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Everything posted by luckyroll3

  1. Karen of all people questioning someone else's ethics?!?! Karen who slept with a patient, then slept with his child after he died?!?! I doubt Karen even knows what the word ethics means.
  2. I don't think she and Leon were ever married. Engaged maybe.
  3. I think we all know this is not the first time Peter has cheated, nor is it the first time he was caught. It's just the first time he was caught on social media for everyone to see. She's so dam defensive about her marriage that she'll let Peter get away with just about anything to save face.
  4. I was really hoping the grief would drive him to cut his awful, awful hair. Maybe next season....
  5. Yes! This was all kinds of hot! I rewound several times....
  6. You better watch it.That's speculation, according to the totally inept judge. Why are all the adults on this show so awful at their job??
  7. I don't think he knew she was the donor. And It seems like he met her when the girls were a few months old. I'm not sure why the lawyer thinks using the affair is a win for Lori. To me, it further highlights her crazy obsession by purposefully targeting him, with the intention of trying to get closer to the kids so she could kidnap them. And why isn't the prosecution bringing up the fact that she signed away her rights, then unlawfully broke into medical files and tracked down the family?? Oh yeah, because that would make too much sense!
  8. Wow! What the hell is he apologizing for if he "wasn't cheating". What an idiot. Actually, Cynthia might be the bigger moron.
  9. unfortunately, this was more realistic than the 16 year olds living by themselves or being left behind to deal with the irs/fbi or being called by a doctor because their kidnapper residing in a mental institution attempted suicide.
  10. What judge would tell a jury to disregard the fact that a kidnapper had a gun and the kidnapped believed the gun was used to keep her from escaping because that belief was "speculation"?? And how is a 17 year old served?? And what was the point that of having Carter and Max sleep together if it didn't actually affect anything? And why am I still watching this show? I think it might be written by a 12 year old.
  11. If your inseam is 1 inch or less, there's no point in wearing pants!
  12. Melyssa was asking about Demetria.I also feel gipped that they showed nothing of the fight. The hell? And where were Melyssa's after fight talking heads?? And boy or boy was yesterday's outfit awful.
  13. She looks young, but she talks a lot and responds really well to the other actors. She's definitely over 24 months.
  14. Tommy is an idiot when it comes to Holly. He broke so easily in telling her things she didn't need to know. And the reason everyone leaves the bitch is because her ass is manipulative and crazy. How in the hell did she survive a gunshot wound to the chest? And why is she not dead, or at least in a coma? She's fucking annoying. So Angela is in the dog house at work and she still had the nerve to ask for time off?? She's also so manipulative, casually running into FBI dude on the bridge, trying to be all sexy in asking him to break the law and go against his supervisor. I'm glad he shot her ass down.
  15. Nope. You heard right. That's exactly what she said.
  16. Dedra is a foul, foul woman. Since when is being African and insult? And why would she think it would be okay to say those things. She couldn't even take responsibility for any of her part in the melee. And using "I was standing up for my employee" as her defense was such a crop of bullshit. Beautii didn't bring up the money again, you did. And then you threw money in her face and were surprised she had a negative response to that? Bitch please. I thought it was nice that both LeKeisha(??) and Beautii were able to say what they had to say to each other without getting out of control. I'm not sure where Dedra was trying to go with her "I love you all" spiel. She was being so fake, and she lost her shit when she got some very valid criticism. She has some serious issues. I'm already tired of Maja and her coins. If she's so much better than everyone else, then why is she working so hard to go into business with the other ladies? And she needs to watch herself talking shit about people from Miami!!
  17. I believe Grant is actually their kid. If I'm remembering correctly, everyone was shocked to learn that Elizabeth was pregnant with Grant.
  18. Maybe. I really don't remember. What I do remember is that Emma sought him out and was surprised at his condition.
  19. She did let Emma meet him when Emma asked about her dad that one time.....
  20. If my son had the nerve to get engaged before talking to me and didn't have a job, didn't go to school, and still lived in my house and ate my food, I would knock his ass out cold. Then kick him out. I think he's trying to get his own show or something (or Traci is trying to get her family a show). All his lines come across as a stunted delivery, like he's trying to remember what he's supposed to say/do. But he's not charismatic, funny, interesting, or good looking, so fail on all fronts.
  21. That Yesterday....so eloquent. That must be what Argo sees in him.
  22. How is it that everyone on this show is so self-centered, with the exception of the girl who got kidnapped, the boy who got shot, and the other boy who's invisible (and only appears for 5 minutes each episode). I could feel some sympathy for Taylor is she wasn't being such a hypocrite and if she hadn't been a gigantic bitch to both Max and Carter (and also Ofe) for the entire season. Right, but Carter has dealt with a lot to, with little support from her sister. And in that moment between her and Max, she was also trying to cope. My problem here is that Carter and Max weren't actively trying to hurt Taylor, but I can't say the same about her. Also, what kind of idiots trade in a stolen car????
  23. What was Ellaria talking about when she said that her relationship was Oberyn was also frowned upon. Were they also related, or just unmarried??
  24. This is exactly what I was yelling at the TV when he made his threats! Last time he went up against Ethan, with an entire crew bearing guns and knives, he lost. Probably the only reason he's even still alive is because wolfman Ethan was full from eating Roper's friends and could only get through half his face before giving up on the rest of the meal and finding somewhere to take a nap. For a man who lost half his face in the process, he certainly has some balls.
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