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Everything posted by luckyroll3

  1. Strahan didn't know any of the words! He was just opening and closing his mouth and using the mic to hide his mouth.
  2. Not when there are cameras around! Make sure that shot is covered up!
  3. True. However, I feel all the other ladies do actually listen to what people say to them.
  4. If there was any doubt that swat boyfriend was a complete, total, fucking idiot, then that went out the window this episode. What a doofus. And oh yeah, SHUT UP GWEN!
  5. To add to what ZaldamoWilder wrote, Nene is the one who doesn't actually listen to anyone as she's always so busy talking and/or shouting over them.
  6. The dance challenge was awful. I kinda of wish every team had to do the tango, because I would have liked to see each of their takes on the male/female tango drag combo.
  7. A shirt showcasing the different wigs would also be funny.
  8. I posted this in WWHL thread yesterday afternoon. It's similar to what is written on the Tamara Tattles link above.
  9. "Check my warrents, bitch!" It doesn't get any better than that! But I also like "Who gonna check me, boo?"
  10. Of course I can't find the article I read this morning, but according to folks who attended the expo, the 2 of them never exchanged words. Apparently, they were booked one after the other (Wendy at 1:00, Nene at 1:30). Supposedly, Wendy completely ignored Nene, did her talk and left the stage. When Nene went to the stage, as Wendy was backstage signing books, Nene made several snide comments/jabs. While she didn't mention Wendy by name, it was allegedly obvious that she was referring to Wendy, which pissed off the husband. Just found it! http://atlantadailyworld.com/2015/05/04/nene-leakes-and-wendy-williams-go-at-it-again-at-womens-expo-in-atlanta/
  11. Forgot to add my major eye roll when Nene pulled out her new T-shirts that say "You're right. I'm wrong." Shut up Nene.
  12. Ugh. I can't stand either Shaunie or Tami. However, it might be real interesting to see them go toe to toe with Miss Jackie.
  13. Loved watching Grandma get down with her walker!
  14. I will say that her hair finally looked great. And so did that blazer she wore. As for Nene herself, I'm so tired of her thinking she's too important to answer people's questions, including Andy's. She kept talking over him, as if she was in charge. I kinda wish Andy would pull her to the side and just say, "look, if you want to continue to come on here then you need to stop acting like a prima donna."
  15. Except she DID flirt with Peter. Multiple times. On camera. And made references to it in her talking heads. And like Kenya tried to say to Nene before she started huffing and puffing about her marriage, Kenya didn't say that Nene was trying to sleep with him, just that she was also flirting and people sometimes flirt just for fun. I would have more respect for Nene if she'd just admitted she had flirted with Peter but both Peter and Cynthia knew it was a joke, instead of getting super defensive over something we all saw her do. Andy kept trying to say this to Nene on WWHL last night, and of course, she kept talking over him. I definitely felt for Kandi last night. Especially when they would cut to Phaedra sitting there trying to come up with something to say when she knew Kandi was telling the truth. Phaedra came across as such the shitty friend who's problems are much more important than your problems.
  16. Phaedra says to Cynthia in the next episode, "you in my Aquafina sitting on cap n crunch..." What in the hell does that mean?
  17. Kandi was absolutely not having it at the reunion. She wasn't smiling, laughing at jokes, nothing, for the entire hour.
  18. The Poo girls were awful! One, I thought they were supposed to be pregnant. I didn't understand they were "trying" to be fat until the judges commented on it. Two, it wasn't until the final video that I realized that it was angel/devil scenario. FAIL all around! I don't understand why Katya didn't win the reading challenge. And how could the not show Ru's face when that one queen, I think it was Miss Fame, bombed all the reads?
  19. I straight up laughed when the self-professed "Princess of THOTlandia", who not that long ago dragged another woman off a couch and across a stage floor by her hair, then proceeded to throw a flailing leg and arm tantrum about it, had the nerve to tell someone else "to look inside themselves". Girl, that's the pot calling the kettle and demanding her ramen noodle wig back!
  20. Yeah, Mica's short dark wig is really unfortunate. It looks like it belongs on one of the ladies from RHoA.
  21. I agree with most of this, however, I understand why Kandi is having issues with this. Nene is someone who has been shitty to both Kandi and Phaedra, and I'm sure both ladies have kiki'd together over how awful Nene has been to them at one time or another. But to then have Nene come tell you that that same close friend, who as far as you know doesn't roll with Nene "like that", has an issue with you - that sends up a whole lot of flags. Remember, Nene told Kandi, "You and Phaedra need to work out your issues." While it may be true that Phaedra never discussed that with Nene, she certainly implied it and (I believe) knew how it would come across to Kandi, who of course was now hurt her close friend hadn't told her they had a problem. Plus, couple that with the way Nene has treated her "Friends" in the past....I would be concerned too, if my friend was now leaning on someone like that for support.
  22. Kandi is definitely a punk when it comes to her own mother, however, she has never had an issue standing up to the other women, especially when asked to speak on it.
  23. Oh the fact sheet....The faces of the other ladies when they were handed a copy and their responses in their talking heads were priceless. Geneva needs to go somewhere with her "facts" cause her story as already changed from what she described to Chantelle last week. She definitely had an "oh" face when the lawyer dude told her to watch what she said about the incident to other people as it could be used against her. Demetria cracked me up when she told Arzo she needed to "simmer down". Arzo's working real hard to keep her "heels". Daisy's scene with her staff made me tear up. My staff is also young, high school and college students, and I also refer to them as my kids.
  24. Kandi was spot on with everything she said tonight. It seems as if Nene decided she was going to try to be humble by using that statement. However, she's too damn dense to realize that each time she accompanied the phrase with an eye roll, any attempt at appearing humble went out the window. I would have had more respect for her if she came to the reunion with her mind set on not over talking the other ladies (especially while demanding they be quiet when she speaks), but instead listening to and processing what they had to say before she gave a response. But this is wishful thinking on my part! Although I recognized Claudia's face and name, I really had no idea who she was. I googled her, but I didn't see any of this stuff about her "whorish" ways (and honestly I didn't do a deep search for it either). What was out there about her before the show? Lol! I don't understand why she just couldn't say something along the lines of "he's having a tough time right now, but we're working through it as a family." Her constant posturing of everything is fine and nothing is ever wrong with me, similar to Phaedra's, is just so off putting. She kept appearing in most of the clips they showed, and I kept saying, "who the hell is that? Oh yeah, what's her name....."
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