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Everything posted by luckyroll3

  1. Unfortunately, she's always had those bags.
  2. I forgot Winston was a year older....probably because I don't care about him.
  3. That whole situation was completely ridiculous and unprofessional. I though Shar was correct in pointing out that people don't know Lisa as an actress, so they marketed the people who are recognized as such. That's how it's done. Now, if Lisa was truly interested in getting her name out there as an actress, not just a reality star, she would have showed up to event and surprised/wowed people by sharing the things she's done acting-wise. She just lost out on an opportunity to introduce herself to 80 people as Lisa Wu, the actor. Learn how to play the game, man. And I don't know what nonsense Golden was spouting. Sounded like a lot of BS to me. I'm glad someone else noticed that that was not a workshop, but a panel discussion. I was waiting for them to do some actual acting exercises. Interesting to see Luenell, the comedian/actress sitting in the front row. I just saw her at the Essence Festival.
  4. I don't think Riley will need to be prompted to play the jealous sibling.
  5. Speaking of, where was Tristan? This is right up his alley? Or is this play only for freshmen?
  6. That's awesome! So I guess they're bringing another short, big-headed person into the world? (Sorry, channeling Mama Joyce this early in the morning....lol!)
  7. They are in the same class as Dave and Wesley.... So, is Eli just not going back to NYU??
  8. No, I noticed that as well. And since when is "student council" just the president? What happened to the VP and the X number of other reps sitting in and helping to make decisions? The over the top rules seemed to be a re thread of what happened after Vegas Night. The only thing missing was uniforms.
  9. I also do Ipsy a day Birchbox. I like Birchbox, but they send me perfume in every box, even though I put on the questionnaire I'm not a fan of them, so that irks. And Ipsy rubs me the wrong way 1) because it's so social media driven (I don't everyone in the world knowing what I'm receiving monthly and 2) because they claim diversity in the girls they use as their ambassadors, but there isn't a single person of color. But I'm willing to throw my values out the window cause I'm a bag hound and I absolutely love the variety and finding different ways to use them. I was also doing a couple of natural hair ones, but both have ended. We should start a beauty box thread and trade amongst ourselves.
  10. Oh, I see. She's revisiting her evil stepmother role from Cinderella, only this time she wasn't constrained by limiting herself to one character.
  11. I will probably say this every episode, but Jackie is a psycho. Doug had to have done something in his younger years or a previous life that Jackie is holding over him. What did you do, Doug?!? We can find you help. The way he looked down and away every time he described her was interesting. It was also interesting watching him watch Jackie for her response when Draya first asked about it. There's just something weird going on there....like she keeps him chained in the basement or something when no one else is around. This Megan chick is super annoying and comes across as super desperate. She talks a big game....In her talking heads. Can she go away? Draya had some cute outfits on in this episode.
  12. Lol! He uses that thing to suck all the intelligence out of women. Explains why Tasha and Angie do they shit they do. If James were smart, he's used those magical powers on Spy Daddy's wife.
  13. I fricking love John Cena. Can he get any more perfect? And then to hear that he's the highest wish-fulfilling celebrity for Make A Wish foundation. I would do some straight up groupie shit and throw my naked self at him if we ever crossed paths!
  14. Angela continues to be a fucking idiot. First, trying to keep the gun Holly brought her even though it wasn't the right one and continuing to call Holly over and over again on her personal cell phone. Then showing up at the precinct for Jamie, unannounced, then running to him and demanding to know where Holly was. If he didn't already know you were investigating him, he would now. How in the hell did she make it up the career ladder? She's an idiot! Still can't stand Holly, but at least she smartened up. But I don't know why she thought Tommy would choose her over Jamie. He's never chosen her over Jamie. Plus, she's living in a fantasy world if she thinks once the feds get Ghost, that they'll just let everybody else go. Angela doesn't have the authority to make any sort of deal while she's doing all this off the book, and by that I mean illegal and unethical, shit. The rest of her team isn't that incompetent. They are going to try to take down the entire organization, and Tommy is front and center, side - by - side with Ghost; Tommy would be the next to fall, especially since they already have a lot of shit on him. And I don't know what the hell Tasha is doing with ole dum - dum Shawn. Especially without a condom....She better watch out she doesn't get pregnant with a big - headed, dumb baby. That's the last thing she needs. And who thinks Shawn is gonna open his big ass mouth and get himself in a shit world of trouble. Idiots all around.
  15. Tamar isn't going anywhere. I noticed during the last episode that she, Vincent, and Toni are all listed as executive producers of the show. The other girl's names were nowhere to be seen.....
  16. Hate the new Zach. At least the original was cute kid. Also, Season 1 Zack was never that rude or disrespectful to people. Did they decide to change his characterization along with the actor? What in the hell were they doing to the poor blind kids???
  17. His complete smack down of all of them was glorious and thoroughly enjoyable. However, he failed to give them an action items or strategies to help work through their issues. So once again, they never actually solved anything. The niceness will only last for so long before they're all back at each other's (or Tamar's) throat again. And I normally can't stand babies, but Logan is absolutely adorbs!!
  18. The nose in those old pics of her are clearly pointed downward, unlike her new one that's pointing to the damn sky! More power to her (and her surgeon) for duplicating Brielle's nose, but we're all not dumb or blind.
  19. I thought the same thing. Although, when they showed some of her clips from last year, it was evident that she had lost some weight....just not a whole lot. But her ass did look great! Can't say the same for that short black wig she was sporting at her party. Speaking of, nice of Ray J to show up to promote his new business....I mean support Countess. I said this last season, and will say it again, this show would be so much better if it was just Countess and Shar. I'm glad to see the producers are manufacturing shit, er, I mean making an effort, to include Shar more this season. Nice to know that Paula is still crazy and instigating shit. She knew exactly what she was doing when she told Lisa that Elise was trying to shut everyone out of the deal. Her half-hearted attempt to "not have this discussion here at the party" was bullshit, just like her "this didn't come from me". Does she not understand the purpose of a camera? Also, is she really surprised that Forrest sits home all day doing nothing? And can someone please explain to me how "The White Sistas" equates to "Empire"? In what universe??
  20. I thought one of them looked familiar. Lol!
  21. Hey PalmettoTree! I was also at this show! I thought Courtney and Adore were both great, but I thought they looked awful. Their look wasn't as polished as I expected for two RPDR top 3 finalists. I also thought the queen who won was miles beyond the other contestants. Now the winners from the previous years were pretty fricken awesome!
  22. This morning is was revealed that Orlando has taken out a restraining order on Draya. Seems she hit him, threw his clothes in the pool, threatened to throw bleach in his eyes, and refused to leave the house. Draya is losing her damn mind. Well she's always been crazy and has never hid that. These guys always want to date the crazy ones..... There's been some debate as to whether Orlando was being a "bitch" for getting a restraining order. Most of the radio folks seem to be leaning towards that assessment. I think he made the right call, because as soon as he tries to restrain her or fight back in anyway, he'd get accused of domestic violence, which would put his job in jeopardy. Very smart of him to keep his hands to himself and get the law involved early.
  23. This chick is an awful actress. Every single thing that I've seen her in, she's been the worst of the worst. it's as if she overdoes any direction that's given to her. I really don't understand why she keeps getting hired for things. I would enjoy the show so much better if she wasn't on it. Every time she's on I cringe and want to change the channel or fast forward.
  24. I just don't think any of this is so important that it necessitates a sit down interview.....but 'd probably still watch!
  25. The way her team looked at her as she pitched ideas for the ad campaign was the one of the funniest things I've seen in a long time. All I could think is that It must be so awful to work for her....having to listen to all her cuckoo banana ideas and worrying if she's gonna lose her shirt on you for disagreeing or just breathing wrong.
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