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Everything posted by luckyroll3

  1. I think she said mammals, not mammoths. I really can't wait for Ethan to tear Hecate's limbs apart. She's just too damn smug for me.
  2. I didn't realize she was actually leaving. Good riddance! Although, I certainly wouldn't have minded seeing her go toe to toe with Kim Fields. Kim is not known for mincing words or backing down. I would have also wanted to see if Nene would have gone the pleasant route with her, since she is well known and "for real" or try to snub her for having a higher status. Is Nene moving to a prime time scripted show? To play herself....again? I really hope Kim Kardashian isn't on this show, because one bad actress is plenty.
  3. Ah, yes. I vaguely remember that. Thanks for the reminder!!
  4. How could they not show us how Dorian "heals" himself? Did he have to go to the painting to do so? Bathe in the blood of children, like on Salem? What? You'd think that after revealing the portrait, they'd continue to give us some more bits to keep us satisfied.
  5. It's definitely not unusual for people in Miami to buy real estate using cash. It's so damn common, even for the million dollar properties, that most people/places will turn you down if you need to finance through a mortgage. It's annoying. That being said, the people with that kind of money, don't rent, they outright own their shit. I wonder, too, what Jamie's day to day job was before the club. It couldn't have been just the laundromats. They're showing off way too much money for that.
  6. I absolutely love your description of this and it makes sense within the context of what we were shown. I love the idea of Dorian being chained to the painting in such a way that he can't escape from it, and his always "looking for new experiences" is a way to break free from that, even if only for a moment of pleasure. It kinds of gives this perception of him as a tragic figure, which is so overt in all the other "monsters" presented on the show, but hasn't been for him because of how vain and selfish he comes across as. I don't know....this view makes me even more interested to learn more about the direction they're going in with him.
  7. So I'm guessing Jamie's name isn't on the lease?? That's the only way he wouldn't be allowed up into his own residence. And why the hell are they renting??? Yeah, that was a bit of shock to learn they're reason he went away, and now makes sense why he's been trying to undermine Jamie. And I bet anything that the entire plan was Tasha's! I'm confused as to why Jamie hasn't told ANYONE what he's discovered in the past couple days. The first thing he needed to do when he returned was talk to Tommy and let him know 1) Rolla didn't order the hit and he's pretty sure Kanan did and 2) Angela is investigating Tommy. Tommy is clearly too damn trusting, but give him a fucking heads up. Tommy also should have told Tasha about Angela, and the reason he was "with" her again is because she's investigating them. Leaving out important info is going to bite him in the ass....like getting kicked out of his own home. Idiot! Yes, please. A fiery, stabby, flay-y Game of Thrones type death. It can't come soon enough. Holly knew exactly what Tommy would think when he saw the two glasses and she said that Julio was there. Tommy is a dummy; he doesn't need much prodding to leap to the wrong conclusions. Ghost really needs to have Holly murdered and just hire Tommy some red-headed hookers to keep him busy.
  8. She had a nose job that completely messed with her face. It wasn't as bad or game changing as Jennifer Grey's, but it changed her look enough that I saw a pic of her last year and didn't know it was her. I actually enjoyed both Rose and Josh on the show. Josh has been on several times before and seems like he enjoys himself without getting too far outside his comfort zone. And Rose is just weird, and always has been. She can't help it; she grew up in a frickin cult! And I like that "I don't give a fuck"/sarcastic nature of her personality.
  9. I don't think all the sisters are jealous of Tamar. The jealousy seethes from Towanda, and she uses the different situations, coupled with Tamar's over the top reactions and defensiveness to everything, to get the other 2 on her side. She does it so well, that they can't even see that she's playing them. Tamar certainly has her issues, but she's definitely right when she says the others gang up on he at times. I've never thought about Toni being jealous of Tamar, but I can see it. The old diva being replaced by the new one. Toni always claims she's staying out of it because she wants them to work it out between themselves, but I think if she really wanted to help, she would. I thought Tamar looked amazing with the short dirty blonde, angled bob and make up in her talking head.
  10. Oh hell naw, Lucy! And of course April will just let her do whatever the fuck she wants so she doesn't get upset. And Karen, for once can you keep it in your pants??
  11. What, you don't think Tamar is the only one trying to change her truth about the reality of the situation (or whatever the fuck nonsense Towanda was spouting)??
  12. Interesting. I actually think Dorian made a deal with Lucifer, and when the time comes, Lucifer will claim his fee in the form of possessing Dorian, allowing him to walk the earth. I've thought this since season 1, but who the hell knows.
  13. She's probably known him from when he was younger; that's partly what made it extra hilarious. I was surprised that Riley had never tried a court in case before. Then again, I don't understand what kind of law she does since she's NEVER at work.
  14. Wait a minute.....His baby momma married him?!? And the crime, collecting a fake payroll check from Taco Bell printed in a McDonald's dining room. Woooooooooow!!!
  15. They also kept moving the show around to different time slots every damn week, which probably didn't help with ratings either.
  16. Not sure where this fits, but on Saturday I attended the Ultimate Miami Drag show, a local drag competition. Adore Delano and Courtney Act were both there as the "headliners" performing songs from their upcoming albums. The both sounded incredible, but aside from their faces/makeup they looked awful. Courtney outift was cute, but it looked like she didn't have a proper tuck, and Adore desperately needed a cincher. Plus the dress she had on over her leotard was some awful cow print that looked like a sleep shirt! I was disappointed with their appearance.
  17. I'm not sure what I was expecting from the picture, just that I was expecting....more. I have read the book (it's actually in my top 3), and the descriptions make it seem so gruesome and awful. Here is the portrait from the movie that was made a couple years ago. I like the rotting and the feeling of some evil there.... Compared to the original from the movie:
  18. Oh Caliban. He was such the big, bad monster threatening everybody about what's his. Then all Lily had to do toss him around a bit and threaten to fuck him and he crumbled like the coward he is. He couldn't even get past a stutter. I bet Lily has known since she got the clothes and was questioning the corset and shoes. I always thought her "if you'd like to me wear it, I will, for you" nonsense was a bit much. Also, she was definitely the one driving the sexual encounter between herself and Victor...shades of her former memories perhaps. Great episode, but I needed more Ethan chopping down trees!
  19. For reals! Milania will shank a bitch with the quickness! You definitely want her on your side behind bars.
  20. Weren't some of the sisters upset that Tamar inked her own show deal without the sisters? It was something that would come up every now again in prior episodes, but would get squashed fairly quickly.
  21. Thanks! I definitely missed this...must have been too busy rolling my eyes.
  22. How has Tommy survived so long blabbing all of his and Jamie's business to every single person he meets?? First the crackhead girlfriend, now crazy ass Kaanan. And Angela thinks it's a good idea to spill her classified work stuff because she's getting some good dick? On top of the fact, she keeps planning this "life" with Jamie and keeps pretending that his wife doesn't exists. In all their talks, they discuss the kids, but not a divorce or how Jamie plans to handle things with Tasha. Again, if she thinks Tasha is going to give up that easy, she really is an idiot. That was some nice product placement from one of our local independent schools; but they were reaching calling themselves the best.
  23. April continues to show how inept she is as a parent. From the first season, Lucy has been rude and disrespectful to her constantly. There were several instances during this episode where she needed to be slapped, then grounded. I get that April "feels bad" or whatever, but she needs to recognize that she is the adult, and she is in charge, not Lucy.
  24. They are all also being manipulated by Towanda. I am still in awe at how Towanda invited everyone to Trina's party, but Tamar. And then when Trina asked who was coming, Towanda made it seem like Tamar was "considering" the invitation and probably wouldn't come, but failed to mention each time that SHE NEVER INVITED HER! You could see that Trina was hurt, and all that did was add fuel to the fire that all the drama stems from Tamar's side. I agree with Mama Evelyn when she told Tamar that she was too defensive. It's definitely her default mode. She has a right to be defensive, especially if she feels like she's being unfairly picked on, but the other girls use that to "prove", in a way, that she's at fault; because if she didn't do anything wrong, why is she being so defensive? Her conversation with Trina would have gone so differently if she had just said, "I understand why you feel that way, but I want you to know, sister to sister, that I did not ask anyone to kick you out. It was a misunderstanding. Was I upset at what you guys did? Yes. And I should have handled it better; but you guys know I'm a drama queen! But you guys making it seem like I was the villain over something that I didn't do, also hurt my feelings. We were all wrong, and I just think we should all forgive and move forward." But that would never happen because they are all too much in their damn feelings, as they like to say. I was not a fan of Trina's friend. At all. Strike one: he didn't get out of his seat to great her until she said something. Strike two: he was being quite the jerk about the wine sniffing. Why ask her to explain what the bouquet meant, and then cut her off to tell her it was stupid to be into wine. Strike three: mentioning his Maserati. There was nothing wrong with the other "M" car Trina mentioned. Also, having a Maserati ain't that special nowadays; maybe 8 years ago when they were rare, but now there are tons of idiots spending their rent/mortgage to cover the $799/month to lease one. I agree with whoever said upthread that Trina is trying way too hard to date against her "type". Towanda's show seems like a rip off of the awesome Bravo show, Platinum Hit. And she is definitely trying way too hard to sound like Tamar....and failing.
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