiot who doesn't see his fault in any of this shit. He led her on, fucked her, and then stood there as she told people she was his woman without correcting her. Your fault dude, not hers. He did the same thing with Johnnie. How are you trying to be her manager when you know she has feelings for you, but instead of keeping it about business, you fuck her, and then is pissed off when she acts out passionately over you? The trend here, is that he keeps sticking his dick in crazy ass women and expects to come out of it unscathed each time. One of them is bound to Lorena Bobbitt his ass the next time he takes them to a bathroom stall. I really don't understand the Chink/Chrissy business. He is married and expects her not to say anything and just accept it. Hmmm. And while he gets everything he wants the way he wants it, she has to run everything by him for his approval and say so? Get the fuck outta here with that shit.
  16. Lol at the person who wrote "take a seat and reevaluate your hair!" Hee!!
  17. This, to me, is Nene's main problem. She doesn't understand how to just be cordial and polite. You don't like someone, fine, but that doesn't mean you need to give them the stink eye or say something rude to them every time you see them, especially when you're at events. Say, "good afternoon" and keep it moving. You don't even need a "nice to see you" if you don't feel like it.
  18. Nene's outfit looked like a jumpsuit to me.
  19. Nene looked like she stuck her head out of the window of her car, like puppies do, on her way over Phaedra's house. And she thought she was styling! Poor Ayden took one look at her head and was struck speechless. He just chomped on his Doritos and took it all in.
  20. She can't because then she'd have to admit to her fire Cynthia campaign that she did after the filming of the season. I loved how she threw it back to Cynthia with her "tell me what I did to you", knowing that Cynthia wouldn't be able to verbalize it. Glad that Kandi brought up, you know, after she finished her chicken strips. It certainly stemmed from all Nene's pontificating, because everyone was having clear reaction to the nonsense she was spewing. The therapist was trying to get at the reasons for those reactions before moving forward and jumping into the actual problems. He just wasn't counting on Nene's combative responses, or her complete rudeness to him. What did she say to him, something along the lines of he doesn't represent her and he doesn't know her like that? It was just so out of line and immature. I agree with whoever said up thread that what the ladies where saying to Nene was very modest. And she took it all like the "grown woman" she is. Did she really expect that she would be the only one to speak and to tell the other women how wrong they all are? I think she got a rude awakening. Unfortunately, she won't change anything, because she knows it all (just like she doesn't need acting lessons).
  21. Have you tried wedges? They're much more comfy that heels, as long as the angle isn't too steep, and they always look cute.
  22. Flip flops are alive and well in Miami! But you have to buy the nice/expensive ones with support to not damage your feet, like Tevas or Reefs. And unfortunately, so are Uggs. Why people need those down here, I will never understand!
  23. I chuckled when someone, I think it was Jamal, said, "you know that's a tragedy right?" followed by a confused look on Hakeem's face. It would be great if in the next episode they had a scene of Hakeem checking out the Liz Taylor movie on Netflix or something.
  24. Yes! And they obviously learned those scowls they're always sporting from her.
  25. I think Joyce is the one standing and Nora is seated. They both look great.
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