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Everything posted by luckyroll3

  1. I wonder if Geneva's lawyer, quoted in that article, is related to Brie? They have the same last name. And oh yes, that picture is awful....especially side-by-side to Melyssa looking fabulous! Lol!
  2. But couldn't the boys see Riley's apartment from their balcony?? Or is that the Mom's apartment?
  3. Since you guys have already said everything I was thinking, the only thing left for me to comment on is that Dany's dragon necklace was everything! Where can I get one of those (and matching earrings)? I need GoT merchandising to work on that right away.
  4. Mama Joyce calling other people "nasty", is a joke. No fricking self awareness. Same with Kandi and her comment about not having any problems that she needed to work on/burn. Kandi, you're the only one who believes that. Same with Don Juan. Him trying to justify his negativity toward Matthew by saying they had a back and forth thing going.....When did that happen? Matthew was never rude or disrespectful to him. And both Don Juan and Carmon know damn well they weren't jut joking. I was cracking up at Matthew and the shee-a butter, and Todd's, "he may not know how to say it, but he has some cause he know what black people need!" Lol! Also enjoyed the OLG at the "weed factory". I guess mama Joyce really did have an amarism.... Overall I enjoyed this little special. I liked seeing them get along and have fun and try new things together. Hopefully they all will move forward from this and continue with positive relationships. Speaking of, did I miss Don Juan letting something burn?
  5. Despite rolling my eyes several times, I really did enjoy this premier. I could do without Fiddy though. There was waaaaaay too much of him in the episode. I preferred when his contact with the rest of the cast was limited. No, no are not. It was great. Especially stupid ass Angela. What the hell did she think was going to happen when she screwed up so royally on her job. And she's still living this fairytale of her and Jaime living together? This bitch must be crazy if she thinks Tasha is going to let any of her kids get within 10 feet of her. As much as I can't stand Tasha, I can't wait for her to smack Angela upside her head when they eventually meet. They could have at least put her ass in a coma. We, including Tommy, don't need her ass. But after being introduced to Tommy's mother, I know see why he's attracted to Holly; she's a younger version of his mom. I'm getting tired of Sean's stupidity/naivety. How do you work for a drug dealer and you don't know how to handle a gun? Ugh!
  6. I get you. I definitely thinks she defends her mom vehemently in public, but she knows. She can't help but to know; she's lived it! It's like I can say shit about sister, but I won't let anyone else do it, and I'll defend her to the ends of the earth. When Kandi said, she'd "drag" someone (was that Cynthia?), that was certainly something she learned about MJ. But the fact that she felt bad about it and apologized....could you ever see Mama Joyce apologizing for threating to throttle Carmon with her sandal in the middle of a bridal shop??
  7. I think even though Kandi defends her mother, she recognizes what her mother is, and tries hard not to be her mother or do the things she's seen Joyce do. I bet she's caught herself on many an occasion, and said, jeez that sounded just like my mom, and horrified herself. I've done that myself, and my mom isn't an 8th as awful as Mama Joyce.
  8. Forgot to mention Joyce's use of the word "Uff-ing" instead of "the other word" she was too polite <insert eye roll> to say, for only minutes later for her to start yelling at Carmon, "Fuck you! Get Out! Fuck you!" when Carmon asked her to stop lying. She is a piece of work. I have to give props to Kandi for not turning out to be mean spirited and vile like her mom, despite growing up with that as a role model. In the words of Dwight, how dreadful!
  9. He seemed all to happy to do so! He squicked me out this episode. When Mica greeted him at the door, she went him to give me a nice, pop kiss on the lips and he went for the deep throat. Then he kept trying to stick his tongue in her mouth while she was trying to talk. He just came across as to damn eager. Melyssa and Argo. I hate when people say, "I didn't bring this up to start drama" when they totally did. Own up to your shit stirring.
  10. No one else caught that first look last night??? Man, it was crazy. I don't know how people deal with someone like Mama Joyce. Just mean spirited and stubborn as all get out. Her and Carmon's entire confrontation had me laughing because MJ sounded like a lunatic. Nothing she said made sense, except for the fact she heard from someone who heard from someone else, that someone's husband suspected that Carmon and Todd did something. And someone how that means it's definitive proof and she knows it's the absolute truth until Carmon/Todd provide proof of otherwise. I'm just curious to know what kind of proof, exactly, is she looking for? She kept going on and on about Carmon and Kandi's hair and something about that event that one time; it was a ball of confusion. It's very obvious her issue is with men, any men, in general. I thought it was interesting when Carmon said Mama Joyce took her problems with Todd and transferred them to her. While I think that's true, I also believe MJ never liked Carmon and was just waiting on the right "word from the street" to force a crack between Carmon and Kandi's relationship, and she thought throwing Todd in the mix would kill two birds with one stone. Unfortunately, that backfired and continues to do so!
  11. Watching the second half now. I just can't with Towanda. "I don't know if Tamar is coming...." Me: Cause you didn't invite her to the party bitch! How convenient of her to leave that part out. It's another perfect set up by Towanda. If Tamar comes and tries to get into with Towanda for leaving her out, she looks like the drama queen starting shit at the party. If she doesn't come, it looks like she's being selfish because she found out and chose not to go out of spite. It's quite a magnificent feat. Traci looks exactly like Evelyn in the talking heads with the short honey, colored wig.
  12. I second this! I wonder if any of them would actually come back. I know it's a hell no for Aubrey. He's still sensitive about Jimmy getting cut, like he's sensitive about everything, lol! But the others might be receptive. Are any of them, besides Aubrey and Jake doing anything significant right now?
  13. Lol! I've been out of town. Just got back today and managed to catch half of it before having to run out again. I found it interesting how Towanda tried to convince us in her talking head that she helped Trina pack the day before. Anyone else see her? Cause I sure didn't. Trina and Tamar's relationship, I beleive, is a direct result of Towanda's manipulations. Notice how, when earlier this season, Trina said she was going to see Tamar's show, Towanda's response was something along the lines of, oh really? Why? She does the same thing to Traci. She knows exactly what to say to both of them, in regards to Tamar to get them riled up. Then she just sits back and acts like she doesn't get why they're so upset. And how not surprising that she didn't invite Trina and her boys to stay with her family.Trina's talks with her boys were great. I love that she knows them well enough to have separate and different types of conversations with them. Her talk with Eric was so sad and made me misty. And little Caleb cracked me up with his no nonsense, "no, I'm not surprised", especially after Eric said it was so shocking and he was concerned. Eric seems like a sweetheart, especially when he asked his mom if she needed a hug. But what's up with that hair, though?
  14. Just got into town and finally watched. Oh my gawd; that Gabe kid is an asshole! Why is he always all up in everybody's personal business?? First his dad, who is an adult; and now Taylor, who he hasn't given the time of day since.....has he ever given her the time day? So glad he got a face full of mud. This show is really working my nerves. If they were going to have Taylor find something, why would it be Carter's necklace? Carter is ALWAYS in Max's truck. That wouldn't be unusual or out of place. A condom wrapper would have made more sense. Although I don't know why I'm expecting things on this show to make sense.
  15. Just rewatched one of the episodes and noticed that it was Carmon who suggested Matthew go shopping with the OLG. Then when Matthew says that he kind of wanted to go skiing, she looked at him and said with pursed lips, "Well maybe you can go skiing another time." This bitch. Matthey is too nice. You read my mind on all of this. I wonder how long it will take her to repeat how she don't give a shit about Kaela? And she was trying real hard not smile when she brought up how Todd went to get a drink. So what. I was just glad Todd shut her ass down with a, "can we get back to the point of the conversation" transition. He didn't even give her little assumption the time of day. Good for him. I do believe that one day, between all the nagging family and Kandi's indifference to her family's behavior, he's going to blow and absolutely lose his shit..
  16. Is it cancelled just on TeenNick, or is it cancelled in Canada as well??
  17. I remember Kenya talking about a hair care line sometime after her first season. Glad she's finally doing it, cause her hair is pretty amazing.
  18. lol! I was so unprepared for that as I am on my phone and had to scroll down a bit to see the entire pic. My outburst of laughter woke my dog.
  19. wow! He's 27?!?! I need to know his skin care routine, stat. I thought for sure he was 21, 22.
  20. He was all, "Fuck, yeah, I just stole your entire army! And what?" The look of utter disbelief on the face of everyone in that canoe, so much so, that the oars were stopped in mid air, was beyond priceless. Great fucking scene!!
  21. Yes. She's bitching about a FREEEEEEEE vacation, as if she had to go help somebody move or some shit. She knows good and well that if it wasn't for this trip, she probably wouldn't have even left Atlanta during her vacation, unless it was to take the OLG to the casinos. Some people are just fucking ungrateful and never satisfied with anything you give them.
  22. I agree with this. If Demetria really wanted to work through this, she would have engaged in a more fruitful conversation with Daisy. It seems like Daisy certainly has some unresolved issues with regards to her and Demetria's past drama, and that's where most of this is stemming from. Especially if she feels like she still doesn't know/understand why her and Demetria fell out. Geneva is so the type of person to do something like this. I would not be surprised if it was all for show!
  23. I know. But one can always hold out hope! Lol!
  24. There was some mention about additional tax credit breaks for filmmakers in Chicago, I believe. We had something similar in Miami for the past 5-7 years, where everything was being filmed down here because it was cheaper. That ended last year, I believe, and now most of the smaller companies that filmed down here have moved to other places like Atlanta where the incentives are better.
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