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Everything posted by luckyroll3

  1. My stupid DVR only recorded 30 minutes of this, and of course, it's nowhere on the upcoming schedule again. Recap anyone?
  2. His brother (remember, his brother??), helped him to lose weight the "right way", since he was an athlete.
  3. Urban decay has released or is about to release 24/7 waterproof eyeliner specifically for the waterline. I use Rimmel kohl and it lasts all day, sometimes 2 days when I forget to wash it off (bad, I know!).
  4. Tamar's better than me, cause I yelled out, "hey, Tamar said the same thing!" And it's interesting that when Tamar said it, they all sat and stared at her blank faced. When Traci says it, everyone wants to know what they can do to help, to make her feel better. Traci sounded awful in her soundcheck. As someone said upthread, she doesn't show a lot of interest in perfecting her craft. She only seems to rehearse the day of or before. She's so busy following her sisters around that she really doesn't focus on herself. And seeing her there singing back up for Toni only to be pulled for one song, it all finally made sense why Tamar chose to stop being a bop bop doowop (or whatever the fuck they say) chick. How are any of them supposed to make careers of their own when they always are behind Toni or Toni is seen as "the singer" and them as "the backup".
  5. What the heck happened to the Connor/Jenna storyline. And why was it so do random??? Animal attacks and 7 foot snakes? The hell?
  6. I don't believe for a second that Audra wouldn't have challenged Ms. Pill in not allowing Drew to walk. Seemed really out of character for her, especially after the awesome smack to the head a couple of scenes earlier. Glad Imogen finally saw the know it all, above it all, annoying Jack.
  7. Same thing happened to me. The DVR didn't get the notice to update the time, so I only saw the last 5 minutes of it before 30 minutes of the last housewives episode began to play.
  8. Lisa is also not very bright, so much tends to get lost in translation with her. Golden is a straight up bitch. I don't know how the other ladies put up with her. I would have stopped addressing her and anything she said to me a long time ago. Loved hoe Elise knocked her as down effortlessly, directly, and politely. And for Golden to be all, "well we don't need to discuss it any more; end scene"....well let's just say I would have lost my shit and Elise is a better woman than me. Paula continues to be a loon. She and Jackie Christie would probably make great friends. They should use those two as replacements for Nene and Kim's now defunct road trip show.
  9. I was also wondering about this. First off, what exactly was her business. Secondly, where'd she get the truck? We need more Grace-centric story lines cause she's obviously the most interesting person on the show that we know absolutely nothing about.
  10. This episode made me love Michael Rappaport even more than I already did. He's the type of person Andy needs to have on all the time - genuine housewives/reality fans who are also good sports.
  11. Since when do students vote for valedictorian? They didn't even do that on previous years. Overall, this was a great episode. Loved Connor's "glad I don't have to follow that!" when Clare walked out.
  12. That episode was actually sometime last week.
  13. Wasn't the vamp swat team in sunlight when they took care of the lawyer lady and the maid's daughter. I thought their clothes were UV proof. Why didn't they just pull up their hoods. Also, Nora is an infectious disease doctor. How does she leave Abraham without finding out how he manages to not turn into a strigoi even when consuming the worms? Seems like important info to me. By the way, can Zack die soon?
  14. She was on Bad Girl's Club? That explains why she's trying so damn hard to be relevant. She's lucky Draya and the editor caught her FUPA and had it edited out. You can't be trying hard to be sexy with a FUPA in full view. Oh, I caught this. And laughed so loud, I woke up my dog. Jackie Christie at her best! Why are you sleeping on her Audrey Hepburn look?
  15. I forgot to mention that I loved Malaysia's description of Jackie: "Jackie's a lying liar who lies. And when she's not lying she makes things up, and when she's not making shit up, she pretends it never happened...." Lol. I left out a couple rounds, but you get the gist. Also loved when Malaysia shut Jackie down about being manipulative and playing games, when Jackie brought up her real name. How exactly was that relevant to the conversation they were having, except to point out that Jackie always says some underhanded shit and tries to coat it in sugar.
  16. Oh man, Jackie needs to be studied. She's insane. So her mom's dying wish was that she keep Malaysia as a friend?? Really?? She also set up that drama between Draya and the girl trying way too hard masterfully. And when the flames weren't big enough fro their chat, she couldn't drop "Fupa" fast enough. What kind of insult is "you're a big tall, little weenie"? I thought all of Draya's outfits were super cute and I'm also loving all their lipsticks. So why exactly is Shaunie on this show? You know, besides having them all kiss her ass because she's the executive producer.
  17. She's a walking billboard for easing up on all the smoking, drugging, and boozing at a young age without a good moisturizing routine. Loved that the judge smacked Angela down about not knowing how to do her job properly. And right afterwards, she again goes to the person she's investigating and presents him with all the evidence she's collected. What competent lawyer does that?? And does she not know the words please and thank you?? She was really annoying me, more than usual, with the way she was just rudely demanding people to do things for her. Tommy needs to ease up on the coke, he doesn't need a reason to be more paranoid.
  18. Thank the fucking lord! The only thing that would have made this better, is if Johnny would have stop being an idiot and shot Carlito before going to rescue Lucia. He didn't need to kill him, but maybe a bullet to the leg to immobilize him and then leave him behind for the other cartel to deal with. Going to prison is way to decent an ending for psychotic ass like Carlito. And I'm glad Lucia dumped Johnny, cause he could have ended all this shit a while ago.
  19. I'm just trying to figure out why Traci was so damn rude to the therapist.
  20. There was no Jenna/Connor plot. They're both lucky they each got one line!
  21. Use coconut oil to get it off. I also found this article: http://www.totalbeauty.com/mobile/content/gallery/p_best_waterproof_mascaras
  22. Have you tried a waterproof mascara? Those are a lifesaver in Miami humidity. I've used Maybelline lash discovery with good results. Also, a couple of the Rimmel ones.
  23. Apparently it's going to air on Canadian Family Channel or something like that.
  24. Yes, when exactly did Zig become this sage for knowledgeable and good advice? And again, why can't a male and female pairing stay just friends without the romantic entanglements and without one of them being gay. Zig and Maya had a very short thing, once, ok, maybe twice. But their relationship recently has definitely been more brother/sister/best friend, than it has been boyfriend/girlfriend. Maya can "love" him, and they can care for each other without bringing in the other stuff. And of course, they will get caught by mom and Zig is going to get kicked out. I can already see "The Fosters"-like storyline forming in my head. I know Tristan is in pain, but I just want him to shut up. He's so damn self-involved. Maya, of all people, has a perfect life? A decent friend would recognize that everything Maya has done in the past year (months? After all these seasons, I still don't understand how time works in Degrassi-land) has been because of Cam. Oh and it was nice that they actually mentioned him last episode. I also don't like that the show seems to be letting it sit that Maya was out of line for turning Tristan and his pedophile boyfriend in. The Becky storyline reminded me of old Degrassi episodes. Just super cheesy and funny. I had several laugh out loud moments. Glad to see that Becky's mom recognized that keeping information from her kids about how to properly address and handle sexual urges and/or questions, is probably what landed her creepy-ass kid in jail. It sort of rang true to me that Clare would be the panicky mom, especially when she pulled out all her reading material. Nice to see Jenna and Connor, but once again, why was Jenna not offering any advice about anticipating the baby, since you know, she had one and also had a boy? Or are we supposed to pretend that never happened? I love little Rocky. I wish he and his water gun can be around to squirt Clare in the face whenever she get's annoying. Where's his mom. by the way? I would think there'd been some interesting drama-filled storyline between her, Dallas, and Alli.
  25. Shar is totally their opposite. However, I can't wait for her to get them together we they inevitably try to get nasty with her.
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