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Everything posted by luckyroll3

  1. I suspect that part of the issue is that Todd has no interest in discussing all their marital issues on screen. So while he recognizes it's part of the "story line" he's only going to give the bare minimum. Plus he knows exactly how Kandi is going to react.....with the rolling of her eyes and not wanting to get into it. Which is exactly what she did. If I knew that every conversation we had with differing views would get that reaction, I would multitask too. Loved that Todd recognized that Dr. Sherry(?) didn't help them resolve anything or provide any realistic solutions, you know, cause she sucks.
  2. I have not seen this season. Where is it available?
  3. To me, Johnny's reaction came across as more of like an "oh shit, they are really going at it!", whereas Theresa was beaming with self satisfaction. And yes, almost everyone on all these shows are ridiculously petty!!
  4. He didn't disagree that much, or he would have said something to TJ. I agree with the poster above who said that Jordan was voicing his "no"s out loud while secretly saying, "hell yes!", so that Johnny wouldn't hold it against him.
  5. Maybe next season or season 3 they will SORAS Lola, and she returns as a vengeful, oversexed teenager who wants her shot in the music business!
  6. Hahahahaha! This made my morning! Thank you! Now I am energized enough to stop procrastinating and get ready for work.
  7. Usually when they kick off someone their partner goes with them (how many ti es did this happen to Sarah? Two, three times?) So maybe because of Wes' injury, they couldn't bring him back as well, and the compromise was to pair Leroy and Theresa?? I bet once Nia got kicked out, Johnny thought he secured his way into the finals. Very interested to see how this whole thing plays out.
  8. I noticed that as well. Despite her claims, Theresa is a mean girl, through and through, and she was all too happy to have someone attack Nany.
  9. During the first run, Wes tried to take out Leroy's legs; during the second one, he definitely just collapsed, probably trying to prevent further injury. I was very impressed with Theresa holding Nia back during the second run. If I was her, I would have dragged Nia's thumb sacking as all the way back with me as I inched closer to my bell and her further from hers.
  10. I thought it was a big leap for Tommy to assume it just had to be Jake. Also, as many of you have said, it's super obvious. Plus, who killed glioblastoma girl, if Jake and Lindy where out of town and getting it on during that time. I really hope there's a partner. I suspected it was Tommy, or maybe Ben, back from "the dead" as is often common in R.L. Stein books.
  11. Diamond is crazy for TV. However, I think that Johnnie chick would fuck somebody up and leave the body on the side of the road.
  12. I just couldn't with how gleeful Nany and Bananas were at the sight of Wes getting hurt. Dude is on the ground, they call the medics out, and even fucking TJ of all people was suggesting he bow out, and we all know how the Teej feels about quitters, and you assholes are laughing?!? Get the fuck out of here. So glad they got voted in. Especially seeing the smug look on both Bananas and Nany's faces when they heard Sarah/Jordan were the power couple. In your face Johnny! Sarah was as "callous" as you were when you did all your shady shit in every challenge you've won. Fucker. I wholeheartedly believe that he would have thrown Sarah and Jordan in if he and Nany had won. Sucks that Leroy and Nia came in last when Leroy was the ONLY one to make it to the end. I'm not saying they should have came in first, but that should have counted for something. Although, we couldn't have asked for a better final elimination round in the absence of Wes/Theresa. Leroy has the best chance of sending Johnny home....again. Nia still sucks her thumb?
  13. Where do we go to watch Untucked?? I can't believe it's not being aired after the show.
  14. Yup. That was this season. There were no likeable people at all on this season. I mean, I always like Wes, and even he was working my nerves, albeit in response to the complete utter doucheyness of the rest of his team
  15. Yup. That was this season. There were no likeable people at all on this season. I mean, I always like Wes, and even he was working my nerves, albeit in response to the complete utter doucheyness of the rest of his team.
  16. Does Richie not have a house? Why is he always fucking women in restaurant bathrooms. He's disgusting. And Diamond is definitely working hard to stay on this show. At least she had enough sense to demand he turn his mic off while they were doing whatever.
  17. To add on to the above post, Katie was pissed and swinging the plunger around because JEK put it on her bed....twice!! It was absolutely disgusting and they all just sat there and laughed, including Sarah, who at the time was trying so damn hard to fit in. And she didn't care about the stupid stuff they did to other people, until Kenny started treating her like shit too. Sarah just rubbed me the wrong way sometimes during this entire challenge.
  18. I don't think Todd minded being "Mr. Kandi". When they were engaged, he happily stayed at home and turned down jobs because Kandi asked him to. But once she started with the whole, "you can't have none of my money; you need to make your own" business, all while continuing to beg him to turn down jobs, I think he saw the light. He went through with the marriage cause, I genuinely believe he does love her, but now, like he said in the episode, he knows exactly who she is. And I think he's trying to figure out whether he can suck it up and deal with the "real" her or if he needs to move on.
  19. Heard about this on a podcast this morning and I immediately thought about Kandi and Todd. The 4 Horsemen of Divorce
  20. Exactly! Cause this is was Cynthia did all the years she was friends with Nene. Not! Cynthia couldn't care less about the "wrong" Nene did to the other ladies until Nene was rude to her and Peter. Cynthia has no leg to stand on here. And I am one of those who applauded her for finally standing up to Nene, but c'mon girl, you can't expect people to do something you yourself couldn't do. Especially over something that y'all don't know is true and are using to rile up Phaedra.
  21. This episode was a hot mess all around, from beginning to end. Why does Porsha think she has the right to tell Kandi to choose between anything. The relationship Kandi and Phaedra have is none of her or Nene's business. I get that they feel since they are now Phaedra's "friends" they can get in the middle, but Phaedra didn't ask them to. In fact, Phaedra didn't even bring Kandi up, one of them did. It just bugs me when other people try to dictate relationships that have nothing to do with them. And I'm sorry, I find it laughable that Nene of all people is trying to set up a therapy session for the group. I'm just glad the doctor called out her out and told her explicitly that just because she's the organizer doesn't mean she gets to sit out and observe, that she needs to participate. We all already know Nene never wants to hear anything negative said about her, true or not, so this should be interesting. And oh yeah, Shut Up, Cynthia!!
  22. Forgot to add that Todd was completely right in his assessment of Kandi as someone who expects to get her way all the time and if she doesn't she will get difficult. She learned that shit from her mama.
  23. I'm not necessarily saying they got married because of the sex, but it seems to be what initially drove the relationship at its start. Some people never fully develop their relationship beyond sex which ultimately causes problems, especially if they end up getting married. I agree, Cynthia knew marrying Peter was probably not a good idea, but she had to prove everyone else wrong. Kandi is out of her damn mind if she doesn't think that prenup debacle isn't contributing to what's going on currently in her and Todd's marriage. She essentially told Todd he needed to make his own money cause he can't have none of hers. There's absolutely nothing wrong with that, especially considering Kandi's net worth; however, she then can't be upset that he's intent on booking as many jobs as possible even if they are out of town. She can't have it both ways. Kandi wants to leave a legacy/fund for Riley in case anything happens to her; why would she think Todd wouldn't want to do the same for his child. And if they aren't sharing resources, then he needs to do what he needs to do. Notice as soon as he brought up the prenup she instantly got really defensive, even going so far to physically lean away from him. But then she wants to come back at him with her tired-ass "I wonder if he's cheating......[then in talking head] Why didn't he answer the question if he's cheating?" I wanted to smack her.
  24. What channel is this on??? The first I'm hearing about it and I loved the original movie.
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